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    Social media can be both a friend and a foe to scientific productivity.

    Image: Vladyslav Bashutskky/Alamy
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    Early career researchers often face significant barriers to progress in their careers.

    Image: Erhui1979/Getty
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    This collection from the cancer editorial community at Nature Research journals focuses on highlighting work on rare cancers, from preclinical basic research to translational and clinical research.

    Image: Simon Bradbrook/Springer Nature Limited
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    On 31 December 2018, NASA’s Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft began to orbit the asteroid (101955) Bennu, a near-Earth asteroid believed to harbour organic molecules and hydrated minerals.

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    150 years after Mendeleev organized the elements by their characteristics, a special issue explores the enduring influence of this scientific masterpiece.

    Image: Señor Salme
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    This collection combines published Research articles and Reviews from several Nature journals highlighting recent advances in our understanding of the role of the gut microbiota in health and disease, and the tools for studying these complex communities.

    Image: Brain light / Alamy Stock Photo
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    This collection showcases recent review articles and original research on active matter across a selection of Nature journals.

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    Autoimmunity is an underlying cause of many diseases. This collection of Research, Reviews and News articles from several Nature journals covers the latest advances in genetic and epigenetic research into autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases.

    Image: Susanne Harris
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    In health and biomedical applications, electronic technologies allow monitoring, sensing and extracting physiological data as well as correcting or supporting tissue function through electrical stimuli. This collection highlights the recent developments in materials science, electronics and biology of bioelectronic devices.

    Image: Andriy Popov / Alamy Stock Photo
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    The UK Biobank is a prospective cohort study with deep genetic, physical and health data collected on ~500,000 individuals from 2006-2010 across the United Kingdom. This unprecedented open access genetic database has enabled large scale studies on genetic and epidemiological associations for a broad range of health related traits. The UK Biobank has made their datasets and research results accessible to researchers as an open access resource to benefit public health.

    Image: Kelly Krause, Nature