Computational nanotechnology articles within Nature Communications


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    Combinatorial optimization problems can be solved on parallel hardware called Ising machines. Most studies have focused on the use of second-order Ising machines. Compared to second-order Ising machines, the authors show that higher-order Ising machines realized with coupled-oscillator networks can be more resource-efficient and provide superior solutions for constraint satisfaction problems.

    • Connor Bybee
    • , Denis Kleyko
    •  & Friedrich T. Sommer
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    Magnetic skyrmions, due to their strongly nonlinearity and multiscale dynamics, are promising for implementing reservoir computing. Here, the authors experimentally demonstrate skyrmion-based spatially multiplexed reservoir computing able to perform Boolean Logic operations, using thermal and current driven dynamics of spin structures.

    • Klaus Raab
    • , Maarten A. Brems
    •  & Mathias Kläui
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    Neuromorphic nanowire networks are found to exhibit neural-like dynamics, including phase transitions and avalanche criticality. Hochstetter and Kuncic et al. show that the dynamical state at the edge-of-chaos is optimal for learning and favours computationally complex information processing tasks.

    • Joel Hochstetter
    • , Ruomin Zhu
    •  & Zdenka Kuncic
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    Designing efficient neuromorphic systems for complex temporal tasks remains a challenge. Zhong et al. develop a parallel memristor-based reservoir computing system capable of tuning critical parameters, achieving classification accuracy of 99.6% in spoken-digit recognition and time-series prediction error of 0.046 in the Hénon map.

    • Yanan Zhong
    • , Jianshi Tang
    •  & Huaqiang Wu
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    Nanowire networks with memristive properties are promising for neuromorphic applications. Here, the authors observe the formation of a preferred conduction pathway which uses the lowest possible energy to get through the network and could be exploited for the design of optimal brain-inspired devices.

    • Hugh G. Manning
    • , Fabio Niosi
    •  & John J. Boland
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    Molecular dynamics models for predicting the behavior of metallic nanostructures typically do not take into account polarization effects in metals. Here, the authors introduce a polarizable Lennard–Jones potential that provides quantitative insight into the role of induced charges at metal surfaces and related complex material interfaces.

    • Isidro Lorenzo Geada
    • , Hadi Ramezani-Dakhel
    •  & Hendrik Heinz
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    While noble gases can be trapped in 3D porous structures, immobilizing them on 2D surfaces represents a formidable challenge. Here, the authors cage individual argon atoms in 2D model zeolite frameworks at room temperature, providing exciting opportunities for the fundamental study of isolated noble gas atoms using surface science methods.

    • Jian-Qiang Zhong
    • , Mengen Wang
    •  & J. Anibal Boscoboinik
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    DNA may be used to fabricate functional nanostructures with various possible geometries, but first being able to predict these structures is a challenging task. Here, the authors use coarse-grained modelling to predict the shape of artificial DNA nanostructures in solution.

    • Keyao Pan
    • , Do-Nyun Kim
    •  & Mark Bathe