Research articles

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  • The effects of novel antibodies are hard to predict owing to the complex interactions between antibodies and antigens. Zhang and colleagues use a graph-based method to learn a dynamic representation that allows for predictions of neutralization activity and demonstrate the method by recommending probable antibodies for human immunodeficiency virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, influenza and dengue.

    • Jie Zhang
    • Yishan Du
    • Shaoting Zhang
  • To be useful in human life, robots need to learn the social rules of human society. Zhou et al. investigate the social rules that apply in spaces mutually occupied by humans and robots. The authors develop a social locomotion model for a mobile robot and implement it for socially aware navigation.

    • Chen Zhou
    • Ming-Cheng Miao
    • Shu-Guang Kuai
  • Image noise is a common problem in light microscopy, and denoising is a key step in microscopic imaging pipelines. Lequyer et al. propose a self-supervised denoising method and apply it to diverse imaging and analysis pipelines.

    • Jason Lequyer
    • Reuben Philip
    • Laurence Pelletier
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Recognition of speech from lip movements is still a challenging problem and much effort is concentrated on the English language. Ma et al. have used auxiliary tasks to train a model such that it works for a range of different languages, including Mandarin, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese.

    • Pingchuan Ma
    • Stavros Petridis
    • Maja Pantic
  • Identifying epidemic hotspots in a timely way with syndromic surveillance can provide highly valuable information for public health policy. A machine learning early indicator model that uses highly granular data from digitalized healthcare-seeking behaviour, including from Google Trends and National Health Service Pathways calls, can identify SARS-CoV-2 risk at small geographic scales. The model can retrospectively identify hotspots in the United Kingdom for various variants in 2020 and 2021 before the wider spread and growth of these variants being confirmed by clinical data.

    • Thomas Ward
    • Alexander Johnsen
    • François Chollet
  • The haptic interface is an essential part of human–machine interfaces where tactile information is delivered between human and machine. Yao et al. develop a soft, ultrathin, miniaturized and wireless electrotactile system that allows virtual tactile information to be reproduced over the hand.

    • Kuanming Yao
    • Jingkun Zhou
    • Xinge Yu
  • Saliency methods are used to localize areas of medical images that influence machine learning model predictions, but their accuracy and reliability require investigation. Saporta and colleagues evaluate seven saliency methods using different model architectures, and find that saliency maps perform worse than a human radiologist benchmark.

    • Adriel Saporta
    • Xiaotong Gui
    • Pranav Rajpurkar
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Earth system models (ESMs) are powerful tools for simulating climate fields, but weather forecasting and in particular precipitation prediction with ESMs are challenging. A generative adversarial network, constrained by the sum of global precipitation, is developed that substantially improves ESM predictions of spatial patterns and intermittency of daily precipitation.

    • Philipp Hess
    • Markus Drüke
    • Niklas Boers
  • Cell type annotation is a core task for single cell RNA-sequencing, but current bioinformatic tools struggle with some of the underlying challenges, including high dimensionality, data sparsity, batch effects and a lack of labels. In a self-supervised approach, a transformer model called scBERT is pretrained on millions of unlabelled public single cell RNA-seq data and then fine-tuned with a small number of labelled samples for cell annotation tasks.

    • Fan Yang
    • Wenchuan Wang
    • Jianhua Yao
  • The space of possible proteins is vast, and optimizing proteins for specific target properties computationally is an ongoing challenge, even with large amounts of data. Castro and colleagues combine a transformer-based model with regularized prediction heads to form a smooth and pseudoconvex latent space that allows for easier navigation and more efficient optimization of proteins.

    • Egbert Castro
    • Abhinav Godavarthi
    • Smita Krishnaswamy
  • The performance of machine learning models is usually compared via the mean value of a selected performance measure such as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve on a specific benchmark data set. However, this measure, its mean value or even relative differences between models do not provide a good prediction of whether the results can translate to other data sets. Gosiewska and colleagues present here a comparison based on Elo ranking, which offers a probabilistic interpretation of how much better one model is than another.

    • Alicja Gosiewska
    • Katarzyna Woźnica
    • Przemysław Biecek
  • Producing high-quality 3D refractive index maps from 2D intensity-only measurements is a long-standing objective in computational microscopy, with many applications involving the visualization of cellular and subcellular structures. A new method can reconstruct high-contrast and artefact-free images by employing the neural fields technique, which can learn a continuous 3D representation using a neural network that maps spatial coordinates to the refractive index values.

    • Renhao Liu
    • Yu Sun
    • Ulugbek S. Kamilov
  • To understand reactions in organic chemistry, ideally simple rules would help us predict the outcome of new reactions, but in reality such rules are not easily identified. Chen and Jung extract generalized reaction templates from data and show that they can be used in graph neural networks to predict the outcome of reactions and, despite simplification, still represent a high percentage of existing reactions.

    • Shuan Chen
    • Yousung Jung
  • PROTACs can directly and selectively degrade proteins, which opens promising applications in the design of novel drugs, but designing effective PROTACs is a hard challenge due to the complexity of pharmacokinetics. Zheng et al. use a deep generative model to create likely candidates and screen them further to identify a novel BRD4-degrading PROTAC.

    • Shuangjia Zheng
    • Youhai Tan
    • Yuedong Yang
  • Changing weather conditions pose a challenge for autonomous vehicles. Almalioglu and colleagues use a geometry-aware learning technique that fuses visual, lidar and radar information, such that the benefits of each can be used under different weather conditions.

    • Yasin Almalioglu
    • Mehmet Turan
    • Andrew Markham
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Kinetic models of metabolism capture time-dependent behaviour of cellular states and provide valuable insights into cellular physiology, but, due to the lack of experimental data, traditional kinetic modelling can be unreliable and computationally inefficient. A generative framework based on deep learning called REKINDLE can efficiently parameterize large-scale kinetic models, enabling new opportunities to study cellular metabolic behaviour.

    • Subham Choudhury
    • Michael Moret
    • Ljubisa Miskovic
    ArticleOpen Access