Research articles

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  • Characterizing the essentiality of human genes provides insights into gene function and genome evolution and facilitates the clinical interpretation of genetic variants. This article analyses essentiality metrics based on the statistical intolerance to loss-of-function mutations in human population sequencing studies and discusses commonalities and distinctions relative to data sets from knockout mice and functional genomics screens in human cell culture. Implications for disease genetics and extrapolation to non-coding regions are also discussed.

    • István Bartha
    • Julia di Iulio
    • Amalio Telenti
  • Recent large-scale genome-wide association studies have identified numerous variants that are associated with obesity-relevant traits such as body mass index or body fat percentage. Here, the authors explore to what extent this genomic evidence matches the evidence from functional and mechanistic studies.

    • Sujoy Ghosh
    • Claude Bouchard