Opinion in 1989

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  • Chernobyl is not the only reason why Soviet civil nuclear power is behind target. Can it pull back?

  • Recent improvements of the climate in British research do not imply that the dangers have passed. Indeed, the most serious — complacency — is more serious now than ever.

  • Last week's US budget promises generosity to science, but only the Congress can decide.

  • Last week's conference on chemical weapons was ruffled by the flawed argument that Israel's adversaries need them to counter Israel's nuclear pretensions.

  • One of Britain s largest companies may disappear because, as in the par able of the talents, it has been over-thrifty.

  • British Telecom, a nationalized industry now private, seems still to hanker after old ways.

  • A dispute over the attribution of priority for a neo-lamarckian mechanism is premature and unseemly, to say the least, and may help make science seem ridiculous.

  • The British government's latest view of higher education hangs on assumptions still unproven.

  • The impending trade dispute with the United States will confirm fears about the new Europe.

  • In the knowledge that the scientific enterprise is genuinely international and in the belief that Mr Mikhail Gorbachev's speech to the United Nations on 3 December offers us all the promise of a different world, Nature makes the following announcement to and solicitation of its readers.
