News & Comment

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  • The idea of a scientific discovery is often linked to the eureka moment of a lone scientist, which then transforms our thinking. However, scientific discoveries are never made by individuals in isolation. They build on the work of countless researchers, and often require interdisciplinary and collaborative teams of researchers.

    • Pedro Beltrao
  • Curiosity-driven and fundamental discovery science must be justified in its importance to human health and translational potential for practical applications and cures. However, many groundbreaking discoveries occur through the freedom to ask fundamental questions — the how and why — without knowing where they lead. Presented here is an example of a clinical target that emerged from a seemingly simple question in chromosome biology.

    • Agnel Sfeir
  • Macromolecules are involved in myriads of interactions that regulate their cellular function. While years of structural biology progress was built by reducing this complexity, a molecular understanding of biological processes requires the characterization of ever larger and more dynamic molecular assemblies. Cryo-electron microscopy is rising to this challenge.

    • Eva Nogales
  • This issue of Nature Structural & Molecular Biology presents studies investigating RNA processing, including mechanisms of splicing, biogenesis of the splicing machinery, decoding of mRNA by the ribosome, and deadenylation of mRNA for degradation. We are also delighted to be publishing News & Views and Comment pieces that reflect on these exciting advances in the field.

  • Since Nature Structural and Molecular Biology was started 30 years ago, our understanding of transcription and mRNA processing has been revolutionized through structural and mechanistic studies. Here, we present our personal views of the advances in understanding the production of mature eukaryotic mRNAs over the past decade.

    • Lori A. Passmore
    • Suyang Zhang
  • The first membrane protein structure was reported almost 40 years ago. In this issue, we are publishing a set of papers that serve to underline the incredible advances in our understanding of the biology of these multifaceted molecular machines.

  • G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) with no known endogenous ligand are termed orphans. Deorphanization of a GPCR involves identifying the ligand, which can be a painstaking exercise. In this Comment, we discuss the challenges in the process, its role in drug discovery and alternative approaches to characterizing orphan GPCRs.

    • Nicola J. Smith
    • Fiona Murray
  • The identification of sodium and potassium currents as underlying action potential propagation, more than 70 years ago, opened a new avenue of research into the role of ion channels. In this Comment, we present our personal perspectives of the field, from the identification of Shaker as a potential potassium channel to the mechanistic insights available to us today.

    • Lily Yeh Jan
    • Yuh Nung Jan
  • In addition to the usual dose of compelling science, our March issue features thoughtful reflections on the last 30 years from readers, as well as past and present editors. Perhaps influenced by these pieces or by our stunning cover — or maybe it is just the changing seasons — we are in an introspective mood this month.

  • Over the past 30 years, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (NSMB) has covered an enormous breadth of subjects in the broad field of molecular and structural biology. Here, some of the journal’s past and present editors recount their editorial experience at NSMB and some of the more memorable papers they worked on.

    • Guy Riddihough
    • Christopher Surridge
    • Dimitris Typas
  • Over the past 30 years, the field of structural biology and its associated biological insights have seen amazing progress. In this Comment, I recount several milestones in the field and how we can apply lessons from the past toward an exciting future, especially as it relates to drug discovery.

    • Cheryl H. Arrowsmith
  • First discovered more than five decades ago, protein ubiquitylation has proven to be an omnipresent post-translational modification regulating virtually every eukaryotic cellular process. With novel clinical applications and recent studies demonstrating ubiquitylation of biomolecules other than proteins, the interest in ubiquitin will not waver any time soon.

  • In addition to its role in proteasomal degradation, ubiquitin has multiple roles in autophagy. It can mark proteins for autophagic degradation and actively drive autophagosome formation. Recent work shows that ubiquitin can also be conjugated to phospholipids and other biomolecules.

    • Noboru Mizushima
  • Ubiquitination is an essential process that curtails cellular levels of damaged and redundant proteins. Chemical biologists have harnessed this natural system to induce the degradation of disease-relevant proteins. We reflect here on the potential of ‘degraders’ for targeted selectivity, and discuss the role of computer-aided drug design in shaping future advances.

    • Rory Whelan
    • Cristina Mayor-Ruiz
  • The modification of proteins with the small protein ubiquitin constitutes a Daedalian system of posttranslational modifications in every eukaryotic cell, which is often referred to as the ubiquitin code1. Here we consider the scale and complexity of the ubiquitin system in light of recent developments.

    • Bernhard C. Lechtenberg
    • David Komander