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Conceptual basis and clinical rationale for the development of a multidisciplinary weight management center


Overweight (body mass index (BMI) 25 kg m−2) or obesity (BMI 30>kg m−2) affects more than two-thirds of Americans. Overweight and obesity are commonly associated with multiple coexisting conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, obstructive sleep apnea and cancer. Lifestyle modification can induce a modest weight loss, which is associated with the prevention or improvement of many of these comorbidities. A combination of diet, exercise and behavioral therapy is considered the cornerstone of treatment for all overweight and obese individuals. As the etiology and therapy of obesity is complex, what is needed for these patients is a multidisciplinary clinic where specialists from different disciplines share their knowledge and participate in the treatment of the obese patient.

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I thank Dr Neil Gesundheit for his support and help with the manuscript. Publication of this supplement was partially supported by Nutrilite Health Institute with an unrestricted educational contribution to Stanford Prevention Research Center.

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Artandi, M. Conceptual basis and clinical rationale for the development of a multidisciplinary weight management center. Int J Obes Supp 2 (Suppl 1), S43–S46 (2012).

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