
Geroprotective interventions for healthy aging

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Geroprotectors are therapeutic interventions that aim to tackle the root causes of aging and thus help prevent age-related decline and age-related diseases. Examples of previously described geroprotectors include senolytic treatments (such as Quercetin and Dasatanib), VEGF, metformin and NMN. The editors of Nature Communications, Communications Medicine, npj Aging, and Scientific Reports invite submissions on the preclinical development of geroprotectors, their preclinical testing, as well as their involvement in observational studies and clinical trials.

To submit, see the participating journals
Portrait Of Multi-Generation Family Group With Dog On Winter Beach Vacation

Nature Communications is edited by in-house professional editors.

Communications Medicine is edited by both in-house professional editors and Editorial Board Members

Scientific Reports is managed by both in-house professional edtiors and Editorial Board Members

npj Aging is managed by in-house professional editors and edited by a team of external academic editors

Our editors work closely together to ensure the quality of our published papers and consistency in author experience.