
Micro/nano droplet array has many engineering applications. For instance, Zhu et al. reported a nanoliter droplet array-based method to quantify gene expression in individual cells1,2. By sequentially printing nanoliter-scale droplets on a microfluidic robot, all liquid-handling operations including cell encapsulation, lysis, reverse transcription, and quantitative PCR with real-time fluorescence detection, can be automatically achieved. Droplet-based microfluidic system was used to obtain lens effect by using a thin liquid layer on a polar electric crystal like LiNbO33. An array of liquid micro-lenses was generated by electrowetting effect in pyroelectric periodically poled crystals. A capacitive-type touch sensor used liquid metal (LM) droplet array4. The microsystem has three components including a thin oxide film bottom layer patterned with electrodes, a pyramid-shaped polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) chamber containing LM droplets, and a top membrane with an electrode. The overlap area between LM droplet and a flat-bottom electrode can be changed to modulate the sensor capacitance.

Self-organized droplet array can be found in bio-engineering for sample handling, test and analysis, optical engineering for image construction, and electronic industries. Modulation of drop growth and movement has made great progress in recent years. He et al.5 reported a high-efficient removal method for condensed water drops with hierarchically structured porous aluminum surfaces. Zhang et al.6 shows that the drop contact angles can be determined by the local structure of heterogeneous surfaces. Lv et al.7 demonstrated the bio-inspired strategies for anti-icing purpose. Zhang et al.8 investigated enhanced jumping of condensed water droplets by anti-icing surfaces. Liu et al.9 controlled self-propelled leaping of droplets along a prescribed direction on a micro-anisotropic superhydrophobic surface. We note that droplets can be modulated in a closed system. Huang et al.10 demonstrated the on-site formation of emulsions by controlled air plugs. Alternatively, droplets can also be generated and modulated in an open environment. Hou et al.11 showed the spatial formation of droplet on a hybrid hydrophic/superhydrophobic surface.

The generation and modulation of droplets are based on micro/nano system. The substrate material for these systems is silicon12, glass13 and PDMS14. These systems have a common nature of compact size. The overall chip size is in ~mm-cm scale. The batch-fabrication of microsystems is helpful to reduce the fabrication cost. Generation of micro/nano droplet array on a large surface is a challenge issue. How can we produce micro/nano droplet array on a ~m2 scale metallic surface? The techniques of droplet pattern formation for microsystems are difficult to be introduced for large scale utilization. The cost will be significantly increased when one shifts the microsystem based droplet generation technique to large scale utilization. The mechanical engineering does need such requirement. If one machines hydrophilic dots on a large scale super-hydrophobic copper surface, condensation heat transfer will be improved due to the delayed liquid flooding on the surface15. Very recently, Yoo et al. noted that periodic water droplets on a piece of metallic surface can be used to absorb electromagnetic wave, which is attractive for military fighter, tank and warship to avoid radar detection16.

Here, we reported a novel micro-droplet pattern mechanism in large scale on metallic surface by dropwise condensation. The device works based on the distinct three dimensional (3D) mesh screen structure, which was sintered on a copper substrate. Only bottom part of weft wires are soldered on the copper substrate, inducing non-uniform residue stress along curved weft wires. The outer and inner sides of weft wires exhibit pulling and compressive stresses, respectively. The stress is larger at the weft wire top location than elsewhere. When the sintered structure is oxidized, micron sized pits exist and there are no much nano-grasses on the weft wire top area due to the over-oxidation there. Nano-grasses grow on other locations of weft wires to show hydrophobic behavior. Thus, novel surface-energy-gradient weft wires are formed periodically. Cooling the copper substrate and mesh screen package in a wet air environment nucleated water droplets on the weft wire top location, which is more “hydrophilic” than other locations. Changing the cooling water temperature, cooling time or air humility modulate droplet size. Warp wires had higher temperatures than weft wires thus droplet nucleation seldom happens on warp wires. Because the material (copper and mesh screen) is commercialized and the sintering technique is mature, the device is cheap and suitable for large scale generation of droplet array.

Non-uniform stresses along weft wires

Preparation of test section consists of two steps: sintering a mesh screen piece on a copper substrate, and test section surface modification to create micro/nano structure. Figure 1 shows the sintering process before oxidation. The copper mesh screen is widely used in industries such as heat pipes17 and gas-liquid separator18. The mesh wire diameter is d and the rectangular pore width is w (d = 101 μm and w = 152 μm here, see Fig. 1a). The distinct three dimensional structure consists of straight warp wires and curved weft wires. In other words, the mesh screen had parallel and curved weft wires separated by straight warp wires, periodically. A copper cylinder block with a diameter of 30 mm and a height of 20 mm was carefully machined and polished by fine abrasive paper (see Fig. 1b).

Figure 1: The mesh screen sintered on copper substrate.
figure 1

(a) Mesh screen, (b) copper substrate, (c) bonding the two components by applying external force, (d) Mesh screen sintered on the copper substrate, (e) enlarged test section structure before oxidation.

The mesh screen is put on the top of the copper substrate. The two components are bonded together by imposing an external force generated by a graphite mould and a weight of 1 kg (see Fig. 1c). The compression stress induced by the weight is important to keep the close contact between mesh screen and copper substrate. This also ensures the local area soldering (not a point soldering) of weft wires with the copper substrate, maintaining relatively uniform temperatures between weft wires and copper block. Figure 1d shows the test section after sintering. The enlarged 3D structure was shown in Fig. 1e, noting that bottom part of weft wires are soldered with copper substrate. Warp wires are suspended in the air environment, but separate weft wires periodically as the supporting structure.

The sintering process under applied external force caused non-uniform stresses along curved weft wires. Figure 2a shows a mesh screen on a planar surface without external force, behaving point contact between them. When we apply an external force such as 1 kg on the mesh screen piece, the initially suspended AB points (see Fig. 2a) contact the planar surface due to the soft deformation of the material (see Fig. 2b). Correspondingly, the mesh screen height is changed from H to Hδ indicating a δ deformation in the height direction. When the external force (weight) was removed from the mesh screen, residue stress occurs. Figure 2c shows a center cross section of weft wire, periodically separated by parallel warp wires, after the sintering process. The weft wire top location was paid attention first. A coordinate system was established as O as the original point and r as the radius index. The stress is expressed as19

Figure 2: The stress analysis after the sintering process.
figure 2

(a) Mesh screen on the copper substrate before applying external force, (b) mesh screen weak deformation after applying external force, (c) stress analysis at the top area and elsewhere deviating from the top area after the sintering process when the weight was removed.

where E is the modulus of elasticity, rs is the radius at the zero stress. The positive and negative τ indicate the pulling stress and compression stress, respectively. The outer side (r > rs) and inner side (r < rs) behave pulling and compression stresses, respectively. However, when the location deviates from the top location, the original point shifts to O′ and the radius is marked by r′. The stress is

Because the curvature radius rs at the top location is smaller than that at other locations, the surface at the top location has larger pulling stress than elsewhere. Thus, a non-uniform stress along weft wires is formed. The maximum pulling stress occurs on the weft wire top location. Due to the distinct structure of the mesh screen, the distance between two maximum pulling stress points is .

Seeing Figs 1e and 2, we observed the external force applied on weft wires but not on warp wires. The weft and warp wires have identical diameter, but their spatial arrangements are totally different. Weft wires are curved in the membrane height direction but warp wires are suspended parallel to the planar copper surface. The external force directly applied on weft wire top locations causes micro-deformation, yielding residual stress along weft wires after the sintering process. However, when the external force is applied on the mesh screen piece, the center of mass along different axial locations of warp wire will be pulled down a same height, which should be very small. Thus, there is no deformation at all along warp wires to result in any force and stress on warp wires. The chemical treatment of the sintering package under the residual stress condition is the reason to form the surface-energy-gradient weft wires.

Surface-energy-gradient weft wires

The sintered sample was oxidized and modified referring to Chen et al.20 and Feng et al.21 (See details in the section of methods). A gradually enlarged SEM (scanning electron microscope) images are shown from Fig. 3a to f for the finally obtained sample. Figure 3b illustrates a typical unit of the imaged area, in which regions 1, 2, 3 and 4 referred to copper substrate area, warp wire surface area, weft wire surface deviating from the top location, and weft wire top location, respectively. The copper substrate and warp wire surface behaved CuO flower-like microstructure and nanorod arrays (see Fig. 3c,d). The enlarged SEM images show the micro-flower has a diameter of 2–5 μm while the nanorod has a diameter of about 100 nm.

Figure 3: SEM images after the chemical treatment of the mesh screen and copper substrate.
figure 3

(a) Mesh screen, (b) four regions, (c) region 1 on copper surface area, (d) region 2 on warp wire surface, (e) region 3 on weft wire surface area deviating from the top location, and (f) region 4 on weft wire top location, densely populated nanorods are on region 3 and micro-pits with few nanograsses are on region 4, respectively.

It is interesting to note different micro/nano structure on different locations of weft wire. Region 3 (see Fig. 3e) is located on the weft wire surface deviating from the top location. Densely nano-grasses are seen to behave the super-hydrophobic characteristic. Nano-grasses are seen to be inclined due to the curved weft surface. However, Fig. 3f shows that, on the weft wire top location (region 4 in Fig. 3b), the stress induced micro/nano structure can be seen. During the chemical treatment of the mesh screen sample, the weft wire top location is over oxidized to form pits22, having ~10 μm size. The micro pits structure with less nanograsses cause more “hydrophilic” than its neighboring area. The 3D ordered mesh screen structure forms the stress induced pits array.

The mesh screen sintering on copper substrate under external force forms non-uniform residual stresses along weft wires after sintering. Maximum stress exists at the weft wire top location. Oxidation of the mesh screen with non-uniform stress generates surface-energy-gradient weft wires. Droplet nucleation will take place on micro-pits array on weft wire top location due to “hydrophilic” behavior related to the neighboring hydrophobic area. This is the main mechanism to form micro droplet pattern on mesh screen.

Results and Discussion

Self-organized micro/droplet array

The condensation experiment was performed. Figure 4 shows the dynamic process of the self-organized condensation droplet array with environment temperature of Te = 26 °C, air humidity of RH = 40.0% and cooling substrate temperature of Tsub = 6.0 °C. The subfigures of a, b, d, e, g, h and i illustrate the dynamic images with consecutive time difference of 15 minutes between neighboring subfigures. The subfigures of c and f are locally enlarged images for b and e, respectively. Figure 4j–l shows the drop coalescence process with consecutive time of 10 ms.

Figure 4: Drop growth process with RH = 40%, Te = 26.0 °C, and Tsub = 6.0 °C.
figure 4

(a,b,d,e,g,h,i) Represent drop growth process with consecutive time difference of 15 minutes, (c) for enlarged (b,f) for enlarged (e,j,k,l) represent the coalescence when the drops attain the coalescence criterion with sequence time of 10 ms.

The time t = 0 is defined as the start of the cooling process (see Fig. 4a). At t = 15 min, tiny drops appeared on weft wire top locations but drops are seldom observed on warp wires (see Fig. 4b–c). Oxidization of weft wires with non-uniform stress forms “hydrophilic” pits area, which became water drop nucleation sites during condensation. Coalescence of tiny drops on weft wire top location generate self-organized droplet array pattern (see Fig. 4d,e,g,h and i). The droplet diameter is D, which is being increased by continuous cooling on the copper substrate. Four droplets form a unit of droplet array (see Fig. 4f). is the distance between two centers of neighboring droplets and does not change with time. The maximum droplet diameter is , beyond which drop coalescence occurs (see Fig. 4j–l). The similar dynamic process of the self-organized condensation droplet array for air humidity of RH = 60.0% and substrate temperature of Tsub = 1.0 °C can be found in Supplementary Movie 1.

Figure 5 shows non-dimensional drop diameters, , versus cooling time t, cooling temperature Tsub and air humility RH. It is seen that is increased by t. The transition criterion is or . Increasing air humidity RH, and/or decreasing cooling temperature Tsub, accelerate the drop growth. Quasi-uniform drop sizes are obtained. The difference between maximum and minimum diameters divided by the average value is termed as the drop size deviation, which is less than 8% for all of the tests.

Figure 5
figure 5

Drop sizes dependent on RH, Tsub and cooling time t.

Heat transfer analysis

The condensation theory23 gave the minimum energy barrier of nucleation as

where θ is the contact angle, γgl is the surface tension between gas and liquid, rmin is the minimum nucleation size24,25:

where Ts is the saturation temperature of vapor, hlv is the latent heat of evaporation and Tw is the wall temperature. Drop nucleation site is preferred to occur on hydrophilic surface, caused by decreased ΔG with decrease of θ. The weft wire top location satisfies the necessary condition because it is more “hydrophilic” than elsewhere. Tw should be sufficiently low to minimize the energy barrier. The heat transfer analysis is to (1) verify if the weft wire top location has similar temperature as that of the copper substrate; (2) estimate heat transfer rate via weft wire; (3) evaluate heat transfer rate via warp wire to see if it is much smaller than that on weft wire. If the three objectives are reached, we fully understand why the nucleation sites are preferred to happen on weft wire top locations, and warp wires contribute less to condensation.

Figure 6a,b shows typical micro-droplet array on mesh screen, which is caused by the 3D mesh screen structure and distinct thermal/fluid performance. A unit of mesh screen was selected to have a project area of (w + d)2, where w and d are pore width and mesh wire diameter, respectively. Both weft wire and warp wire are exposed in a wet air environment with a temperature of Te. Based on the correlation26, nature convective heat transfer coefficient is estimated to be hair = 22 W/m2K without condensation. Alternatively, according to Ma et al.27, the condensation heat transfer coefficient is hair,c ~ 1000 W/m2K. The Biot number characterized as Bi = hair,cdcu = 7.6 × 10−4 is much smaller than 1, where λcu is the copper thermal conductivity. Thus, temperatures are very uniform in the mesh wire radius direction. We only consider temperature distribution along axial mesh wires. Figure 6c shows physical model for heat transfer analysis. The shaded blue area represents the curved weft wire but black areas represent warp wires B and C. The curved weft wire was stretched into a straight cylinder fin with its diameter of d = 101 μm and height of L = 402 μm. The cylinder fin was sintered on the copper substrate surface with its bottom temperature of TD = Tsub. The cylinder surface is exposed in wet air environment with the temperature of Te. Warp wires did not contact copper substrate and there is a conductive thermal resistance (CTR) between warp wire and weft wire (see Fig. 6d). Momentarily, we do not consider heat transfer between warp and weft wires.

Figure 6: Heat transfer model explaining why drops are generated on weft wires and warp wires contribute less to condensation.
figure 6

(a) Photo of micro drop array, (b) 3D view of micro drop array, (c) physical model of mesh screen sintered on copper substrate, (d) thermal resistance analysis.

Based on fin heat transfer model28, the excess temperature is defined as ϕz = Te − Tz, which is

where . At the fin top, the excess temperature is

Substituting hair = 22 W/m2K or hair,c = 1000 W/m2K into m and with L = 402 μm, 1/ch(mL) equals to 0.9998 and 0.9920, respectively. Both 1/ch(mL) approach 1, indicating very small temperature difference between fin top and copper substrate.

Within a project area of (w + d)2, the heat transfer rate via weft wire surface is

Noting that in Eq. 7, the heat transfer area Aweft is πdL, where L is the fin height. Giving hair,c = 1000 W/m2K and Te = 26.0 °C, Qweft is 3.16 × 10−3 W, 2.53 × 10−3 W, and 1.89 × 10−3 W for three Tsub of 1.0 °C, 6.0 °C and 11.0 °C, respectively.

Now we consider heat transfer rate via warp wire surface within a project area of (w + d)2. The key factor to determine such heat transfer rate is the conductive thermal resistance (CTR) of air between warp and weft wires (see Fig. 6c). Based on the intercrossed contact between warp and weft wires, the average gas film thickness was given as

Correspondingly, CTR is , which is three orders larger than the conductive thermal resistance of warp wire . The heat transfer rate via warp wire surface is

where is the temperature on weft wire surface that contacts the warp wire B (see Fig. 6d), . Giving hair = 22 W/m2K and Te = 26.0 °C, TB is 2.1 °C, 6.9 °C and 11.6 °C for three Tsub of 1.0 °C, 6.0 °C and 11.0 °C, respectively. It is seen that warp wire temperatures TB are higher than those on weft wires. Thus, drop nucleation sites are preferred to occur on weft wire surface. Based on Eq. 9, QB or QC on warp wire surface is 2.02 × 10−4 W, 1.62 × 10−4 W, and 1.21 × 10−4 W for three Tsub of 1.0 °C, 6.0 °C and 11.0 °C. QB or QC is one order smaller than Qweft on weft wire surface. The analysis supports our observation that fewer droplets are seen on warp wires (see Fig. 4).

Coalescence of droplets due to surface-energy-gradient weft wires

We analyzed drop coalescence along curved weft wire surface, which is one of the mechanisms to form self-organized drop array on mesh screen. Figure 7a–c shows two neighboring drops coalescence sequence, noting 1 ms of the time difference between two images. The dynamic process can be found in Supplementary Movie 2. The physical picture is shown in Fig. 7d, in which a “larger” drop A stays at the weft wire top location, but a “smaller” drop B stays at the neighboring location. The coalescence of the two drops is called “A eats B mode”, caused by the surface energy gradient of the weft wire.

Figure 7: Fast drops coalescence with RH = 40%, Te = 26.0 °C and Tsub = 1.0 °C.
figure 7

(a,b and c) are for time difference of 1 ms, (d) shows the physical model of two drops coalescence.

A single drop was considered first. Assuming spherical drop, the ratio of a drop surface energy (G) related to its gravitational potential energy (W), K, is

where γgl is the surface tension force between gas and liquid, ρl is the liquid density and g is the gravity acceleration. Having , γgl = 72.6 mN/m, ρl = 998 kg/m3, g = 9.8 m/s2, K is larger than 695, indicating less importance of the gravitational potential energy (W). Thus, W is not considered. The Gibbs free energy is29

where θ is the contact angle, Sgl and Ssl are the gas-liquid contact area and solid-liquid contact area for a drop, which are

The drop diameter D, drop volume V and contact angle θ have the following relationship

Substituting Eqs 12–13 into Eq. 11, we get

where f(θ) is

Now we consider two drops coalescence. The weft wire top location behaves more “hydrophilic” compared with its neighboring location. Recording the top location as HP (hydrophobic, marked by red color) and its neighboring location as SHP (super-hydrophobic, marked by blue color). Before coalescence, drop A stays at HP with contact angle of θA, but drop B stays at SHP with contact angle of θB, noting θA < θB (see Fig. 8a). If the drop B has a volume of ε times of drop A (VB = εVA). Totally, the two drops have the Gibbs free energy of

Figure 8: The surface energy analysis for drops coalescence.
figure 8

(a) Before coalescence, (b) A eats B to form drop C, satisfying the minimum surface energy principle, (c) impossible case for “B eats A” to from drop D, not satisfying the minimum surface energy principle, HP and SHP mean hydrophobic and super-hydrophobic, respectively.

We note the metastable state shown in Fig. 8a Possibly, drop B in SHP area moves towards drop A in HP area to form drop C (see Fig. 8a). Because drop C is within the HP area, the contact angle θC equals to θA. At the steady state after coalescence, drop C has the Gibbs free energy of

Alternatively, see Fig. 8c, if drop A in HP area moves towards drop B in SHP area to form drop D, the Gibbs free energy of drop D is

Equation 18 is valid by assuming that the contact angle of drop D in SHP area θD still equals to θB. The minimum surface energy principle30 determined the pathway choice between Fig.8b and c. In order to compare surface energies expressed in Eqs 16, 17, 18, the derivative of f(θ) is

The f ′(θ) > 0 in the range of θ [0, π] told us that f(θ) is increased with increase of θ. Comparing Eqs 16, 17, 18 yields GC < GD and GC < GA + GB to choose the pathway shown in Fig. 8b (called “A eats B” mode). The drop always moves towards the higher energy area when it merges with another drop.

Here, we used the minimum energy principle to explain why the drop automatically moves towards the weft wire top location. The Gibbs surface energy before and after the drop coalescence was paid attention, the drop dynamics such as retraction speed is not considered. When the drop grows larger, the drop shape is influenced by the surface geometry. For the present problem, the three-dimensional weft wire surface makes the problem complicated, which needs further investigation. Liu et al.31 showed that the asymmetry of the bouncing leads to ~40% reduction in contact time for drop bouncing on curved surface.

Finally, we discuss the drop shape on curved weft wires. The presented Gibbs surface energy analysis helps us to understand why tiny drops move towards the weft wire top location, assuming spherical crown shape for droplets. The analysis is consistent with our experimental observation on drop movement and coalescence. Practically, drop may deviate from the perfect sphere shape on curved mesh wire surface. The drop on curved mesh wire surface is a complicated three-dimensional problem, which involves not only a curvature along the axial mesh wire direction, but also a curvature along the mesh wire circumference direction. The theoretical analysis of the problem is not possible. We recommend the three-dimensional numerical simulation in the future. Zhao32 gave the theoretical expression of the drop shape for two-dimensional symmetrical problem, such as drop interaction with planar wall surface and symmetrical convex or concave solid wall surface.

Conclusions and Perspective

Generation of micro-droplet array on a large metallic surface is a challenging issue. A novel micro-droplet array system was reported using multi-disciplinary knowledge of mechanics, material and thermal/fluid science. Mesh screen was sintered on a copper substrate by applying a specific bonding pressure. Mesh screen is a commercial and cheap material to have micron sized mesh pores for large scale utilization. The structure is periodical, forming the basis to generate droplet array. Non-uniform residual stress exists along curved weft wires after sintering when the external force is removed. There are three mechanisms for the drop nucleation and growth on weft wire top locations: (1) The weft wire top locations are more “hydrophilic” than the neighboring area. (2) The weft wire top locations approach the coldest temperature at the copper substrate. However, the warp wire temperature is higher than the weft wire. Warp wires contribute less to the condensation but function as the supporting structure. (3) Drops coalescence happens along curved weft wire surface due to the surface-energy-gradient.

Mesh screen based droplet generation concept can have many applications. For example, dropwise condensation on solid walls possesses random drop nucleation and growth, in an uncontrolled way. Sintering mesh screen on copper wall not only extends the heat transfer area, but also makes the condensation under a controlled manner to modulate the performance, which is important for precise temperature control applications. Another potential application is for environment engineering. It is difficult to collect ultra-fine dust particles from a large space volume to make the air clean. The study was reported to absorb fine particles by an electriferous single drop33. The present work provides a new way to absorb fine dust particles by drop array to protect environment for large scale utilization.

Because modulation of drops has wide applications in mechanical, electrical, optical and biology engineering, droplet dynamics has been received great attention. Chen et al.34 studied dynamic polygonal spreading of a droplet on a lyophilic pillar-arrayed surface, and shows that their results may expand our knowledge of the liquid dynamics on patterned surfaces and assist surface design in practical applications. Mesh screen is a commercial material to have micro-holes for large scale utilization. Mesh screen will expand its functions with the help of nano-structure modification on the surface. There are affluent phenomena and mechanisms to be explored on the interactions between droplet and mesh screen based micro/nano structure. The perspective research directions are: (1) droplet dynamics on mesh screen based micro/nano structures, including impacting, spreading, bouncing and coalescence, (2) effect of external field such as electric field and magnetic field on the drop dynamics, (3) effect of heat transfer on the drop dynamics, and (4) high resolution experimental and numerical studies on the drop dynamics.


Sintering mesh screen on copper block

A mesh screen piece with mesh wire diameter of 101 μm and rectangular pore width of 152 μm is chosen to sinter on a copper cylinder block with diameter of 30 mm and height of 20 mm. Before the sintering progress, the mesh screen piece was prepared to have identical planar size as that of the copper substrate. The copper cylinder block was carefully machined and polished by fine abrasive paper. Then, both the copper block and mesh screen were cleaned in ultra-sound excited acetone and ethanol solution sequentially, to clean oil contamination. The dried mesh screen is put on the top of the copper substrate. The two components are bonded together by imposing an external force generated by a graphite mould and a weight of 1 kg. All the components are sent into an oven for sintering. The sintering process is described as follows. Initially, the oven is vacuumed to an absolute pressure of 1 kPa. Then the nitrogen gas (N2) was charged into the oven to have a pressure of 0.5 bar. Under the N2 protection environment, the sample was sintered at a temperature of 850 °C for one hour. Then, by switching off the oven power, the oven temperature is automatically decreased to 30 °C by 24 hours.

Oxidization and polymeric modification of the sintered sample

The sintered sample was oxidized by an aqueous solution of 2.5 mol/L sodium hydroxide and 0.1 mol/L ammonium persulphate at room temperature for about 12 minutes, during which the liquid was being mixed by a magnetic stirrer at a 500 r/min speed. The sintered sample was taken out of the solution and fully rinsed by deionized water. Then, the sample was baked in an oven at the temperature of 180 °C for 2 hours. Finally, The oxidized sample is immersed in 0.5 wt% hexane solution of 1 H,1 H,2 H,2H-Perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane (FAS17, Alfa Aesar). The reaction time was about 2 hours with the help of a magnetic stirrer. The sample is ready for use after drying in an oven at the temperature of 110 °C for 1 hours.

Experiment details

The condensation experiment was performed under constant environment temperature Te = 26 °C. The air humidity RH was also controlled as RH = 40% or RH = 60.0% by a wet steam humidifier and recorded by a humidity meter. The copper substrate (test section) was put on a cooling block, inside which the chiller water was flowing through. The temperature at the copper substrate surface Tsub was measured by a thermocouple and recorded by a temperature recorder. The copper substrate surface Tsub was changed to 1.0 °C, 6.0 °C or 11.0 °C by adjusting the chiller water bath temperature. In such a way, micro droplet array was generated on mesh screen surface under different working conditions. The dynamic growing process of the self-organized condensation droplet array was observed by an optical measurement system, which was included a microscope (SMZ1500, Nikon) bonded with a high speed camera (Motion pro Y4, IDT). The image file was transferred into a computer. The image size covered the pixels of 1016 × 1016. At the maximum optical amplification ratio of 16, the visualization size was 770 μm. Thus, the minimum size resolution was 0.76 μm. During the experiment, the visualization area could be changed manually.

Additional Information

How to cite this article: Xie, J. et al. Large scale generation of micro-droplet array by vapor condensation on mesh screen piece. Sci. Rep. 7, 39932; doi: 10.1038/srep39932 (2017).

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