
Receptor tyrosine kinases in disease

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Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are vital cellular signaling molecules. However, because of their ability to rapidly amplify extracellular signals, RTKs and their associated signaling pathways are often implicated in disease. Although many RTKs are targetable with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, patients almost inevitably develop resistance. Understanding the roles of these signaling pathways in disease can help us understand how to best target them and identify mechanisms of resistance.

This collection is dedicated to the role of RTKs in disease, including understanding how these signaling pathways promote pathogenesis, identifying novel mutations, improving treatment methods, and examining downstream signaling pathways.

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Left: inactive monomer, right: active dimer after EGF binding.


  • Ira Daar

    National Cancer Institute, USA

  • Paul Dent

    Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

  • Michael Simons

    MD Yale University School of Medicine, USA

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