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  • Matters Arising
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Reconsidering metasurface lasers

Matters Arising to this article was published on 30 April 2021

The Original Article was published on 27 April 2020

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Fig. 1: Schematic of part of the resonant cavity after the KTP crystal and polarizer.


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D.W. initiated the idea. D.W., J.J.C. and K.B.C. prepared the manuscript. All authors (D.W., J.J.C., Z.F. and K.B.C) discussed and analysed the results.

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Correspondence to Kenneth B. Crozier.

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Wen, D., Cadusch, J.J., Fang, Z. et al. Reconsidering metasurface lasers. Nat. Photonics 15, 337–338 (2021).

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