Seven Days

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  • High seas to receive legal protection; US national-security lab appoints first woman head; and Europe’s Earth-observation satellite launches.

    Seven Days
  • Neutrinos switch their flavours; biomedical research using chimps may be stymied in the US; and common Eurasian bird is in population freefall.

    Seven Days
  • G7 nations present pledge on greenhouse-gas emissions; how the world is getting sicker; and the wheeling robot that scooped a $2-million prize.

    Seven Days
  • WHO outlines plans for a crisis fund in wake of Ebola; rules to curb polar pollution agreed; and newly discovered rodent is named after James Bond.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: first Arab mission to Mars; guidance on disease-naming without offence; and atmospheric carbon dioxide passes a symbolic threshold.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: farewell to MESSENGER; the Pope takes lead on climate change; and Tesla reveals home batteries.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Nepal quake’s devastating toll; malaria vaccine hopeful offers infants only small protection; why the US National Football League must pay out nearly US$1billion.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Nobel laureate leads stem-cell initiative; German science gets a boost; and comet spews dust from its dark side.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Protests delay telescope construction, Brazil approves GM eucalyptus; and African Centres for Disease Control and Prevention takes shape.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Iran strikes deal on nuclear plans; Hong Kong academics decry government meddling; and souped-up LHC starts second run.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: NASA’s controversial space rock plan; global renewable energy boost; and Stephen Hawking trademarks his name.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Pitcairn islands to gain massive marine reserve; US sets rules on fracking; and the head of Japan’s RIKEN Institute quits.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Carbon dioxide emissions stall; lapses in hygiene practices at biosafety lab; and vaccine advice on rare meningitis W.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: NASA’s Dawn probe orbits dwarf planet Ceres; ivory burns in Kenya; and the first round-the-world trip by a solar plane begins.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: China’s panda survey concerns experts; Russia finally agrees with US on the International Space Station’s timeline; and science world pays tribute to Leonard Nimoy.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Head of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change resigns; Europe’s graphene project is on track; new killer virus discovered in United States.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Europe’s spaceplane soars; transgenic apples given go-ahead for US market; and geoengineering risks are highlighted.

    Seven Days