Research articles

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  • This comprehensive resource offers new insights into how different types of cell and tissue change with age in C. elegans and unveils the distinctive anti-aging effects of various pro-longevity strategies in a cell-type-specific manner.

    • Shihong Max Gao
    • Yanyan Qi
    • Meng C. Wang
    ResourceOpen Access
  • The Muscle Aging Cell Atlas presents approximately 200,000 single-cell and single-nuclei transcriptomes from 17 human donors across different ages, uncovering mechanisms of aging in muscle stem cells, myofibers and microenvironment cells, and demonstrates parallels in mouse muscle aging.

    • Veronika R. Kedlian
    • Yaning Wang
    • Hongbo Zhang
    ResourceOpen Access
  • Lipid changes across the lifespan and their role in health and longevity are incompletely understood. Here, Tsugawa and colleagues conduct untargeted lipidomics across 13 sample types and four ages in mice, considering sex and microbiome dependencies. This study provides a comprehensive resource of lipid changes with aging and highlights regulatory metabolic components, such as the enzyme UGT8, as potentially responsible for male-specific glycolipid biosynthesis in the kidney.

    • Hiroshi Tsugawa
    • Tomoaki Ishihara
    • Makoto Arita
  • Isola, Ocañas et al. report age-related changes in the mouse ovarian transcriptome at single-cell resolution, demonstrating an increase in lymphocytes that corresponds to declines in collagen degradation and accumulation of multinucleated giant cells.

    • José V. V. Isola
    • Sarah R. Ocañas
    • Michael B. Stout
    ResourceOpen Access