
Natural materials and bioinspired biomaterials

While materials design used to be ruled by traditional engineering and chemical approaches, researchers have progressively found that Nature has lessons to teach. Large numbers of studies have examined natural materials produced by a range of organisms, finding that evolution has led to smart materials with complex design characteristics that can often outperform man-made equivalents. As the world looks towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future, interest in bio-sourced materials has grown. 
This Collection highlights recent publications in Nature Communications and Communications Materials on the discovery of natural materials and their potential applications as biomaterials. We also highlight how lessons learned from Nature can help develop advanced biomimetic materials, and explore their diverse applications.
Call for papers 
We are delighted to welcome the submission of manuscripts to Nature Communications or Communications Materials that report on natural materials, bioinspired materials and the application of natural and/or bioinspired materials. Topics of interest include:
• Studies of natural material systems
• The application of natural materials for improved applications
• The fabrication of bioinspired/biomimetic materials
• Applications of bioinspired/biomimetic materials 
All submissions will be subject to the same review process and editorial standards as regular submissions.
Nautilus shell on wood background and snake skin

Natural Materials

Applications of Natural Materials

Bioinspired Materials

Applications of Bioinspired Materials