Research articles

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  • Historical and contemporary data of whitefish radiations from pre-alpine European lakes and reconstruction of changes in whitefish genetic species differentiation through time show that species diversity may have evolved in response to ecological opportunity, and that eutrophication, by diminishing this opportunity, has driven extinctions through speciation reversal and demographic decline.

    • P. Vonlanthen
    • D. Bittner
    • O. Seehausen
  • Previously thought to be rare laboratory artefacts or diseases of yeast, prions are actually found in one third of 700 wild strains; the prions give their hosts beneficial traits that can be transmitted epigenetically to the next generation, and then fixed in the genome.

    • Randal Halfmann
    • Daniel F. Jarosz
    • Susan Lindquist
  • In a mouse model and in human medulloblastoma patients, the metastases in an individual have similar genomic alterations and DNA methylation patterns, but these patterns are highly divergent from those of the primary tumour, indicating that therapies will need to be tailored to fit the molecular alterations present in the primary tumour and/or the metastases.

    • Xiaochong Wu
    • Paul A. Northcott
    • Michael D. Taylor
  • Structural analysis reveals the iron scavenging mechanism used by Neisseria species, involving TbpA and TbpB proteins, and sheds light on how human transferrin is specifically targeted.

    • Nicholas Noinaj
    • Nicole C. Easley
    • Susan K. Buchanan
  • To determine the geometric pattern of the supercontinent cycle, a new ‘orthoversion’ model is suggested that matches the geologic evidence better than the traditional ‘introversion’ and ‘extroversion’ models, enabling the calculation of absolute palaeolongitude for the early Earth.

    • Ross N. Mitchell
    • Taylor M. Kilian
    • David A. D. Evans
  • A new family of resonators for nanoscale lasers is described that allows the size of the laser cavity to be scaled down without increasing the threshold power required to drive lasing.

    • M. Khajavikhan
    • A. Simic
    • Y. Fainman
  • Selective impairment of peripheral regulatory T-cell differentiation is found to result in spontaneous allergic TH2-type inflammation in the intestine and lungs, demonstrating the functional heterogeneity of regulatory T cells generated in the thymus and extrathymically in controlling immune mediated inflammation and disease.

    • Steven Z. Josefowicz
    • Rachel E. Niec
    • Alexander Y. Rudensky