Astronomical optics articles within Nature Communications


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    Adaptive optics wavefront sensors need to be in a pupil plane and are insensitive to certain wavefront-error modes. The authors present a wavefront sensor based on a photonic lantern fibre-mode-converter and deep learning, which can be placed at the same focal plane accessing nondegenerate wavefront information and reconstructing the wavefront.

    • Barnaby R. M. Norris
    • , Jin Wei
    •  & Sergio G. Leon-Saval
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Laser frequency combs emit a spectrum of equally spaced peaks that can provide precise frequency references useful for astronomy. Here, the authors demonstrate a frequency comb using electro-optical modulation, which has a line spacing that is resolvable using grating spectrographs unlike the mode-locking approach.

    • X. Yi
    • , K. Vahala
    •  & C. Beichman
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Understanding the behaviour of magnetic flux ropes in the Sun is crucial for explaining solar phenomena such as flares and space weather. Exploiting the high resolution available in the 1.6 m New Solar Telescope, Wang et al.capture the evolution of a flaring twisted flux rope in the low solar corona.

    • Haimin Wang
    • , Wenda Cao
    •  & Haisheng Ji
  • Article |

    Fibre optic event horizons have been described in the time domain where a soliton-induced refractive index barrier modifies the velocity of a probe. Here, Webb et al.describe horizon dynamics in the frequency domain in terms of cascaded four-wave mixing between discrete single-frequency fields.

    • Karen E. Webb
    • , Miro Erkintalo
    •  & Stuart G. Murdoch