Correction to: Light: Science & Applications published online 3 December 2021

Following the publication of this article1, it is noticed this article contained some errors. Details are listed below.

1) The letter ‘c’ in front of Eq. (1a) should be removed. The correct Eq. (1a) should be:

$$\frac{d}{{dt}}a\left( t \right) = \left( {i\omega _0 - \frac{\Gamma }{2}} \right)a\left( t \right) + iG\Delta T\left( t \right)a\left( t \right) + \sqrt {\eta \Gamma } s_{in}\left( t \right)$$

2) In Fig. 1a, left panel: The Greek letter “alpha” should be corrected to the letter ‘a’. Correct fig. 1a is included in this Correction.

figure 1

Fig. 1

3) Reference 15 need to be changed to below: M. Clementi, M. Galli, L. O’Faolain, and D. Gerace, “Electromagnetically induced transparency from first-order dynamical systems,” Phys. Rev. B 104, 205434 (2021).

The original article has been updated.