
Nature Physics Insight – Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Over the past two decades, the fields of quantum information theory and quantum technology have emerged and matured. The theoretical and experimental tools developed in this context are now making it possible to revisit the very foundations of quantum theory, and to explore the terra incognita that may lie beyond. In this Insight, we survey recent trends in the study of the foundations of quantum mechanics: from the expansion or even rethinking of quantum theory, to ambitious new experiments that will seek the elusive effects of quantum gravity.



Foundations of quantum mechanics p253

Iulia Georgescu




Gravity in quantum mechanics pp254 – 255

Giovanni Amelino-Camelia


Gravity and quantum mechanics tend to stay out of each other's way, but this might change as we devise new experiments to test the applicability of quantum theory to macroscopic systems and larger length scales.

Quantum entanglement pp256 – 258

Vlatko Vedral


Recent advances in quantum information theory reveal the deep connections between entanglement and thermodynamics, many-body theory, quantum computing and its link to macroscopicity.


Progress Article

Quantum causality pp259 – 263

Časlav Brukner


Revisiting the notion of causality in quantum mechanics may lead to new directions in quantum information theory and quantum gravity research.



Nonlocality beyond quantum mechanics pp264 – 270

Sandu Popescu


There are good reasons to consider nonlocality to be the defining feature of quantum mechanics, but stronger nonlocal correlations than those predicted by quantum theory could exist, which raises the intriguing question of what lies beyond.

Testing the limits of quantum mechanical superpositions pp271 – 277

Markus Arndt and Klaus Hornberger


Testing the limits of the quantum mechanical description of nature has become a subject of intense experimental interest. Recent advances in investigating macroscopic quantum superpositions are pushing these limits.

Testing foundations of quantum mechanics with photons pp285 – 291

Peter Shadbolt, Jonathan C. F. Mathews, Anthony Laing and Jeremy L. O'Brien


Starting with wave-particle duality, experiments with light have played a major role in the development of quantum theory. Advances in photonic technologies allow for improved tests of quantum complementarity, delayed-choice and nonlocality.

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