We are pleased to announce the new editorial structure for Hypertension Research in 2023 as we strive towards globalization. Hypertension, the biggest risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, is still poorly controlled, and there are significant regional differences worldwide. To solve this problem, collaboration among experts from various fields, including healthcare, medical, and macro to micro research, is essential.

Hypertension Research is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension, with a 45-year history. It has grown significantly with the support of domestic and international hypertension researchers. In 2022, the number of submissions exceeded 800 papers, and the Impact factor increased to 5.525. The 29th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH2022 KYOTO) was held in Japan for the first time in 16 years, and we published 29 online Fast Track papers. We would like to thank the authors, reviewers, Associate Editors, JSH members, readers, and the publisher Springer Nature for their contributions.

Starting in January 2023, Hypertension Research has entered into a new agreement with Springer Nature and has upgraded the cover design starting with the January 2023 issue. Through weekly online meetings, we are sharing professional insights between the editorial team and the publisher, benefiting from the publisher’s long-standing experience and global perspective. We are building a stronger partnership.

Various media and communication tools are rapidly developing worldwide through the internet. Thanks to the efforts of our Social Media Editor, Hypertension Research continues to disseminate information via Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. In the future, AI may be able to write articles, but we believe that the role of individuals in “documenting” valuable data, developing ideas, and forming hypotheses into papers, as well as the role of journals in providing a platform to disseminate these papers to the world and facilitate discussions, will remain unchanged.

We are pleased to introduce the members of the Editorial Board. Together with 74 young pioneers from 21 countries (as of April 10), we are aiming for further globalization of Hypertension Research.

We are currently focusing on four themes and publishing special issues, and planning a “Guideline Special Issue” for the JSH Guideline to be issued in 2025:

Asian Study: Current evidence and perspectives for hypertension management in Asia https://www.nature.com/collections/hdfajcbdge

Renal Denervation and Sympathetic Nerve System https://www.nature.com/collections/aifhdaefbe

Digital Hypertension https://www.nature.com/collections/hjgcahdbdc

Home Blood Pressure-Centered Management of Hypertension https://www.nature.com/collections/fccajbccef

We hope that Hypertension Research will become a forum for the dissemination and exchange of academic activities and research information among healthcare and medical professionals and researchers around the world. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions.

Call for Paper https://www.nature.com/hr/call-for-paper