
Retinal imaging and diagnostics

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The diagnosis and management of a number of chronic retinal conditions, including macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, has been improved by technological advances in imaging techniques, such as Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). These non-invasive techniques are able to identify clinically relevant lesions in retinal vascular disorders while avoiding the potential side effects of traditional dye-based angiography. However, high purchase and maintenance costs has prevented these technologies from being widely adopted in resource poor settings and a lack of standardisation between devices or in user training can present challenges in comparison of images between different patients. Ongoing technical improvements will address these limitations and allow these imaging techniques to be used to their full potential.

This Collection invites works that provide insight into the use of novel or existing retinal imaging technologies in new clinical applications or presents new or adaptive forms of these techniques to improve performance and better meet clinical need.

retina scan concept


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