Cadherins articles within Nature Medicine


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    The miR200 family regulates EMT through E-cadherin modulation and has been proposed to contribute to metastasis thusly. This report identifies a promoting role of miR-200 in metastatic colonization that involves a novel target, the tumor secretome. The correlation between miR-200 and metastasis in people with cancer supports the relevance of this biphasic, multifaceted role of miR-200.

    • Manav Korpal
    • , Brian J Ell
    •  & Yibin Kang
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    A subset of series B adenoviruses binds epithelial cells via a previously unknown receptor. Wang et al. now identify this receptor as desmoglein-2 (DSG-2), which has a role in intercellular adhesion. Binding of group B Ad3 to DSG-2 triggered an epithelial to mesenchymal transition, opened intercellular junctions and increased access to junction-localized proteins, which together may contribute to the spread of these viruses though epithelial tissues.

    • Hongjie Wang
    • , Zong-Yi Li
    •  & André Lieber