
Advances in immune checkpoint inhibitors use in cancer treatment

After initial successes as single agents in paradigmatic settings such as melanoma or lung cancer, immune checkpoint inhibitors (CPIs) have rapidly reached a glass ceiling. This has led researchers and oncologists to turn to combinations as a means to further improve response rates and prolong survival in cancer patients, and to attempt to extend the use of immunotherapy to once-refractory tumours. These combinations are, of course, based on standard medical treatments such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and other immunotherapies. The main aim of this special issue of the British Journal of Cancer is to describe and critically comment on the most important combinations between CPIs and canonical therapies.

Excerpt from: Ciccolini, J., Milano, G. Immune check points in cancer treatment: current challenges and perspectives. Br J Cancer (2023).

Image (Figure 1): Brest, P., Mograbi, B., Pagès, G. et al. Checkpoint inhibitors and anti-angiogenic agents: a winning combination. Br J Cancer (2023).


Figure 1 from Brest et al.


  • Joseph Ciccolini

    SMARTc COMPO, Inria Inserm U1068 Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille, Marseille, France

  • Gerard Milano

    Centre Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, France
