
Of proposed magnetic Weyl semimetals (mWSMs)1,2,3,4, particular interest has been focused on Co3Sn2S2 with a kagome lattice of Co5,6,7,8,9,10, three layers of which are stacked in one unit cell of the crystal structure (Fig. 1a). The electronic structure of Co3Sn2S2 is schematically drawn in Fig. 1b. Finite contribution of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) produces a gap at the band crossing points except for the protected spatial symmetry positions (from left to centre of Fig. 1b). This is defined as Dirac semimetal (DSM) with possessing helical Fermi arcs (FAs). With broken time-reversal symmetry, the mWSM phase emerges with chiral FAs owing to ferromagnetic exchange splitting (right of Fig. 1b). On the projected surface normal to the plane of Co3Sn2S2 films (Fig. 1c), the surface FAs contribute to provide electrical conduction because the pairs of Weyl nodes are tilted from the magnetisation direction along z axis9. The Weyl nodes in the electronic bands enlarge the summation of Berry curvature under the well-regulated Fermi energy (EF)10, inducing the large anomalous phenomena5,6,7. Ultimately, the emergence of the quantum anomalous Hall effect has been theoretically proposed in the monolayer of the kagome lattice11 in Co3Sn2S212.

Fig. 1: Thin films of kagome-lattice ferromagnet Co3Sn2S2.
figure 1

a Crystal structure of Co3Sn2S2 and the ferromagnetic spin ordering below TC drawn with VESTA28. b Schematic band structures of nodal line semimetal, DSM, mWSM (FM: ferromagnetic coupling). Band crossing points, that is, Dirac and Weyl points, are represented by black and grey ellipsoids. c Distribution of Weyl points in energy–wave number (Ek) space and electrial conduction via chiral FA states in real space. Weyl points with opposite spin chiralities are represented by red and blue circles. d Typical out-of-plane XRD patterns of Co3Sn2S2 films with varied t. Three different targets (A, B and C) were used to check the reproducibility of the film composition and quality. For t ≥ 40 nm, the film compositions determined by EDX are shown. e M versus T curves measured for t = 41, 10, 2.7 and 1.3 nm (fabricated with the target A) at μ0H = 10 mT. The inset shows the t dependence of TC.

While the benefit of the SOC is maintained in the ultrathin films, the robustness of the mWSM phase against the thickness reduction is independently influenced by the twofold stability of linear dispersive band and ferromagnetism. On the one hand, for topological materials such as three-dimensional topological insulators and DSMs, the topological phase disappears in ultrathin films owing to topological phase transition driven by hybridisation of surface states13,14 and crossover by quantum size effect15, respectively. On the other hand, the stability of ferromagnetism in the thin-limit is an unresolved fundamental problem in Co3Sn2S2. The itinerant ferromagnetism in the Co-kagome lattice of Co3Sn2S2 is generally considered with the Stoner mechanism16,17. Except for two-dimensional layered compounds such as CrI318 and Cr2Ge2Te619, however, it has been well known that the ferromagnetic order becomes drastically weakened in the thin-limit of conventional ferromagnetic metals20,21.

Because of the difficulty in the exfoliation from bulk Co3Sn2S2 crystals, we investigate the magnetisation and electrical transport properties in the films approaching the thin-limit by careful synthesis of Co3Sn2S2 thin films with the varied film thickness t using vacuum deposition technique. We here disclose the robustness of mWSM phase in Co3Sn2S2 via characterisation of ferromagnetism and Weyl transport features in Co3Sn2S2 thin films. While the ferromagnetism with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy persists down to a few unit cell thicknesses with island-like polycrystalline domains, the mWSM phase with large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) emerges above a critical thickness of ~10 nm.


Film growth and magnetisation measurements

We fabricated c axis oriented Co3Sn2S2 films on Al2O3(0001) substrates by co-sputtering technique22 (Method). The t was controlled from nominal 1.3 nm (roughly one unit cell) to 61 nm. Figure 1d shows typical X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of nearly stoichiometric Co3Sn2S2 films capped with SiOx (a thickness of ~50 nm), where the systematic variation of thickness fringes indicates the uniform film quality and tunable manner of our t control at least down to t~10 nm (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2). Although the diffraction intensity for t < 4 nm was very weak, the deposition rate for these films was reliably reproducible by the sputtering method. The surface morphology of thin films for t = 4 and 11 nm was fairly flat (Supplementary Fig. 3). Based on these observations, we apply the nominal value of t estimated from the deposition rate in the following discussions.

Figure 1e shows magnetisation M versus temperature T curves measured for films with nominal t values of 41, 10, 2.7 and 1.3 nm. A sharp rise in M occurs, respectively, at T = 181, 177, 143 and 130 K, which correspond to Curie temperature TC. For t = 41 nm, the saturated value of M (Ms) of 0.29 μB per Co (where μB is Bohr magneton) at T = 10 K is comparable to the reported bulk value of 0.29–0.33 μB per Co5,6,7,16,17. With decreasing t, both the Ms and the TC (inset) decrease monotonically. Considering the Stoner mechanism16,17, these decreases are induced by the reduction of the density of states (DOS) at EF in the ultrathin films. In fact, the Hall coefficient RH in the paramagnetic state is systematically decreased23 (see Supplementary Fig. 4). Given that Co3Sn2S2 thin films have semimetallic bands as in the bulk, the decrease in RH should correspond to the decrease of carriers that contribute to the ordinary Hall effect, that is, the decrease in the DOS at EF. However, the monotonous systematic trend of M, TC and RH at t > 4 nm in Supplementary Fig. 4 allows us to extrapolate the finite value of RH in the ultrathin region, indicating that the ferromagnetic order is maintained with finite DOS even in the ultrathin films.

Structure-property relationship in Co3Sn2S2 films

In contrast to these monotonous changes in magnetism, electrical resistivity ρxx (=Rs × t, where Rs is the measured sheet resistance) dramatically increases with the t reduction. In Fig. 2a, b, the t dependences of ρxx at (a) T = 200 K > TC and (b) 2 K < TC are shown, respectively. Here, ρxx is estimated based on the assumption that electrical conduction is uniform over the whole region of a film without surface conduction. Above approximately t = 15 nm, both ρxx values at T = 200 K and 2 K are virtually constant; the bulk component of electrical conduction is comparable in these thick films. In the intermediate range of ~3 nm < t < ~15 nm, ρxx at T = 200 K increases as t decreases, whereas ρxx at T = 2 K increases more significantly with a rough relation of \(\rho _{xx} \propto t^{ - 1}\). Below t~3 nm, the electrical resistance exceeds the measurement limit. To comprehensively understand the impact of t on ρxx and also magnetism, we performed cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments for typical samples in these three t regions (nominal t = 45, 10 and 2.7 nm), as displayed in Fig. 2c–e. The 45-nm-thick sample is flat and the nominal t value estimated from the deposition rate is in excellent agreement with the t (tobs) value observed by TEM. In the 10-nm-thick sample, crystalline domains form a continuous network albeit with tobs fluctuating between 8 and 12 nm. Island-like polycrystalline domains eventually appear in the nominal 2.7-nm-thick sample (tobs = 0–6 nm). Overall, the averaged tobs matches well with the nominal t value, guaranteeing that our calculation of M using the film volume is reasonable (Fig. 1e). Figure 2f–h show the magnetic field μ0H dependences of M, where μ0 is the vacuum permeability and H is magnetic field strength (also see Supplementary Fig. 5 for Hall resistivity ρyx data). A clear hysteresis of M is observed for nominal t values of 41, 10 and 2.7 nm at T = 100 K. Please note that the coercive field is too large to measure hysteresis loops for t > 10 nm at T < 100 K in our apparatus with an upper limit of 7 T22. The ferromagnetic hysteresis with comparably large M is also obtained for nominal t = 2.7 nm while the coercive field becomes small with decreasing t. As shown in Supplementary Fig. 5d–f, ρyx of all films with t = 41, 10 and 4 nm show hysteresis behaviour at T = 100 K. Judging from the consistent hysteresis character of M and ρyx in Fig. 2f–h and Supplementary Fig. 5d–f, we confirmed the AHE origin of the observed ρyx as being consistent to the bulk5,6 based on the intrinsic mechanism24. The systematic comparison of these data shows that the high resistance exceeding the measurement limit in the ultrathin films with nominal t < ~3 nm arises from the formation of island-like polycrystalline domains, while the ferromagnetism persists with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (Fig. 2h). More importantly, the samples with t = 45 and 10 nm exhibit the distinct ρxx behaviour (Fig. 2a, b) despite insignificant differences in their film qualities (Figs. 1d, 2c, d, and Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2), which signals a qualitative change in the conduction mechanism between these samples.

Fig. 2: Structure-property relationship.
figure 2

a, b t dependence of ρxx at T = 200 K and 2 K, respectively. The symbols in a and b correspond to the used sputtering targets: A (circles), B (triangles) and C (squares). The red solid line in a is a guide to the eye, corresponding to the value of ρxxbulk = 2.9 × 10−4 Ω cm. The blue solid line in b represents a rough relation of \(\rho _{xx} \propto t^{ - 1}\). These data suggest three t regions with distinct conduction mechanisms: mWSM for t > ~15 nm, bad metal without surface conduction for ~3 nm < t < ~15 nm, and structurally disordered islands without electrical connection for t < ~3 nm. ce Cross-sectional TEM images for t = 45, 10 and 2.7 (nominal) nm, respectively. The tobs values represent rough thicknesses of Co3Sn2S2 estimated from the TEM images. fh M versus μ0H curves for t = 41, 10 and 2.7 (nominal) nm, respectively. The used sputtering targets were A for eh, B for d, and C for c.

Thickness dependence of electrical and AHE properties

The anomalous electrical transport properties are pronounced on the t dependent systematic variation in Fig. 3. As shown in Fig. 3a, thick films with t ≥ 20 nm exhibit metallic behaviour down to the lowest T of 2 K. The ρxx shows an inflection near T = 180 K, which agrees well with TC detected by magnetisation measurements (Fig. 1e). In addition, two samples for t = 41 and 59 nm (broken lines) represent superior conductive behaviour in low T region with a comparable residual resistivity ratio to that for bulk single crystals5,6,7,10. A decrease in t to <10 nm substantially increases the ρxx without an inflection around TC (t = 5 and 4 nm) although M develops ferromagnetically. The ρxx for the films with nominal t = 2.7 and 1.3 nm was undetectable above the measurement limit (Fig. 2a, b) because of the disconnection of film domains (Fig. 2e). In Hall conductivity, \(\sigma _{xy} = \frac{{\rho _{yx}}}{{\rho _{xx}^2 + \rho _{yx}^2}}\) (Supplementary Fig. 6a for the T dependence of ρyx) in Fig. 3b, the σxy dramatically increases at T comparable with TC for M (Fig. 1e) and saturates at low T. Although many of the thick films (t > 10 nm) show σxy exceeding 1000 Ω−1 cm−1 at T = 2 K, which is comparable or even higher than the bulk values5,6 and theoretically calculated values5,12, the σxy for t = 5 and 4 nm is much suppressed. These bulk-comparable T-dependent ρxx and σxy strongly support that the AHE character in thick films t > 10 nm reflects the Weyl features of electronic bands. In addition to the high σxy, we observed a negative magnetoresistance in an in-plane H configuration, called the chiral anomaly2,3,4,25, which has been discussed as a hallmark of the mWSM state5 (Supplementary Fig. 7).

Fig. 3: Critical t for the emergence of Weyl features in electrical transport properties.
figure 3

a, b T dependence of ρxx and σxy measured at zero field after field-cooled at μ0H = 1 T, respectively. The used sputtering targets were A for t = 41 nm, B for t = 40, 20, 10, 5 and 4 nm, and C for t = 59 nm. c t dependence of Rs−1 at T = 2 K (blue symbols) and 200 K (red symbols). The red solid line is a linear fit to the data at T = 200 K. The blue solid and dashed lines for the data at T = 2 K represent two sample groups with different σs values. The blue solid curve is a guide to the eye. d t dependence of σxy at T = 2 K. The blue solid curve is a guide to the eye. Symbols in c and d correspond to the used sputtering targets: A (circles), B (triangles) and C (squares).

To find the surface-specific conductance contributions by surface FAs (Fig. 1c), we plot sheet conductance \(\frac{1}{{R_{\mathrm{s}}}} = \frac{t}{{\rho _{xx}^{{\mathrm{bulk}}}}} + \sigma _{\mathrm{s}}\) as a function of t in Fig. 3c, where ρxxbulk is the bulk resistivity of Co3Sn2S2 film and σs is the t-independent surface conductance. We here summarise all data acquired for films fabricated with the three sputtering targets A (circles), B (triangles) and C (squares) to see the overall tendency and reproducibility. In the paramagnetic state at T = 200 K, a reliable linear fit to the data yields ρxxbulk = 2.9 × 10−4 Ω cm (Fig. 2a) and a t offset of 1.1 nm. This linear relation indicates that the electrical conduction in the paramagnetic state for t = 5–61 nm is well dominated and reproduced by ρxxbulk. In contrast, a finite Rs−1 offset, which corresponds to the surface conductance σs, is extracted from the data for t > 20 nm at T = 2 K (indicated by the black arrow). There seem two sample groups with different σs (the blue solid and dashed lines); the detailed analysis will be reported elsewhere. The σxy in Fig. 3d initiates to increase above 10 nm with saturation in the thicker region. The σxy in the mWSM is discussed to be proportional to the distance between two Weyl points with opposite chiralities in k-sapce1,26. Under the overall ferromagnetic condition against t variation, the gradual increase of σxy with increasing t reflects the development of pairs of Weyl nodes in the electronic bands, resulting in the simultaneous emergence of conductance contribution by the projected surface FAs at t > 20 nm. These significant variations reveal the presence of a critical thickness of Co3Sn2S2 films hindering a feature of mWSM.

Stability of mWSM phase in Co3Sn2S2 films

Using σxy and electrical conductivity \(\sigma _{xx} = \frac{{\rho _{xx}}}{{\rho _{xx}^2 + \rho _{yx}^2}}\), we calculated a tangent of the Hall angle for AHE, σxy/σxx, which is directly linked to the Berry curvature of electronic bands in the intrinsic mechanism24. As shown in Fig. 4a, the 40-nm-thick film exhibits σxy/σxx as large as 0.24 at T = 130 K. With a decrease in t, the T at which σxy/σxx becomes the largest shifts to low T. The T-dependent σxy/σxx can be apparently classified to two trends with/without peak at finite T (Supplementary Fig. 6b), which indicates that the AHE in all films is governed by the intrinsic mechanism identical to that for the bulk with different T-dependent σxx (Supplementary Fig. 8). To emphasise this trend, we made a contour plot of the σxy/σxx as functions of T and the sample thickness in Fig. 4b, where the nominal number of Co-kagome layers (three Co-kagome layers ~1.3 nm) is used as the sample thickness instead of t. The TC values (black circles) determined by magnetisation measurements (Fig. 1e) define the ferromagnetic/paramagnetic regions in the diagram. As discussed in Figs. 1e and 2, the average one- and two-unit-cells-thick samples with island-like polycrystalline domains maintain the ferromagnetic ordering, securing that the time reversal symmetry is broken in overall t regions. It is now more obvious that a large-σxy/σxx region vanishes below a few tens Co-kagome layers, unveiling a mWSM phase emerges in the thicker region. The linear dispersive electronic bands would be intrinsically diminished in the thinner t region similarly to band renormalisation in DSM of Cd3As2 thin film15,27. Though it is difficult to fully understand the additional role of disorder by lattice distortion and roughness in the disappearance of AHE in the ultrathin films, the intrinsic band modification in ultrathin films may be examined in future study by spectroscopy after overcoming the difficulty of surface treatment or exfoliation.

Fig. 4: Phase diagram of Co3Sn2S2 films for magnetic WSM.
figure 4

a T dependence of σxy/σxx measured for films with t = 40, 20, 10, 5 and 4 nm (fabricated with the target B) at zero field after field-cooled at μ0H = 1 T. b Contour plot of σxy/σxx as a function of T and the nominal number of Co-kagome layers in the Co3Sn2S2 films (PM: paramagnetic). The nominal number of Co-kagome layers was calculated using the c axis length determined by XRD (Supplementary Fig. 1). TC (Fig. 1e) and Tpeak are included for comparison. c Sheet Hall conductance xy at T = 2 K as a function of the number of Co-kagome layers. The solid line indicates the fitting result using a linear relation of \({\mathrm{log}}\,t\sigma _{xy} = a + {\mathrm{log}}\,N_{{\mathrm{Co}}}\).


The final remark in this study is the verification of quantum Hall conductance e2/h (e: elementary charge, h: Planck constant) of one Co-kagome layer in the mWSM by a systematic extrapolation of sheet Hall conductance xy shown in Fig. 4c, which has been theoretically expected in kagome layer with a flat band feature5,11,12. The good agreement of a linear relationship in the certain region may exemplify the two-dimensional contribution of each Co-kagome layer to the Hall conductivity with close EF to the gap. In comparison with the 1.28 e2/h in each kagome layer calculated from the σxy value of 1130 Ω−1 cm−1 for bulk crystal5, the extrapolated value of 1.3 e2/h by fitting in Fig. 4c using a linear relation of \({\mathrm{log}}\,t\sigma _{xy} = a + {\mathrm{log}}\,N_{{\mathrm{Co}}}\), where a is a fitting parameter and NCo is the number of Co-kagome layer, is further reasonable (Supplementary Fig. 9). The robust ferromagnetism in the ultrathin films, large AHE, and a verification of quantum conductance experimentally prove the significant feature of mWSM Co3Sn2S2 thin films. Stabilisation of ultimate thin-limit of Co-kagome monolayer is a future interesting challenge to perform direct measurement of magnetic interaction in the layer and quantum conductance. In view of a wide variety of mWSMs and magnets with kagome lattice, heterostructure engineering and EF tuning will pave a way to find emergent phenomena that relate with Weyl nodes.


Thin-film growth

The Co3Sn2S2 films were grown on Al2O3(0001) substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering22 with Co−SnS1.35 mosaic targets. The mosaic target was prepared using an SnS1.35 disc (mixed-phase of SnS and SnS2) and Co metal chips. The film composition was controlled by the number and location of the Co metal chips. Three Co−SnS1.35 mosaic targets were used, which are referred to as A, B and C in the text. To suppress possible influences by impurities, e.g., unreacted/segregated ferromagnetic Co, particular attention was paid to the reproducibility of the film composition using the three different targets. Prior to the film growth, the substrates were annealed at 1000 °C in air to obtain atomically smooth surfaces. The films were deposited at 400 °C and then capped with SiOx, followed by in situ annealing at 800 °C in a vacuum. The crystal structure and composition of the films were analysed by XRD using Cu Kα radiation and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, respectively.

Electrical and magnetic measurements

Electrical measurements were performed with a Physical Property Measurement System (Quantum Design, Inc.). A Hall-bar shaped channel was patterned by mechanically scratching the film. Electrical contacts were made with indium solder. The measured ρyx versus μ0H curves were anti-symmetrized. The T dependence of ρyx was obtained by anti-symmetrizing data taken at zero field after field-cooled at μ0H = ±1 T. Magnetisation measurements were performed with a Magnetic Property Measurement System (Quantum Design, Inc.). Before the measurements, the bottom surface of Al2O3 substrate was polished to remove possible magnetic contaminations from the substrate holder used. For the M versus T measurements in Fig. 1e, the samples were cooled from T = 300 K to 10 K in an out-of-plane magnetic field of μ0H = 1 T. Subsequently, M at μ0H = 10 mT was measured in a heating process. The measured M versus μ0H curves were anti-symmetrized for a comparison with ρyx versus μ0H characteristics.