
Point mutations, or their co-evolution, in protein amino acid sequences usually result in a protein folding into a different three-dimensional (3D) structure. Such structural changes have immediate impact on the protein’s conformation and interaction stability with other proteins1,2,3,4,5. When binding affinity or binding strength, as measured by the binding free energy change of the complex following the mutation6,7,8,9,10, becomes marked, the function of the mutant may be significantly enhanced by provoking changes in its binding affinity to receptors11,12,13, or otherwise the mutant loses its original function.

This paper presents a machine learning method that makes an accurate prediction of a putative sequence from a given protein such that the mutated protein will have an in silico guaranteed binding affinity increase or decrease with the receptor. We call this an affinity-guided mutation, or an affinity-to-mutation prediction problem. The method can be applied iteratively to generate a path of mutated proteins having an increasing trend of monotone affinity in the iteration. Because interactions among proteins play critical roles in the basic functioning of cells and organisms, including immunity development, molecular transportation and metabolism14,15, our method will be useful in many fields including protein engineering, protein structure determination, protein function prediction, drug design and protein evolution path construction, as has been seen from recent studies. For example, the Omicron BA.1 variant of SARS-CoV-2 can more easily escape from convalescent sera and monoclonal antibodies due to its lowered binding affinity compared with its earlier strains16. After acquiring stronger binding affinity to CD33 (ref. 17), M195, a monoclonal antibody, was found to have increased diagnostic and therapeutic capability for myeloid leukaemia; and the high-affinity programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) was found to be more effective than antiprogrammed cell death ligand 1 (anti-PD-L1) antibodies in the treatment of tumour in mouse models18.

Exhaustive combination of random point mutations is a straightforward approach to solving this problem, but its exponential nature of computational complexity is too high to implement (an n-length amino acid sequence would have a total of 19n potential combinations). We take deep learning as an efficient heuristic approach to narrow the search space through adversarial learning on the protein’s specific structural data of receptor binding sites and learning on their atom properties to find potential mutation sites and generate the correct mutations at these sites. Tailored machine learning methods exist for sequence-to-affinity predictions, sequence-to-structure predictions and function-to-sequence predictions19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 (Supplementary Note 2). However, these methods are unable to answer our key questions: (1) which putative sequence will have an in silico guaranteed binding affinity increase and (2) what mutated sequence can reach maximum binding affinity with the receptor, namely the affinity-to-mutation prediction problem?

Generative adversarial network (GAN) is a type of generative deep learning framework proposed to solve generative modelling problems37. Its earlier variants, including conditional GAN38 and deep convolutional GAN39, were specially developed for a variety of generation tasks including image-to-image translation and text-to-image synthesis. However, these GAN algorithms suffer from problems such as unstable training process, vanishing gradients and mode collapse40,41. Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) improves performance by utilization of Wasserstein distance rather than Jensen–Shannon divergence implemented in the original GAN42.

Based on the core concept of adversarial learning behind the generator–discriminator WGAN architectures, we present a new deep learning framework, DeepDirect, for generation of protein mutants under a preset affinity-increasing or -decreasing direction. The input of DeepDirect is the chain sequence aaSeq in a protein complex or that of the whole complex, and output f(aaSeq) is a putative sequence mutated from aaSeq that has an increase or decrease in binding affinity with the receptor following the mutation.

DeepDirect is a framework that is able to generate mutations in protein amino acid sequences towards a change of direction in specified binding affinity. A novel step in our method is the adversarial training process that dynamically labels the real side of the data and generates fake pseudo-data accordingly to establish a computational model that guides the mutation generation. In addition to the classic generator and discriminator in a WGAN architecture, our DeepDirect architecture has a novel part, termed the binding-affinity change predictor. With coordination of the three parts, DeepDirect can select both mutation positions and amino acid substitutes according to the input protein’s spatial information, leading to a direction-guided change in binding affinity. The model’s flexibility in generating both single- and multipointed mutations partly mimics the natural circumstance of protein evolution.

It is of wider interest to find a putative sequence mutated from an existing protein such that it has maximum binding affinity with the receptor. We apply f(aaSeq) iteratively using the output sequence each time as the input sequence of the next iteration, namely f(…, f(aaSeq)), to reach stable status fn(aaSeq) = f(n+1)(aaSeq), where n ≥ 1 represents the number of iterations of f(aaSeq). Then, the putative sequence f(n+1)(aaSeq) is a sequence mutated from aaSeq after n mutation steps that has a maximum affinity with the receptor. In fact, the affinities of fi(aaSeq), i = 0, 1, …, n, shape a monotone increasing trend of change in binding free energy with the series of base mutations.

We draw a 3D landscape of binding affinities of those randomly mutated sequences and those sequences iteratively generated by our model f(n+1)(aaSeq) to illustrate how our algorithm effectively locates a peak point of binding affinities in the landscape and then jumps to a higher peak point. We use this affinity landscape to demonstrate how our deep learning algorithm overcomes the exponential complexity in the search space to find an optimal amino acid sequence that has maximum binding affinity. Specifically, these tests were conducted on the Novavax–angiotensin-converting enzyme-related carboxypeptidase (ACE2) complex to evaluate the effectiveness of DeepDirect’s affinity-to-mutation prediction, and on the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron virus spike protein to predict a potential evolution path for the virus in terms of its interaction with the human ACE2 receptor.


Architecture and adversarial training scheme of DeepDirect

DeepDirect has three main components: a protein sequence mutation generator, two discriminators and a protein complex binding-affinity change predictor.

The sequence mutation generator is the most important part of DeepDirect’s architecture (Figs. 1 and 2a). Three types of data are required as input to the generator: the protein’s amino acid sequence, the protein’s structure/auxiliary data and protein-related noise (Fig. 1a). The mutation generator, together with the two discriminators and the binding affinity predictor, are organized in a new two-stage adversarial training procedure for the mutation generator to extract the required features. Benefiting from its architecture, the mutation generator is capable of determining mutation sites and the amino acid substitutions at these sites (Fig. 1b), towards a directed change in binding affinity (Fig. 1c).

Fig. 1: Overview of the DeepDirect mutation generator.
figure 1

a, Input data requirements. b, Mutation generation process. c, Binding affinity-guided mutation output.

Fig. 2: DeepDirect architecture.
figure 2

a, Mutation sequence generator. b, Mutation blocks inside the sequence generator. c, Binding-affinity predictor and discriminator A. d, CNN blocks inside the binding-affinity predictor and discriminator A. e, Discriminator B.

The mutation block (Fig. 2b) is essential in DeepDirect to generate amino acid mutations with flexibility. The masking layer (Fig. 2a, flow 2) ensures the mutation sites to be selected with a flexible length based on features extracted from the input sequence, its auxiliary information and random noise. Combined with the extracted protein information (Fig. 2a, flows 1, 3 and 4), a mutated amino acid can be selected based on the input sequence from a 20-dimension space (corresponding to all potential amino acid substitutes) for each determined mutation position. As such, base mutations generated by DeepDirect are not limited to a single position, having a diversity of amino acid substitution patterns jointly affecting binding affinity.

DeepDirect has a two-stage training scheme for generation of expected mutations (Fig. 3). At stage A we train the mutation generator to produce appropriate mutations based on the properties of the protein sequence. Here, an appropriate mutation is one that, by avoiding the generation of an extra number of mutation positions, may lead to a totally different protein sequence. At stage B we train the mutation generator to generate mutations guided by a specific affinity-changing direction. We make use of two protein–protein interaction databases, AB-Bind43 and SKEMPI v.2.0 (ref. 44), for the training. AB-Bind and SKEMPI v.2.0 contain 1,102 and 7,085 protein mutants, respectively, together with their experimentally determined binding free energy changes (ΔΔG (DDG), in kcal mol−1). We note that all DDG data were split into ‘train’, ‘validation’ and ‘test’, in a ratio 0.7:0.15:0.15, for generalization validation of the binding-affinity change predictor. Further details regarding the training scheme are referred to in ‘DeepDirect training framework and parameter settings’.

Fig. 3
figure 3

DeepDirect architecture and training scheme. Architecture and training scheme of training stage A (above) and B (below).

Deepdirect applied to a Novavax vaccine construct

One order of magnitude greater DDG change by DeepDirect

We evaluated the effectiveness of DeepDirect’s affinity-guided mutation in comparison with random mutations. We randomly generated 1,500 mutated sequences of the Novavax vaccine for each of mutation rates 5, 10 and 20%; we also applied both models of DeepDirect—namely modelinc (model trained to generate affinity-increasing mutations) and modeldec (model trained to generate affinity-decreasing mutations)—to generate 500 mutated sequences using the Novavax–ACE2 complex sequence as input. More detailed parameter settings for the two models can be found at ‘DeepDirect training framework and parameter settings’. The randomly mutated sequences have an average DDG of 0.24, 0.18 and 0.057 with a median 0.16, 0.09 and 0.006 under mutation rates 5, 10 and 20%, respectively (Supplementary Fig 1a). The 500 sequences generated by modelinc have an average DDG of − 2.501 and median of −2.515, and the 500 generated by modeldec have an average DDG of 5.352 and median of 5.312 (Fig. 4a). We additionally compared the the results from DeepDirect with those randomly mutated sequences grouped with a stronger/weaker binding affinity, as well as with chain-independent random mutations. The results demonstrate that DeepDirect’s mutation mechanism is very effective in generating a new sequence that has one order of magnitude greater binding affinity increase or decrease than random mutants’ affinity change (further comparison details can be found in Supplementary Note 3).

Fig. 4: DDG comparison between randomly and DeepDirect-generated mutations for the Novavax–ACE2 complex.
figure 4

a, Boxplot of change in binding free energy between DeepDirect- and randomly generated mutations on the Novavax–ACE2 complex. n = 500 independent samples for each condition. b, Boxplot (top) and scatter plot (bottom) of change in binding free energy change of DeepDirect-generated mutations (binding affinity increase) on the Novavax–ACE2 complex (subset by chain). n = 500 independent samples for each condition. c, Boxplot of change in binding free energy between DeepDirect- and random mutation-reconstructed Novavax–ACE2 complex. n = 500 independent samples for each condition. ac, Boxplots show median, first and third quartiles and minimum and maximum. Outliers are classified as being 1.5-fold outside the interquartile range. D-N-ACE2-i, R-N-ACE2, D-N-ACE2-d represent mutations on Novavax-ACE2 complex via Deepdirect modelinc, random process and Deepdirect modeldec. D-ACE2, D-N-chain A, D-N-chain B and D-N-chain C represent specific mutations on ACE2, and chain A, B and C of Novavax, via Deepdirect modelinc, d, DeepDirect mutated amino acid positions on Novavax chains A, B and C. e, DeepDirect-predicted RDB areas on the Novavax–ACE2 complex.

We note that only random mutations were compared, because DeepDirect is a method proposed to generate binding affinity-guided protein mutants whereas, biologically, every base in the input sequences allows a potential mutation. We found no models in the literature similar to ours in regard to performance benchmarking.

Vaccine optimization by modelinc

Furthermore, we reconstructed the Novavax vaccine trimer using modelinc for in silico strengthening of the binding affinity of the vaccine construct with the human ACE2 receptor. Such an in silico reconstructed vaccine construct would render immune response more easily activated (in terms of binding to ACE2). In steps, we applied modelinc to create mutated chain A of the Novavax–ACE2 complex with a batch size of 500 and then used the mutations on chain A of Novavax as template to reconstruct the other two chains and integrate the three chains as a trimer. Figure 4c shows that the reconstructed trimers have an average DDG of −2.44 kcal mol−1 with a median of −2.41 according to our prediction.

We also applied modeldec and the random mutation approach under mutation rates of 5, 10 and 20% to reconstruct the vaccine construct with the same steps as above for comparison. Average changes in binding affinity for the reconstructed vaccine complexes by modeldec and those by the random mutation approach under rates of 5, 10 and 20% were 6.14, 0.22, 0.11 and 0.11, with a median 6.00, 0.13, 0.04 and 0.03, respectively (Fig. 4c and Supplementary Fig 1b. Figure 4d illustrates one case of mutated positions among DeepDirect-generated mutants, where the overall stability of the complex has been enhanced by the mutation. Such mutants would be considered as potential candidates for strengthening the immunogenicity of the Novavax vaccine because of its capability of forming more stable conformation structures with the ACE2 receptor according to our prediction.

Because DeepDirect’s generator requires receptor binding domain (RBD) information for the mutation task, our method also provides an inbuilt RBD prediction function for generating RBD index in situations where such information is lacking. We examined this prediction performance in the Novavax–ACE2 complex, finding that the predicted RBD area of the complex was located at the junction between the Novavax construct and ACE2 receptor, exactly as expected (Fig. 4e).

Omicron spike protein: evolution path and affinity landscape

We were interested in strain SARS-CoV-2 Omicron’s spike protein and its potential evolution path. We applied modelinc to the original sequence (denoted as s0) of the spike protein to obtain putative sequence s1, namely s1 = DMinc(s0), where DMinc denotes the DeepDirect modelinc mutation function. DeepDirect recommended 108 residue mutations (out of 1,061) for s0. Following the mutation, the binding affinity of mutant s1 was increased by 2.43 kcal mol−1 with the receptor (that is, complex free energy was reduced by 2.43 kcal mol−1).

Affinity monotonicity

Iteratively we applied modelinc each time, taking output sequence si as the input data to DMinc(s) to obtain the next putative sequence, s(i + 1). The iteration was stopped at s4; The binding affinity of s4 with the receptor showed little change compared with that of DMinc(s4), indicating that a potential maximum level of binding strength had been reached. With a total of 134 residue mutations (out of 1,061) from the original sequence s0 in the four steps, putative sequence s4 had gained 5.96 kcal mol−1 binding free energy with the ACE2 receptor (Fig. 5a).

Fig. 5: Putative evolution analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron spike protein.
figure 5

a, Putative simulation of evolution and devolution paths. m_i/m_d represents mutating via modelinc/modeldec and the following number indicates the mutation round. b, DBSCAN clusters with regard to the first two principal components (PC-1 and -2). c, Heatmap of the first and second principal components from SGT embeddings.

On the other hand, we applied modeldec with s4 as input. As expected, the resulting sequence s5 has a much weakened binding affinity with the receptor in comparison with that of s4. We applied modeldec repeatedly and obtained putative sequence s7 whose binding strength was far less than the original level of that between s0 and ACE2 (Fig. 5a). Interestingly, x6 was not identical to x0 in sequence, suggesting that there may be many unknown variants of Omicron’s spike protein that have the same level of binding strength with ACE2. These results also suggest that SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants may not have sufficient potential to mutate into a strong variant with significantly higher binding affinity to the ACE2 receptor.

There are two monotone trends of binding affinity as shown in Fig. 5a. One is an increasing trend when modelinc was applied to s0, the other a decreasing trend when modeldec was applied to s4. We term these, together with their associated mutants, either an in silico evolution or devolution path of the original SARS-CoV-2 Omicron spike protein sequence s0. For the former path, mutant binding affinity increases sharply at the first mutation step and then slows down gradually in the remaining steps. However, as observed for the devolution path, binding affinity weakened much more rapidly than the increase in binding affinity during the evolution iterations.

Affinity landscape

To further understand unknown clusters of variants into which the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron virus might have evolved, we generated mutations 500 times separately by modelinc on its spike protein sequences in a batch size of 500, to create 500 evolution paths. We then embedded the final 500 mutated sequences into vectors by a sequence graph transform (SGT) method45 and further applied DBSCAN46 on their first two principal components (PCs) for clustering of protein mutants. Four groups of sequences were formed in the hyperspace of the first two PCs, labelled 1–4, containing 368, 21, 76 and 12 mutants, respectively (Fig. 5b). DBSCAN also identified some outliers, showing that their sequences are less similar in terms of their extracted features compared with other sequences clustered into each group. Figure 5c shows the impact of the SGT (amino acid pair impact) in the first two PC spaces. Pair mutations H–Y, L–H and M–H (for PC-1) and H–S, M–Y and Y–I (for PC-2) have high absolute values, indicating their potentially key role in determininging the evolution paths of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron spike protein.

Figure 6 and Supplementary Fig 2b–d show a 3D landscape of binding affinities for randomly mutated sequences, as well as for those sequences generated by modelinc from the Omicron spike protein sequence. The xy plane of the 3D landscape is a hyperspace of the first two PCs of protein sequence embeddings obtained by SGT45. The z-axis of the landscape represents the binding affinities (DDGs) of protein mutants with the receptor. We compared the above DeepDirect-generated evolution path (four-step mutations towards stronger binding affinity) with three batches of 500 randomly generated mutation paths (each with the same four-step mutations) under mutation rates of 5, 10 and 20%. DeepDirect can generate mutations towards higher binding affinities whereas most randomly generated mutations go in different directions and eventually the sequences mutate toward a complex conformation of lower stability. This landscape also signifies that none of the randomly generated sequences has a binding affinity exceeding those of the putative sequences generated by our deep learning method. This verifies the effectiveness of the generator–discriminator adversarial learning concept as a heuristic idea aimed at narrowing the exponential search space to determine the maximum peak points of binding affinities from monotone increasing trends.

Fig. 6: 3D landscape of binding affinities of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron spike mutants generated by DeepDirect and those generated by random mutations.
figure 6

Side (left) and top view (right) of the 3D landscape. Only some of the mutation paths are shown.


We present DeepDirect, a deep learning framework for the generation of mutants from protein complexes with a specified direction of binding-affinity change so that mutants become either more or less stable. DeepDirect is an in silico approach used for the generation of affinity-guided mutations. As shown in the evaluation results, DeepDirect shows good performance in the detrmination of mutation sites that affect the binding free energy of the whole complex. As seen in Fig. 6a,b, DeepDirect is able to determine monotone paths in contrast to the random mutation approach. In addition, the model has the capability to deal with large-batch mutation generation tasks within a reasonable computing time.

The framework is implemented as a modified WGAN structure with three main components: a mutation generator, a discriminator and a predictor of binding-affinity change. We developed a new two-stage training scheme by first training the model to generate reasonable mutations from the reference, mimicking the natural mutation, and then learning to mutate along change in binding affinity direction. We designed such an objective-separated training scheme to help model enhanced extraction of required features, thereby improving training efficiency.

We demonstrated the effectiveness and application potential of DeepDirect by generating mutants for the Novavax vaccine construct. All 500 mutants generated by DeepDirect were found to have significantly stronger binding affinity compared with the random mutation process. In addition, by using DeepDirect to simulate the evolution paths for the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron virus spike protein, we found that the limited potential of the virus had evolved into a much stronger strain in terms of binding affinity to the ACE2 receptor. Four main groups into which the virus might have evolved were also predicted, as well as those amino acids that play key roles in that evolution. In addition to these case studies, DeepDirect has a wide range of application domains, providing researchers with efficient ways to better understand protein bioengineering and protein–protein interactions (see Supplementary Note 1 for further examples).

Note that we used DeepDirect to generate mutations based only on the initial protein conformation during its iterations for the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron spike protein. However, in reality those mutations in each iteration may also result in changes in the structure of the complex. The reason we did not consider those conformational changes is that there are currently few in silico protein structure prediction methodologies that have the capability to quantify those changes from mutation events (that is, the template-based searching strategy used by Alphafold prevents it from detecting minor structural changes from slight change in amino acids). We also note that all binding-affinity changes presented in the study were in silico predicted from DeepDirect’s predictor of binding-affinity change, which is trained on protein mutation datasets containing wet-lab experimentally determined changed values of binding affinity. However, for more accurate detection of change in binding affinity, further wet-lab experiments may need to be carried out.

The current version of DeepDirect allows only substitution mutations in the input protein sequences but no insertion or deletion mutations, the main reason being that there are few data available relating to insertion or deletion mutations with change in labelled binding affinity for construction of the training model. Other challenges include: (1) how to define the length of continuous insertions or deletion in which an overmutation problem will occur and (2) how to handle overlap between insertion and deletion areas. There is no doubt that consideration of insertions and deletions will widen the mutation search space for DeepDirect in the search for better mutants. This will be a future development in upgrading DeepDirect. We also note that recently emerged foundation models for protein-related prediction tasks (for example, by ESM-2) have shown their superior performance. Integration of these models may of benefit in regard to DeepDirect’s performance, which is another potential development area in our future work.


Data preprocessing

The ΔΔG data used in this study were derived directly from the AB-bind database. For the SKEMPI2 database we calculated ΔΔG values for each entry using

$${{\Delta }}{{\Delta }}G={{\Delta }}{G}_{{\mathrm{mut}}}-{{\Delta }}{G}_{{\mathrm{wt}}}$$


$${{\Delta }}{G}_{{\mathrm{mut}}}=-RT\ln\left({K}_{{\mathrm{mut}}}\right)\,{\mathrm{and}}\,{{\Delta }}{G}_{{\mathrm{wt}}}=-RT\ln\left({K}_{{\mathrm{wt}}}\right)$$

where R is a universal gas constant equal to 8.314/4,184 (kcalK−1 mol−1), T is set as 273.15 + 25(K) and Kmut and Kwt are, respectively, the binding affinity data after and before the mutation from each entry in the SKEMPI2 database. Mutated sequences were generated from the original sequences based on the mutations denoted in each database.

We used the alpha-carbon 3D coordinates of each amino acid as the coordinates of that amino acid from the protein’s Protein Data Bank (PDB) file. The receptor–ligand index was constructed to distinguish receptor chains and ligand chains in the protein complex. We constructed the RBD index by locating the k (set as 50) nearest amino acids for each amino acid and counting the number among those k amino acids with a different receptor–ligand index. All counts were normalized, and those scores exceeding a cutoff (set at 0.1) were predicted as the amino acid at or around the RBD area. Amino acid sequences were one-hot encoded into a 20-element vector as input to a neural network.

Further details on DeepDirect architecture

A mutation generator, two discriminators and a binding affinity predictor are included in DeepDirect, as shown in Fig. 2.

The mutation generator is designed to generate binding affinity-guided mutations. Three types of data are required as input to the generator: the protein’s amino acid sequence, its structure/auxiliary information and protein-related noise (Fig. 1a). Auxiliary information is defined as the index of the RBD of the protein complex, the amino acid corresponding to the ligand and the receptor in the complex, and the 3D coordinates information for each amino acid. Noise is generated using a Gaussian distribution. Each input data vector first undergoes bidirectional long short-term memory (bi-LSTM) layers separately for extraction of input information, and for the model to incorporate the input with different lengths. We set the latent dimension of all bi-LSTM layers at 128.

All bi-LSTM layer outputs are concatenated except for noise, and both the concatenated features and those from the bi-LSTM layers following noise are separately input into two bi-LSTM layers. We further concatenate these two outputs and feed them to a group of three bi-LSTM layers with latent dimension 128, 32 or 20 for further feature extraction. To create a binary mask in selection of mutation positions we build two dense layers to reduce the last dimension (the latent dimension) to 1, followed by a binary activation function that converts output data into a binary value of 0 or 1 (a value above threshold 0.5 is output as 1, otherwise as 0), where the number 1 represents selection of mutation position while 0 means that there is no need to mutate.

We then select features and output (denoted as numbers in Fig. 2a,b) from upstream and input them to the mutation block, which stimulates mutations based on the sequence. Figure 2b shows the architecture of a mutation block: a LSTM layer takes the concatenated input from the previous dense layer 1 and bi-LSTM layer 3, followed by another bi-LSTM layer with latent dimensions of 64 and 32, respectively, for further feature extraction. The dense layer then reduces the last dimension (latent dimension) to 20 using a softmax activation function. The output is a subset of base positions derived by the binary mask, and the new value is replaced at the determined mutation position at the original sequence.

We designed two discriminators, discriminator A and discriminator B, for different training purposes. The architecture of the protein complex binding-affinity change predictor and discriminator A are shown in Fig. 2c. The model takes three main types of input data: protein sequence, mutated sequence and auxiliary information. Both protein sequence and auxiliary information are the same as those for the protein sequence mutation generator described above. The mutated sequence is the sequence corresponding to the protein sequence but with mutations replacing some of its amino acids. The model calculates differences between the original and mutated sequences by subtracting their one-hot vector representing amino acids, to highlight the mutation. The original protein sequence, the sequence difference and then the auxiliary information are fed to bi-LSTM layers to encode them into vectors.

Two connected convolutional neural network (CNN) blocks take these vectors separately for extraction of features within each input vector. The binding-affinity change predictor is constructed with 32 and 64 filters in the first and second blocks, respectively, while discriminator A has 64 and 128, both with a kernel size of 5. These convolved features are concatenated and further input to another group of four CNN blocks for integrated feature extraction, with 32, 64, 128 and 256 filters for the binding-affinity change predictor and 64, 128, 256 and 512 for discriminator A, both again having a kernel size of 5. A global Max Pooling layer is then applied followed by four fully connected dense layers with neuron units 128, 64, 8 and 1. Rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation is then applied on the first two dense layers and LeakyReLU on the third, with the alpha-value set as 0.2. For the binding-affinity change predictor, a linear activation is applied at the last step of the model while for discriminator A no activation is placed. The architecture of the CNN blocks (Fig. 2d) includes a convolution two-dimensional layer, a batch normalization layer, a ReLU activation, a two-dimensional Max Pooling and a dropout layer in sequential order.

Figure 2e illustrates the architecture of discriminator B. It is composed of a group of four dense layers each having 16, 16, 8 or 1 units and with activation function ReLU, except for the last layer where a sigmoid function is set.

DeepDirect training framework and parameter settings

At stage A we use the original protein sequences and their mutated sequences for training. We first mutate the sequences via the mutation generator, label them as ‘fake’ and subsequently label the mutations from the training database as ‘real’. We train discriminator A for five rounds and update the weights through back propagation. To prevent discriminator A from determining the sequence without generating mutations as real, we train the discriminator for three more steps to label the non-mutated sequence as fake and mutants from the training database as real. Weight clipping is applied at all steps for training of discriminator A to ensure training smoothness, then we freeze the weights of discriminator A and train the mutation generator for one step. We train discriminator A more than the mutation generator to help produce a reliable gradient. At stage B we first specify a mutation direction (in the direction of increase/decrease of binding free energies) and then we mutate the sequence via the mutation generator. Together with the original sequence, the generated mutant is then input to the pretrained binding-affinity change predictor to predict a free energy change score. We use ΔEG to represent free energy changes from the mutation generator. Hence, in the circumstance of ’decrease’ specified for mutation direction, the mutated data are labelled as real if ΔEG <0 or as fake if ≥0. A pseudo-energy value is then generated accordingly, sampled from uniform distribution U(0, 2) and labelled as fake if EG >0, or from U(−2, 0), and labelled as real if EG ≥0. If increase is specified for the direction, the mutated data are labelled as real if ΔEG >0 or as fake if ≤0. Subsequently a pseudo-energy value is sampled from U(−2, 0) and labelled as fake if EG >0, or sampled from U(0, 2) and labelled as real if EG ≤ 0. Similar to the process at stage A, we train discriminator B using this set of real and fake data for five steps with weight clipping on parameter updating. For the mutation generator we start from the trained parameter in stage A, set the generated mutant as fake and train the model without the weight-clipping restriction.

We train the protein complex binding-affinity change predictor separately and integrate it into the DeepDirect framework for training of the whole model. For training of the binding-affinity change predictor we first extract features from the original sequence, mutant, change in binding free energy and related auxiliary data. We split all data into ‘train’, ‘validation’ and ‘test’ at a ratio 0.7:0.15:0.15. We then randomly choose a set of training data and feed them into the predictor for training so that the model will not be overfitted to mutations specific to any typical complex.

Different loss functions are set at different stages in the training of DeepDirect. The loss function of discriminator A is designed similarly to Wasserstein loss, LDA, as

$${L}_{{\mathrm{DA}}}=\alpha \times (\overline{{\mathrm{real}}}-\overline{{\mathrm{fake}}}),$$

which is the difference in average scores (across a minibatch of samples) obtained from discriminator A between the real \(\overline{{\mathrm{real}}}\) and fake \(\overline{{\mathrm{fake}}}\) data, with α as a scalar set as 104. Such a loss encourages the real data to be scored lower and the fake data higher, to clearly separate real and fake training data. The loss for the mutation generator at stage A, LMA, is defined as

$${L}_{{\mathrm{MA}}}=\beta {\times} (\overline{{\mathrm{fake}}}-{\mathrm{penalty}}/\gamma )$$


$${\mathrm{Penalty}}={c}_{1} {\times} {({\mathrm{SR}}-R)}^{4}+{c}_{2}{\times} ({\mathrm{SR}}-R)+{c}_{3}{\mathrm{SR}}^{2}+{c}_{4}$$



Here we introduce a penalty item for control of mutation rate. The penalty is calculated as equation (3) under two main parameters, R and SR; R is the mutation range, which we set at 0.8. This penalty is expected to ensure that LMA decreases when R approaches our set value, keeping all other factors the same. The other parameter, SR, controls the similarity ratio, defined as the number of amino acids not mutated (sequence length L − number of mutated amino acids M) divided by sequence length L; equation (4)). We apply scalars on both penalty item γ and the entire function β set as 5 and −50, respectively, during training. Symbols c1, c2, c3 and c4 represent the coefficients of the penalty function, set as 4, 1, 1 and 0.2, respectively. We use a binary cross-entropy as the loss function for both the mutation generator and discriminator B at training stage B, LB, defined as

$${L}_{{\mathrm{B}}}=-\frac{1}{N}\mathop{\sum }\limits_{i=1}^{N}{y}_{i}\times \log \left(\,p\left({\,y}_{i}\right)\right)+\left(1-{y}_{i}\right)\times \log \left(1-p\left({\,y}_{i}\right)\right),$$

where yi is the label for the given training data, \(p\left({\,y}_{i}\right)\) the predicted probability of the data belonging to label yi and N the number of training samples. We use loss of mean absolute error as the loss function for the protein complex binding-affinity change predictor LBAP:

$${L}_{{\mathrm{BAP}}}=\frac{1}{N}\mathop{\sum }\limits_{i=1}^{N}\left\vert {\,y}_{i}-{\hat{y}}_{i}\right\vert,$$

where yi is the actual score, \({\hat{y}}_{i}\) the predicted score and N the number of samples.

The training loss of the mutation generator and discriminator in the final stage was 0.6, while the loss of the mutation generator was 0.7. Loss for the protein complex binding-affinity change predictor—mean absolute error loss—was 1.82 on the test data.

The specific settings used for training of DeepDirect modelinc and modeldec in the two sequential stages are as follows. At training stage A for discriminator A, kernel size in the CNN block was set as 5. For the first- and second-tier CNN blocks for the reference sequence, sequence difference and auxiliary information we set a filter number of 64 or 128, respectively. Neuron numbers in dense layers 1, 2, 3 and 4 were set as 128, 64, 8 and 1. respectively. Two ReLUs and one LeakyReLU with an alpha-value of 0.2 were set as the activation functions after the first three dense layers. For the mutation generator, the first-tier bi-LSTM layers after the layer of protein sequence, auxiliary information and noise all had 128 latent dimensions, and likewise for the second-tier bi-LSTM layers after the two concatenation layers. The third tier had 128, 32 and 20 latent dimensions. Both dense layers had a neuron number of 16. Within the mutation generator, the first two LSTM layers had 64 and 32 latent dimensions and the following dense layer had 20 neurons with softmax activation. The learning rate for both the discriminator and mutation generator was set at 0.000003, with Adam as optimizer. ‘Clip for gradient’ was set as 0.1. The ratio of updating the weights of the discriminator versus training for the discriminator using the unchanged reference sequence versus the mutation generator was set at 5:1:1.

At training stage B for discriminator B, neuron numbers in the four dense layers were 16, 16, 8 and 1. Activation functions of the three ReLUs and one Sigmoid were placed after each layer in sequential order. The mutation generator was built as in training stage 1. The learning rate for the discriminator was set at either 0.000008 or 0.000005, and learning rate for the mutation generator was set as 0.000008 and 0.00001 for modelinc and modeldec, respectively. Clip for gradient was set at 0.1. We set the ratio for updating the weights of the discriminator versus mutation generator at 5:1.

For the binding-affinity predictor we set the filter number as 32 and 64, respectively, for the first and second CNN blocks for the reference sequence, sequence difference and auxiliary information. A linear activation function was placed after the final dense layer. The remainder were assembled as for discriminator A. Adam was used as the optimizer for training, with a learning rate of 0.0001.

Docking and random mutation process

Docking was performed with the HDOCK server, between PDB entry 7JII (SARS-CoV-2 3Q-2P full-length prefusion spike trimer) and Native Human 1R42 (angiotensin-converting enzyme-related carboxypeptidase (ACE2)). We selected the top-predicted model having a HDOCK docking score of −261 and a root-mean-square deviation score of 343.62. The amino acid 3D coordinates of the docked protein complex were extracted as the input to DeepDirect to generate mutations. In the generation of random mutations, we first randomly chose mutation positions in a protein sequence restricted by a mutation rate that we set at 5, 10 or 20% in this work. At each determined mutation site the amino acid is randomly substituted with a different amino acid. Such a mutation pipeline was applied to generate 500 mutated sequences under each mutation rate; 3D structures of protein complexes were visualized by ChimeraX software47.

Evolution analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron strain

The PDB file of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant SPIKE trimer complexed with ACE2 was downloaded under accession no. 7WPA. The relevant information was extracted and input to DeepDirect modelinc 500 times iteratively, with a batch size of 500. Mutations on spike protein chain A were extracted to construct the mutated spike trimer and used in the analysis. Random mutations were generated as for the previous random mutation generation steps. Sequence Graph Transform was applied via the SGT package with parameter kappa set at 5. PCA and DBSCAN were applied via sklearn. DBSCAN had the parameter eps set as 0.015, determined by k-NN distance (Supplementary Fig 2a). Package Numpy and Seaborn were used for data processing and visualization.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.