Nature Outline 

Spinal-cord injury

An injury to the spinal cord is life-changing. There is currently no way to reverse damage to the spinal cord, and no way to restore the ability to move and feel that such an injury takes away. But regenerative therapies in the initial stages of clinical testing are offering some much-needed hope.

This Nature Outline is editorially independent. It is produced with third party financial support. About this content.

Nerve repair: Regeneration in spinal-cord injury

Spinal-cord injuries affect about half a million people each year and can leave patients completely paralysed below the site of injury. Currently, damage to this precious bundle of nerve fibres is irreversible. Researchers are working to understand why the nerves of the central nervous system fail to repair themselves, in the hope of finding ways to reboot the regeneration process.

This animation explores some of the cutting-edge techniques being deployed to boost the spinal cord’s capacity to heal.

Nerve repair: Regeneration in spinal-cord injury is an editorially independent animation produced by Nature Video with the financial support from a third party.  About this content