Research articles

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  • Using a combination of optogenetics, single-cell molecular profiling and paired electrophysiological recordings in the mouse visual cortex, Pfeffer and colleagues derived the connectivity matrix of three major classes of interneurons with their post-synaptic GABAergic targets. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the wiring rules of the inhibition of inhibition in the cortex.

    • Carsten K Pfeffer
    • Mingshan Xue
    • Massimo Scanziani
  • To investigate how visual input is combined with information about the current task, the authors recorded neural responses in inferotemporal (IT) and perirhinal (PRH) cortex as macaque monkeys performed a match to sample task. Although both areas represented similar amounts of information, extracting the behaviorally relevant information was easier in PRH.

    • Marino Pagan
    • Luke S Urban
    • Nicole C Rust
  • The authors show that reconsolidation of alcohol-related memories activates mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) in select amygdalar and cortical regions and systemic or central amygdalar inhibition of mTORC1 during reconsolidation disrupts alcohol-associated memories, leading to a long-lasting suppression of relapse, suggesting a potential therapeutic target to prevent relapse.

    • Segev Barak
    • Feng Liu
    • Dorit Ron
  • Existing data are consistent with a role for the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) either in regulating emotion and enhancing behavioral flexibility or in updating valuations on the basis of motivational states. Here the authors show that excitotoxic lesions of OFC impair value updating but do not alter either behavioral flexibility or emotion regulation and that previous observations may have been the result of damage to nearby fiber tracts.

    • Peter H Rudebeck
    • Richard C Saunders
    • Elisabeth A Murray
  • Zhao and colleagues find that neuropathic pain is accompanied by an increase in the expression of an antisense long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) that downregulates Kcna2 currents and increases excitability in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Preventing the expression of the so-called Kcna2 antisense RNA mitigates neuropathic pain symptoms.

    • Xiuli Zhao
    • Zongxiang Tang
    • Yuan-Xiang Tao
  • Here the authors show that measures of pupil diameter, which are thought to track levels of LC-NE activity and neural gain, are correlated with the degree to which learning is focused on stimulus dimensions that individual human participants are more predisposed to process. They further show that the pupillary and behavioral variables are correlated with global changes in the strength and clustering of functional connectivity, as brain-wide fluctuations of gain would predict.

    • Eran Eldar
    • Jonathan D Cohen
    • Yael Niv
  • In this study, the authors show that MeCP2 interacts with the NCoR/SMRT co-repressor complex and that a discrete cluster of Rett syndrome–causing mutations in the C-terminal domain of MeCP2 disrupts this interaction, impairing transcriptional repression. Knock-in mice expressing one of these MeCP2 missense mutations exhibit severe motor phenotypes.

    • Matthew J Lyst
    • Robert Ekiert
    • Adrian Bird
  • Using a combination of computational modeling and electrophysiological recordings, the authors show that the dynamics of spike-frequency adaptation have the effect of temporally decorrelating incoming signals. This decorrelation makes for more energy-efficient information transfer in the CNS.

    • Christian Pozzorini
    • Richard Naud
    • Wulfram Gerstner
  • In this paper, Korb and colleagues find that Arc can shuttle in and out of the nucleus in an activity-dependent manner. The authors further demonstrate that the nuclear translocation of Arc participates in homeostatic plasticity by promoting the formation of PML nuclear bodies, which in turn decreases GluA1 transcription, eventually contributing to the downscaling of synaptic strength.

    • Erica Korb
    • Carol L Wilkinson
    • Steven Finkbeiner
  • The authors use high-throughput histology to construct three-dimensional maps of the vascular architecture throughout mouse vibrissal cortex. Modeling of the vascular networks revealed that microvessels are highly interconnected; do not form functional 'modules', as previously suggested; and lead to flow patterns that explain the origin of single vessel strokes.

    • Pablo Blinder
    • Philbert S Tsai
    • David Kleinfeld
  • The authors show that the TNFα receptor, expressed on peripheral target tissue, can act as a ligand to induce reverse TNFα signaling in superior cervical ganglion neurons, promoting neurite growth and branching. This reverse signaling is crucial in establishing sympathetic innervation.

    • Lilian Kisiswa
    • Catarina Osório
    • Alun M Davies
  • The authors use two-photon calcium imaging, EEG and electrophysiology to study ensemble neuronal activity in genetically altered mice that lack the Fmr1 protein: a model of Fragile X syndrome. Unanesthetized Fmr1−/− mice showed high synchrony of neocortical network activity and higher firing rates during sleep.

    • J Tiago Gonçalves
    • James E Anstey
    • Carlos Portera-Cailliau
  • The authors use mouse behavior, electrophysiology and optogenetics to dissect the temporal interactions between whisker movement, neural activity and sensation of touch. Their results suggest that mice integrate coding of touch with movement over timescales of a whisking bout to produce perception of active touch.

    • Daniel H O'Connor
    • S Andrew Hires
    • Karel Svoboda
  • The authors show that mating-induced partner preference in monogamous prairie voles is associated with increased histone acetylation at the oxytocin and vasopressin V1a receptor promoters, and subsequent upregulation of these genes. Histone deacetylase inhibitors induced partner preference in females even in the absence of mating.

    • Hui Wang
    • Florian Duclot
    • Mohamed Kabbaj
  • Exome sequencing of 47 ALS trios (patients and their unaffected parents) identified de novo mutations, including a mutation in the neuronal chromatin remodeling complex component, SS18L1. SS18L1 interacted with the ALS protein FUS, and mutation of SS18L1 in primary neurons resulted in impaired neurite outgrowth.

    • Alessandra Chesi
    • Brett T Staahl
    • Aaron D Gitler
  • The calyx of Held synapse in the auditory brainstem is an unusually large and fast synapse. Using genome-wide screening and conditional deletion in mice, Xiao and colleagues identify BMP signaling as a crucial factor in the development of the functional and structural properties of this large central synapse.

    • Le Xiao
    • Nicolas Michalski
    • Ralf Schneggenburger
  • Here the authors describe a recurrent neural network model that tells time on the order of seconds and generates complex spatiotemporal motor patterns in the presence of high levels of noise. Robustness is achieved through the tuning of the recurrent connections, which produces stable patterns in the face of perturbations.

    • Rodrigo Laje
    • Dean V Buonomano