
A large number of geological disasters occur worldwide every year, resulting in damage to human infrastructure and lives1. Landslides are geological disasters related to the movement of natural materials, usually accompanied by the movement of rocks and debris. Due to active geological movements, extreme changes in the global climate, and frequent human engineering activities, the landslide disasters in the Three Gorges Reservoir area (TGRA) have been increasing annually. There are also many new active landslides, which threaten the lives and property of residents on both sides of the TGRA, seriously affecting the shipping safety of the Yangtze River and reducing the service life of the reservoir2,3. The Shuping landslide and the Baijiabao landslide are typical of landslides in the study area, as shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1
figure 1

Example of landslide in the study area.

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping (LSM) is an effective tool for landslide disaster prevention and management, which can directly predict and describe the spatial distribution and probability of possible landslides4. With the rapid development of computer technology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), an increasing amount of Machine Learning (ML) models have been introduced into LSM research, significantly enriching the application of quantitative methods in LSM5,6,7. Peng et al. successfully used rough set theory to extract the optimal LSM factor as the input of the SVM model, and the results showed that the prediction performance of the hybrid model was better than the general SVM model8. Mehrabi et al. combined genetic, particle swarm optimization, differential evolution, and ant colony optimization algorithms with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), respectively, and used it for the spatial prediction of landslide distribution in Qazvin County in northwestern Iran. The accuracy of the ANFIS model after optimizing the calculation parameters with the above four types of algorithms can reach up to 91.6%9. Chen et al. compared the best first decision tree, random forest (RF), and naive Bayes tree models and evaluated the prediction ability of 14 factors, including elevation and slope. Finally, the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve results showed that the RF model had the best performance, the maximum Area Under the Curve (AUC) value was 0.869, and the minimum standard error value was 0.02510. Although ML significantly improves accuracy and precision compared with traditional methods, it is not the optimal method for LSM due to issues of over-fitting, parameter adjustment, and low accuracy under the condition of sparse data11.

As an improved ML method, Deep Learning (DL) has been employed successfully in search technology, data mining, and other fields in recent years and has also made significant achievements in LSM12. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a powerful DL technology designed by LeCun using the concept of updating parameters by gradient descent. CNN can autonomously learn the relationship between massive input and output data without needing to classify the input data, where latent rules are used to extract the local features of data for high-precision classification13. In 2019, Wang, Fang, and Hong first used CNN to extract features from factors for LSM in Yanshan County, China, constructing CNN-1D, CNN-2D, and CNN-3D for the spatial prediction of landslides. The three kinds of CNN convolutional networks were used and compared with the ML method of SVM. The experimental results showed that the CNN method greatly alleviated the problem of overfitting in ML and was more practical in LSM14. Yu et al. proposed an intelligent landslide detection algorithm based on deep CNN and an improved region-growing algorithm, where the experimental results confirmed the superiority of the algorithm in terms of detection accuracy and sensitivity12. Li, Fang, and Wang used a stacked ensemble to combine the CNN and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) models. The hybrid framework was employed for landslide spatial prediction in the TGRA, obtaining a higher AUC value (0.918) than the single CNN model (0.904) and RNN model (0.900)15. Experiments have also demonstrated that the DL method has a superior prediction performance over traditional ML models, which is conducive to promoting the development of the theoretical and practical application of LSM16,17. However, these models adopt a 1:1 ratio of landslides and non-landslides when the training sample set is established; that is, the balanced sample (sample ratio is 1:1) set is used to train the model18,19, no discussion was developed for using unbalanced sample sets for LSM.

In the actual situation, the number of non-landslide samples is much higher than the number of landslide samples20. King and Zeng pointed out that the number of majority class events is usually two to five times more than minority class events in binary classification problems21. The ratio between the number of positive and negative samples in binary classification models was also found to affect the predictive performance of ML models22. Zhi, Guo, and Fan found that the prediction performance of the ML model depended on a large amount of training data23, and the sample size of the balanced sample set could not fully explain the diversity of LSM factors in the study area due to the small sample size so that the training model passively lost a lot of non-existent data. The important feature information of landslides made the prediction results of the trained model extremely dependent on random samples. While the prediction model trained using the balanced positive and negative sample data set had a good performance, the phenomenon that the same sample set had different AUC values made the LSM results unreliable. Wang et al. extracted 22 LSM factors and applied synthetic minority oversampling technology to the landslide dataset to solve the problem of unbalanced proportions of landslide and non-landslide sample sets. With the increase of samples, the performance of the four ML models of SVM, Logistic Regression (LR), artificial neural network, and RF all showed different degrees of improvement24. Zhang et al. used the class-weighted algorithm to transform the imbalance between landslide samples and non-landslide samples into a cost-sensitive problem. According to the results, the performance of the weighted model was better than that of the unweighted model and the class-weighted algorithm was suitable for solving the problem of unbalanced landslide samples in LSM25. The above scholars attempted to solve the problem of sample imbalance in LSM from the aspects of data processing or algorithm models and have achieved certain results26,27. However, they neglected to evaluate the proportion difference between the numbers of landslide samples and non-landslide samples in LSM, because for the traditional LSM, using the training sample training model with a same number of landslide samples and non-landslide samples is easy to cause false positives, resulting in the waste and loss of prevention costs, so it is necessary to further research on the impact of sample proportion on model prediction performance is required.

Based on the previous studies on LSM, this study employs LR, SVM, C5.0 decision tree (C5.0), and one-dimensional CNN models, taking the Zigui–Badong section of the TGRA as the study area. Five groups of landslide samples with a fixed number of landslide samples and a certain proportion of non-landslide samples are input into the training set (1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, and 1:16), providing five different LSM results. The impact of unbalanced sample sets on the LSM results is determined and discussed. One type of model can locate an optimal sample ratio interval and fully exploits the application potential of these four types of models in the actual LSM, providing a certain theoretical significance and scientific value for the research on LSM.

Study area, data sources, and data processing platform

Study area

The study area is the Zigui to Badong section of the Three Gorges reservoir area, and the bank slope area extends 2–4 km along the Yangtze River to both sides, with an area of 388 km2. The longitude and latitude coordinates are 110° 18′ 44″–110° 52′ 30″ E and 30° 01′ 52″–30° 56′ 58″ N. The study area traverses two natural geographical units of the TGRA. The eastern part of the reservoir is the Three Gorges area in the Wushan Mountain range, and the western part is a low mountain and hilly area in eastern Pengdi of Sichuan Province. The terrain generally rises from southeast to northwest, with an elevation range of 80–2000 m. The geological structure features in the study area were formed between the late Yanshanian Movement and the early Himalayan Movement, and the main structural forms are folds and faults, including the Guandukou syncline in the west of Badong County and the Zigui syncline in the south of Xingshan County. The faults mainly include the Niukou, Xiangluping, Xiannushan, and Jiuwanxi faults from west to east. The strata in the study area are well-developed. The west of Xiangxi River is dominated by sandstone, shale, and other sedimentary clastic rocks, while the east of Xiangxi River is dominated by dolomite, limestone, and other carbonate rocks. The study area is in the mid-latitude zone, with a subtropical monsoon climate. The climate and rainfall change with the seasons and the temperature change affected by the elevation difference is obvious. The average annual rainfall in Badong County is 1034.3 mm, and the average annual rainfall in the Zigui area is 1158.9 mm. The location of the study area is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2
figure 2

Geographical location of the study area (drawn with ArcGIS 10.8 software, and the URL is:

Data and data processing platform

The data sources used in this study are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Data sources were used in this study.

Table 1 shows that the basic topographic and geological maps of the 1:50,000 scale and the landslide disaster map of 1:10,000 scale, DEM data and remote sensing data with resolution of 30 m. The average annual precipitation has a temporal resolution but does not have a spatial resolution30. All data layers were subsequently converted into the lowest resolution(30 m)31.

The following data processing platform used in this study:

Landslide inventory mapping

The quantitative method for LSM is an engineering geological analogy method. Its core principle is to analyze and extract the spatial relationship between past landslides and LSM factors based on assuming that future landslides and existing landslides have the same environmental conditions and then to determine the distribution and probability of future landslides32,33. Through the investigation and study of Landsat 8 remote sensing image data, a landslide distribution map of 1:10,000 scale, a basic geological map of 1:50,000 scale, and a landslide survey report, a total of 202 landslides are identified in the study area. The landslides have a total area of 23.4 km2, accounting for 6.03% of the study area.


Factor analysis model

Pearson correlation coefficient analysis

The Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) can be used to analyze the linear correlation between two variables. In the LSM, most of the factors are calculated by DEM and have natural correlation. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and screen the factors through correlation analysis by PCC to ensure the mutual independence of the evaluation factors34. The calculation formula is shown in Eq. (1).

$$ \rho_{X,Y} = \frac{{cov\left( {X,{ }Y} \right)}}{{\sigma_{X} \sigma_{Y} }} = \frac{{E\left( {XY} \right) - E\left( X \right)E\left( Y \right)}}{{\sqrt {E\left( {X^{2} } \right) - E^{2} \left( X \right)} \sqrt {E\left( {Y^{2} } \right) - E^{2} \left( Y \right)} }} $$

where cov is the covariance, σX and σY are the sample standard deviations, E is the mathematical expectation, and X and Y are a single sample point.

The value of the PCC is between − 1 and 1, which indicates that the correlation of these two variables is from negative correlation to positive correlation; when its value is 0, it means that the two variables have no correlation, that is, they are independent of each other. Two variables whose absolute value of correlation coefficient is greater than a certain threshold is usually regarded as two variables that are strongly correlated. When two variables have a strong correlation, one of them should be removed to eliminate the correlation35.

Multicollinearity analysis

It is necessary to perform a multilinear analysis before using the landslide factor dataset to train the model. The selection of evaluation factors directly affects the accuracy and reliability of LSM36. Multicollinearity analysis refers to judging whether an independent variable or multiple independent variables can be linearly combined into one independent variable, usually using Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) or Tolerance (TOL) to evaluate the evaluation factor multicollinearity. The formula for calculating the VIF value is shown in Eq. (2):

$$ {\text{VIF}} = \frac{1}{{\left( {1 - R_{j}^{2} } \right)}} $$

where Rj2 is the coefficient of determination of the j-th independent variable to all other independent variables, and the TOL value is the reciprocal of the VIF value.

The larger the VIF value, the greater the possibility of collinearity between independent variables. Multiple covariance analysis is often used to evaluate the correlation between factors to ensure that there is no linear correlation between factors37. In LSM, if the VIF value of a factor is greater than 10 or the TOL value is less than 0.1, it means that the factor has serious multicollinearity problems, and the factor should be removed38.

Relief-F analysis

Kira proposed a feature weighting Relief algorithm in 1992. The Relief-F algorithm evaluates the value of the LSM factor by calculating the correlation between the LSM factor and landslide, to determine the relative importance of the factor to the occurrence of landslide36. The principle is to assign different weights to features according to the correlation between each feature and category. When the weight of a feature is less than a certain threshold, the feature will be removed39. The Relief-F algorithm adds the ability to process multiple types of data on the basis of the original Relief algorithm, overcoming its limitation of only processing two types of data. The principle of Relief-F is to randomly select a sample R from the sample set T, find the k neighboring samples H of R from the sample set of the same class of R, and then find the k neighboring samples N of R from the sample set of different classes of each R, for all features, update the weights of features according to Eq. (3):

$$ W\left( A \right) = W\left( A \right) - \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{j = 1}^{k} diff\left( {A,R,H_{j} } \right)}}{{\left( {mk} \right)}} + \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{c \notin Class\left( R \right)} \left[ {\frac{p\left( C \right)}{{1 - p\left( {Class\left( R \right)} \right)}} \times \mathop \sum \nolimits_{j = 1}^{k} diff\left( {A,R,M_{j} \left( C \right)} \right)} \right]}}{{\left( {mk} \right)}} $$

where diff(A, R1, R2) represents the difference between the sample R1 and the sample R2 on the feature A, and the calculation formula is as follows:

$$ diff\left( {A,R_{1} ,R_{2} } \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\frac{{\left| {R_{1} \left[ A \right] - R_{2} \left[ A \right]} \right|}}{\max \left( A \right) - \min \left( A \right)},} \hfill & {if\;A\;is\;continuous} \hfill \\ {0,} \hfill & {if\;A\;is\;discrete\;and\;R_{1} \left[ A \right] = R_{2} \left[ A \right]} \hfill \\ {1,} \hfill & {if\;A\;is\;discrete\;and\;R_{1} \left[ A \right] = R_{2} \left[ A \right]} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right. $$

When using the Relief-F method to evaluate the prediction ability of the landslide evaluation factor, the larger the value, the greater the weight of the evaluation factor feature, the stronger the influence ability of the feature, and the weaker the influence ability of the feature on the contrary10.


CNN model

The convolutional neural network used in this study employs the CNN-1D structure14,40, which consists of a convolutional layer, a maximum pooling layer, and a fully connected layer, as shown in Fig. 3. In the LSM, the neural network layer of the convolutional neural network can be used to directly learn the inherent laws and feature representations of landslide data. In this CNN-1D structure, the input data can be regarded as an image with only one column of pixels, and the number of pixels is determined by the number of landslide evaluation factors.

Figure 3
figure 3

One-dimensional convolutional neural network structure, C represents the convolution layer, S represents the sampling layer, and F represents the fully connected layer.

It is assumed that the kernel size of the convolutional layer of the one-dimensional CNN structure is m × 1, the kernel size of the maximum pooling layer is n × 1, a landslide evaluation factor is input, and after one convolution, the output length is (m-a + 1). The column vector S then enters the maximum pooling layer and outputs a column vector Y with a length of ((m − a + 1)/n). The column vector Y is connected to the fully connected layer with neural units to extract features. Finally, two neural units on the output layer give the result of the binary classification problem14.

C5.0 model

The C5.0 decision tree model selects attributes and sample partitions based on the information gain rate, and the information gain rate is derived from the concept of entropy. Some mathematical definitions in the C5.0 model are as follows:

$$ info\left( T \right) = - \mathop \sum \limits_{j = 1}^{k} \frac{{freq\left( {C_{j} ,T} \right)}}{\left| T \right|} \times log_{2}^{{\frac{{freq\left( {C_{j} ,T} \right)}}{\left| T \right|}}} $$

where T is a data set with n samples, the category attribute C contains k values (C1, C2, …, Ck), freq(Cj, T) is the probability of occurrence of category Cj, and T is divided according to the attribute X. The conditional entropy of attribute X after segmentation is defined as follows:

$$ info_{X} \left( T \right) = \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{n} \frac{{\left| {T_{i} } \right|}}{\left| T \right|} \times info\left( {T_{i} } \right) $$

where |Ti| is the number of examples in the data set T whose value is ci, and the information gain and information gain rate of the corresponding attribute X are:

$$ gain\left( X \right) = info\left( T \right) - info_{X} \left( T \right) $$
$$ gain\;ratio\left( X \right) = \frac{gain\left( X \right)}{{split\;info\left( X \right)}} $$

The calculation formula of split info(X) in the formula is shown in Eq. (9):

$$ split\;info\left( X \right) = - \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{n} \frac{{\left| {T_{i} } \right|}}{\left| T \right|} \times \log_{2} \left( {\frac{{\left| {T_{i} } \right|}}{\left| T \right|}} \right) $$

SVM model

The support vector machine proposed by Vapnik is a supervised ML algorithm that constructs an n-dimensional hyperplane as a classification plane to classify the input data. Compared with other algorithms, SVM has the characteristics of using a smaller number of samples to obtain better classification results41. Assuming a non-linearly separable vector xi (i = 1, 2, … , n), containing two types of yi =  ± 1, the n-dimensional hyperplane is defined by Eq. (10):

$$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {min\frac{1}{2}{\text{w}}^{2} } \\ {s.t.{\text{y}}_{{\text{i}}} \left( {\left( {{\text{w}} \times {\text{x}}_{{\text{i}}} } \right) + {\text{b}}} \right) \ge 1} \\ \end{array} } \right. $$

where w is the 2-norm of w, w is a vector perpendicular to the hyperplane, xi is a point on the hyperplane, and b is a constant so that the hyperplane does not pass through the origin of the coordinate axes.

The training sample set is transformed into the n-dimensional space through the kernel function K(xi, xj), which is essentially a mapping function. The four commonly used kinds of kernel functions that satisfy the Mercer condition include linear, polynomial, radial basis, and sigmoid kernel functions. Chong studied the application of three sets of samples with different sizes combined with four types of kernel functions in LSM in earthquake areas and compared their prediction performance. Experiments demonstrated that the performance of the support vector machine model using the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel was better than other kernel SVM models42. Thus, we employ the SVM model based on the RBF kernel for LSM in this work.

LR model

The LR model is a multivariate analysis model that effectively fits the relationship between dependent and independent variables. In this study, the dependent variable is the representation of whether there is a landslide (1 for landslide, 0 for non-landslide), and its expression is as follows43:

$$ z = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} X_{1} + \beta_{2} X_{2} + \cdots + \beta_{n} X_{n} $$

where z is the dependent variable, \(\left\{ {\beta_{0} ,\beta_{1} , \ldots ,\beta_{n} } \right\}\) is the regression variable, and \(\left\{ {X_{1} ,X_{2} \ldots ,X_{n} } \right\}\) is the explanatory variable, then the calculation formula of the probability of occurrence p is as follows:

$$ p = \frac{1}{{1 + e^{ - z} }} $$

where p is a sigmoid function, and its value range is from 0 to 1. In this study, this value describes the probability of landslide occurrence.

Model inputs and outputs

This study focuses on the influence of sampling methods on the results of LSM, so the inputs and outputs of the four models are inconsistent. The LSM factors and evaluation indicators are input to the model, the model is trained to obtain the relationship between the factors and the evaluation indicators, and then the validation sample is input, and the output is the landslide susceptibility index for each LSM calculation unit in the validation sample.

Taking the SVM model as an example, the input and output of the model are shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 4
figure 4

Schematic of the inputs and outputs of the model.

Assuming that t1, t2, t3, and t4 are the four factors from the training sample set, the trained model SVM* is obtained by inputting them into the SVM model, after which v1, v2, v3, and v4 from the validation sample set are input into the SVM* model and the outputs are the probability distributions of 0 (non-landslide occurs) and 1 (landslide occurs), which are 0.68 and 0.32 respectively.

Evaluation methods

ROC curve and AUC value analysis

The receiver operating characteristic curve is a common indicator used to verify the performance of the model, which can intuitively show the accuracy and reliability of the model prediction results. The ROC curve takes the true positive rate TPR as the Y-axis and the positive rate FPR as the X-axis, as defined in Eqs. (13) – (14):

$$ TPR = \frac{TP}{{\left( {TP + FN} \right)}} $$
$$ FPR = \frac{FP}{{\left( {FP + TN} \right)}} $$

where TP, FP, TN, and FN are defined by the confusion matrix. The verification of classification model performance plays a very important role in evaluating the generalization ability of LSM44. In the field of ML, the four types of comparison results between the predicted value and the actual value can be used as four types of indicators, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Confusion matrix.

The four situations shown in the table are as follows: When the result is a landslide and the prediction is also landslide, it is a True Positive (TP); When the result is a non-landslide and the prediction is also non-landslide, it is a True Negative (TN); When the result is a non-landslide and the prediction is a landslide, it is a False Positive (FP); When the result is landslide and the prediction is non-landslide, it is a False Negative (FN).

For example, each point on the previous curve corresponds to a set threshold, and each different threshold corresponds to a different pair of TPR and FPR values. The closer the ROC curve is to the upper left corner, the better the classification effect of the classifier. In order to evaluate the performance of different LSM models under different conditions, the area under the curve is generally used as the evaluation standard15,45.

Five statistical methods

Overall accuracy (OA), precision, recall, F-measure, and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) are common indicators used to measure the ability of LSM classification models and are calculated from the confusion matrix10,44. The formulas of these five methods are denoted as Eqs. (15)–(19):

$$ OA = \frac{TP + TN}{{TP + FP + TN + FN}} $$
$$ Precision = \frac{TP}{{TP + FP}} $$
$$ Recall = \frac{TP}{{TP + FN}} $$
$$ F - Measure = \frac{2 \times Precesion \times Recall}{{Precision + Recall}} $$
$$ MCC = \frac{TP \times TN - FP \times FN}{{\sqrt {\left( {TP + FP} \right)\left( {TP + FN} \right)\left( {TN + FP} \right)\left( {TN + FN} \right)} }} $$

where TP, FP, TN, and FN are defined in the "Confusion Matrix" section.

Specific category precision analysis (SCPA)

In addition to the above-mentioned accuracy evaluation methods, this study also employs an improved method to evaluate the accuracy of various types of landslide susceptibility, which is called SCPA30. The traditional quantitative analysis method is based on the Landslide Susceptibility Zoning (LSZ), using landslide distribution data to calculate the proportion of landslide area in different types of LSZ, the analysis result is based on the proportion of the landslide area in very high susceptibility to the total area of the landslides. However, there is a problem with many areas in the LSZ belonging to the very high susceptibility LSZ, the model evaluation results are naturally good. Obviously, this cannot verify the effect of LSM. SCPA overcomes the above problem.

In this study, the SCPA method takes into account the number of calculation units in the classification area This method is defined as Eq. (20):

$$ p_{i} = \frac{{A_{i} }}{{B_{i} }} \times 100{\text{\% }} $$

where i = 1,2,…,n, n is the classification number of landslide-prone zonings, Ai is the number of slope units occupied by landslides in i-th LSZ classification, and Bi is the number of the slope units in i-th LSZ classification.

Experimental process

The flowchart of this study is shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5
figure 5

Flowchart of this study (drawn with ArcGIS 10.8 software, and the URL is:

The experimental process consists of three main steps. In the first step, 12 factors were selected and their correlations and relative importance were analyzed. The second step randomly selects training (70% of the total) and validation (30%) sets out of grid cells corresponding to landslide and non-landslide locations in the study area. Before establishing the LSM model, the undersampling method is used to process the training sample set. Five training sample sets were designed (the ratio of landslide samples to non-landslide samples were 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, and 1:16). The final step constructs the LSM models to obtain different landslide susceptibility index (LSI) maps and LSZ maps. The ROC curve, five statistical evaluation methods, and SCPA are used for quantitative evaluations.

In addition, the quantization process of the 12 LSM factors is as follows:

  • Calculate aspect, slope, TRI46, and SPI9 using spatial analysis tools in ArcGIS 10.8 software based on the digital elevation model;

  • According to the topographic map and geological map, the lithology of the study area is divided into: hard rock, soft and hard alternation rock, and soft rock36;

  • The distance to fault47, the distance to drainage network48, and the distance to road49 were obtained using the Euclidean distance method in the Spatial Distance Analysis Tool;

  • The inverse distance weighting method was used to spatially interpolate the annual average rainfall data of each meteorological station to obtain the average annual rainfall in the study area22;

  • Surface cover factors have a great influence on slope stability50. NDVI was calculated by using the red band and near-infrared band of a 30 m resolution image of LandSAT-840. Meanwhile, remote sensing image was supervised and classified, and land use in the study area was divided into five categories: water, forest land, artificial impervious surface, grassland, and agricultural land.


The selection of appropriate LSM factors has a significant impact on the accuracy of LSM. Based on previous studies on the LSM in the TGRA from Zigui to Badong30, 12 LSM factors were selected and divided into topographic and geomorphological factors. These included elevation, slope, aspect, and terrain relief index (TRI)), geological factors (lithology, distance to faults), hydrological factors (average annual precipitation, distance to water system, stream intensity index (SPI)), and surface cover factors (normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), distance to road, and land use type). The LSM factors are shown in Table 3 and Fig. 6.

Table 3 LSM factor selected in this study.
Figure 6
figure 6

LSM factors in the study area (a) Elevation factor, (b) Aspect factor, (c) Slope factor, (d) TRI factor, (e) Lithology factor, (f) Distance to fault factor, (g) Rainfall factor, (h) Distance to drainage network factor, (i) SPI factor, (j) NDVI factor, (k) Distance to road factor, (l) Land use factor (drawn with ArcGIS 10.8 software, and the URL is:

A 30 m × 30 m grid unit was used as the LSM unit, and the training sample and validation sample sets of the evaluation model were set. The grid cells of 202 landslides in the study area were screened out and marked as “1” and the grid cells in the non-landslide area were marked as “0”, with 25,606 grid cells and 398,977 grid cells, respectively. Considering each landslide as a whole, 70% of the landslides were randomly selected in the study area, providing 142 landslides (19,224 grid cells) as training samples, and the remaining 30%, or 60 landslides (6382 grid cells) as a verification sample. The division results are shown in Fig. 7. The landslides were selected as training samples, and all non-landslides formed the initial sample set, with a total of 418,201 grid cells.

Figure 7
figure 7

The division results of the training sample set and the validation sample set in this study (drawn with ArcGIS 10.8 software, and the URL is:

Figure 8 shows the PCC calculation results of the 12 LSM factors, in this figure, the depth of color has different meanings, with darker red indicating a stronger positive correlation and darker blue indicating a stronger negative correlation.

Figure 8
figure 8

PCC matrix of 12 LSM factors.

Figure 8 shows that the correlation coefficients between the factors are all below. The result of slope and TRI is the highest, at 0.638, followed by elevation and distance to road, which is 0.602. Thus, all evaluation factors pass the PCC test.

The 12 LSM factors selected above were further analyzed using the variance expansion factor index, and the results are shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Multicollinearity of 12 LSM factors.

The largest TRI index in Table 4 has a VIF value of 8.567, all factors satisfy the condition of VIF < 10, and the 12 factors selected in this study pass the multicollinearity test58.

The calculation results using the Relief-F algorithm are shown in Fig. 9.

Figure 9
figure 9

Relief-F coefficients of 12 LSM factors.

As illustrated, the Relief-F value of the average annual rainfall is the smallest (0.113), and the coefficient of this factor satisfies the condition of being greater than 040. This result indicates that all the selected factors make important contributions in predicting landslides, so none are deleted.

Sample set generation

Before establishing the LSM model, the undersampling method is used to process the non-landslide sample set. Thus, some data are deleted from the non-landslide sample set by a random non-manual intervention method, and the data volume of the non-landslide sample is reduced. In this study, the ratio of landslides selected as training samples to all non-landslides was 1:20.75. Five training sample sets were designed, which were a balanced sample set (the ratio of landslide samples to non-landslide samples was 1:1), and four unbalanced sample sets (the ratio of landslide samples to non-landslide samples were 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, and 1:16). To conveniently represent the sample sets corresponding to different sample ratios, the former value in the sample set mentioned in this article represents a landslide, and the latter value represents a non-landslide. The proportion and number of these sample sets are shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Undersampling ratio and raster cell count statistics.

Experimental results of LSI

The parameter settings of the CNN-1D model used in this study were optimized by trial and error, in this CNN structure, m = 12, a = 3 n = 2. The optimized CNN-1D model parameters are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Parameter setting of CNN model.

The five groups of sample sets constructed above were respectively input into four types of models, and an LSM model was established to obtain the LSI in the study area. The LSI is a continuous value from 0 to 1. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 10.

Figure 10
figure 10

LSI based on (a) 1:1 sample set by CNN model, (b) 1:2 sample set by CNN model, (c) 1:4 sample set by CNN model, (d) 1:8 sample set by CNN model, (e) 1:16 sample set by CNN model, (f) 1:1 sample set by C5.0 model, (g) 1:2 sample set by C5.0 model, (h) 1:4 sample set by C5.0 model, (i) 1:8 sample set by C5.0 model, (j) 1:16 sample set by C5.0 model, (k) 1:1 sample set by SVM model, (l) 1:2 sample set by SVM model, (m) 1:4 sample set by SVM model, (n)1:8 sample set by SVM model, (o) 1:16 sample set by SVM model, (p) 1:1 sample set by LR model, (q) 1:2 sample set by LR model, (r) 1:4 sample set by LR model, (s) 1:8 sample set by LR model, (t) 1:16 sample set by LR model (drawn with ArcGIS 10.8 software, and the URL is:

Evaluation of LSM results

ROC curve and AUC value

The ROC curves of LSM results based on five sample sets with different proportions and four types of models are shown in Fig. 11.

Figure 11
figure 11

ROC curve analysis for (a) Overall sample set by CNN model, (b) Validation sample set by CNN model, (c) Overall sample set by C5.0 model, (d) Validation sample set C5.0 model, (e) Overall sample set by SVM model, (f) Validation sample set SVM model, (g) Overall sample set by LR model, (h) Validation sample set LR model.

The prediction performance of the model in different sample sets is illustrated in Fig. 11. For the CNN model (shown in Fig. 11 (a), (b)), 1:2, 1:4, and 1:16 are closer to the upper left corner than the results of other sample sets; For the C5.0 model (Fig. 11 (c), (d)), the ROC curve in Fig. 11 (c) has a certain range of change. However, in Fig. 11 (d), the ROC curves corresponding to the 1:1 and 1:16 sample sets are closer to the upper left corner than those of the 1:2, 1:4, and 1:8 sample sets, and they are denser and less variable. Compared with other sample sets, the ROC curve of the 1:8 sample set is far from the upper left corner, and the ROC curve of 1:16 is further away from the upper left corner. For the LR model (Fig. 11 (g), (h)), the ROC curves of the two sample sets almost overlap and are all close to the upper left corner. Overall, the sample ratio has a greater impact on the prediction performance of CNN, C5.0, and SVM models, while LR is less affected by changes in the sample ratio.

Table 7 shows the results of the area under the ROC curve for each model trained with an imbalanced sample set to enhance the quantitative analysis.

Table 7 The AUC for the four types of models.

The results in the table show that the four types of models achieve qualified prediction performance in any sample set, and the results based on the unbalanced sample set are mostly better than the results on the balanced sample set. The highest AUC values of the CNN, C5.0, SVM, and LR models are 0.868(1:16), 0.842(1:16); 0.925(1:16), 0723(1:1); 0.924(1:2), 0.857(1:2); 0.899(1:2–1:4), 0.869(1:2–1:4), respectively.

Five statistical methods

The calculation results of the five statistical methods of overall precision, precision, recall, F-measure, and MCC are shown in Table 8.

Table 8 The results of five statistical methods.

The results from the 1:1 sample set to the 1:16 sample set in Table 8 clearly show that the overall precision and accuracy of the four types of models increase, and they all achieve the best results in the 1:16 sample set. The calculation results are as follows: overall accuracy: 0.940, 0.983, 0.945, 0.940; accuracy: 0.303, 0.949, 0.945, 0.475. All models also obtain maximum recall in the 1:1 sample set, where the CNN model obtains 0.777, the C5.0 model obtains 0.845, the SVM model obtains 0.857, and the LR model obtains 0.857. In terms of the changing trend of the recall rate, the calculation results of the four types of models gradually decrease. Only the C5.0 model shows a small decline, and the 1:1 to 1:16 sample set only decreases by 0.088. While the CNN model is in 1.088, the recall in the 1:8 sample set is reduced to only 0.016.

Unlike the above three indicators, except that the F-measure and the MCC of the C5.0 model increase, the calculation results of these two indices of the CNN, SVM, and LR models first increase and then decrease. The CNN model has the best calculation results in the 1:2 sample set, with results of 0.300 and 0.347, respectively; the C5.0 model has the best calculation results in the 1:16 sample set, with 0.842 and 0.840, respectively. The SVM model has the best calculation results in the 1:4 sample set, and the two values are 0.490 and 0.497, respectively. The F-measure of the LR model appears in the 1:4 sample set, which is 0.392, and the MCC is the largest in the 1:2 sample set, which is 0.426. In general, among these five indicators, especially the F-measure and MCC, which can be applied to comprehensively evaluate the classification performance of the model in the presence of an imbalanced sample set59, the results of the model on the LSM of the balanced sample set are not the best.

Specific category precision analysis

To increase the readability of the LSI map, all LSIs are divided into five susceptibility categories using the equal interval method according to the calculation results: very low susceptibility (0–0.2), low susceptibility (0.2–0.4), medium susceptibility (0.4–0.6), higher susceptibility (0.6–0.8), and very high susceptibility (0.8–1.0). The SCPA results of LSM based on unbalanced sample sets and different models are shown in Table 9 and Fig. 12.

Table 9 Result of SCPA.
Figure 12
figure 12

LSZs based on (a) 1:1 sample set by CNN model, (b) 1:2 sample set by CNN model, (c) 1:4 sample set by CNN model, (d) 1:8 sample set by CNN model, (e) 1:16 sample set by CNN model, (f) 1:1 sample set by C5.0 model, (g)1:2 sample set by C5.0 model, (h) 1:4 sample set by C5.0 model, (i) 1:8 sample set by C5.0 model, (j) 1:16 sample set by C5.0 model, (k) 1:1 sample set by SVM model, (l) 1:2 sample set by SVM model, (m) 1:4 sample set by SVM model, (n) 1:8 sample set by SVM model, (o) 1:16 sample set by SVM model, (p) 1:1 sample set by LR model, (q) 1:2 sample set by LR model, (r) 1:4 sample set by LR model, (s) 1:8 sample set by LR model, (t) 1:16 sample set by LR model (drawn with ArcGIS 10.8 software, and the URL is:

According to the results in Table 9, in the CNN model, 4.06% of the results based on the 1:2 sample set with very high susceptibility are higher than 3.39% of the 1:1 sample set, and the results in the 1:4 sample set and later sample sets are all 0. The result of the overall sample set is also 0 in this sample set. The results of the C5.0 model have an obvious increasing trend with the decrease of the sample set, and the best result is in the 1:16 sample set (95.60% of the overall sample set and 51.87% of the validation sample set). The SVM model in the overall sample set also achieves the maximum value of 71.16% in the 1:16 sample set. However, in the validation sample set, the 10.54% result of the 1:2 sample set is the best. In the LR model, the results for the validation sample set range from 7.60% for the balanced sample set to 7.09% for the 1:2 sample set, which is a slight drop in percentage. For the four different models, from SCPA of the very high susceptibility, the results of the imbalanced sample set are better than the results of the traditional training model based on the balanced sample set.


From the ROC curve analysis of the validation sample set and the results of its AUC value, the AUC values of the CNN model, SVM, and LR model increase compared with the results of the 1:1 sample set to the 1:2 sample set, indicating that the three types of models have improved prediction performance in this unbalanced interval. It is worth noting that the AUC results of the C5.0 model in the validation sample set are generally lower, which means that the prediction performance of the C5.0 model in the unbalanced sample set is worse than that of the balanced sample set.

For the calculation results evaluated by the five statistical methods, the OA and the precision of the CNN, the C5.0, the SVM, and the LR models have the best results in the 1:16 sample set. Because all models are affected by the reduction of the sample ratio, the model's ability to distinguish non-landslide samples becomes stronger, and the number of false-positive events is correspondingly reduced, resulting in an increase in the OA and precision of all models. The recall rate reflects the quantitative relationship between TP and FN. The LSM results of the four types of models also have the largest recall rate in the 1:1 sample set. As the landslide and non-landslide sample sets decrease, an increasing amount of landslides are predicted by the model as non-landslides, and the increase in FN events results in a decrease in the recall of all model predictions. F-measure and MCC, as important equilibrium indicators in the evaluation of statistical methods, can effectively measure the performance of the model59,60. The results from these two metrics show that the four-class model has better performance than the balanced samples on imbalanced sample sets.

The results of each model in Figs. 10 and 12 show that the four types of models can predict more landslide surfaces using the balanced sample set for LSM compared to the unbalanced sample set. At the same time, because more non-landslide units are predicted as landslide units, the FP number in the prediction results is greater than the number of true positives, and the OA and precision of the four types of models are ultimately lower than the results of other unbalanced sample sets. In addition, judging from the results of the SCPA of the verification sample set, the CNN, the C5.0, and the SVM models that predicted very high susceptibility results in the 1:1 sample set are not the highest. It can be noted that the maximum value of the CNN and SVM models appears in the 1:2 sample set, and it appears in the 1:16 sample set for the C5.0 model. It is worth noting that, in the SCPA, the result of very high LSZ of the CNN model drops from 4.06% in the 1:2 sample set to 0 in the 1:4 sample set. This is because the CNN model quickly calculates the gradient of all parameters by determining the loss function between the real value and the predicted value. This algorithm is used to update the weights, and the gradient generated by the non-landslide samples in the 1:4 sample set is dominant, which increases the shared weights in the fully connected layer that are biased towards predicting non-landslide events, meaning the CNN model begins to bias the prediction of non-landslide events. Although the maximum value of the LR model's very high susceptibility appears in the 1:1 sample set, the LR model's redundant prediction of landslides is significantly reduced. This is illustrated in Fig. 10 (q), where the results of the 1:2 and 1:1 sample set are compared, and the sample set is reduced by only 0.51%. The above phenomenon occurs because the number of non-landslide samples increases within a certain range of unbalanced sample sets so that the number of landslides predicted by models trained on the unbalanced sample set decreases, and the model over-predicts the landslide surface. With a certain degree of correction, the very high susceptibility becomes increasingly concentrated, and the values of the very high susceptibility increase.

To further analyze the impact of the unbalanced sample set on the LSM model and judge its fitting degree, the training accuracy and validation accuracy are added based on the reference OA22, as shown in Fig. 13.

Figure 13
figure 13

Training accuracy and validation accuracy of (a) CNN model, (b) C5.0 model, (c) SVM model, (d) LR model.

According to Fig. 13, the validation accuracy of the CNN, SVM, and LR models is higher than the training accuracy from the 1:2 sample set, indicating that these three types of models have an ideal fitting effect in the 1:2 sample set. The results of the C5.0 model are different from the other three types of models. Its training accuracy is always higher than the validation accuracy, and the values of both are higher, which indicates that the model is overfitting from the 1:1 sample set61. In this study, the fitting effect of the C5.0 model in the balanced and unbalanced sample sets is not ideal, so it is impossible to accurately analyze the impact of the unbalanced sample set on its accuracy.

The LSM results of the four types of models were evaluated by three methods: ROC curve and AUC value analysis, five statistical methods, and SCPA. For the C5.0 model, although the sample ratio is smaller, the results of the five statistical methods and the SCPA have better numerical results, and the C5.0 model is fitted in each sample set according to the previous article. The result of analysis shows that the C5.0 model is in a state of overfitting in this study. For the CNN model, SVM model and LR model, to objectively compare the results of the three LSM evaluation methods, a quantitative analysis method–the ranking system is used in Table 10, according to the research method used by Zorlu et al.62. This method selects the results of the ROC curve and AUC value analysis, five statistical methods, and SCPA are selected to rank in their categories. For example, in the results of an SVM model, if a sampling proportion has the largest AUC value, it receives a ranking score corresponding to the number of methods it sampled, i.e. 5, the second largest receives 4, and so on.

Table 10 Result of ranking system with different sample ratios.

According to the results in Table 10, CNN model, SVM model and LR model all have the highest total rank in the 1:2 sample set with a score of 21. CNN model has the second highest total rank in the 1:1 sample set, while SVM model and LR model are in the 1:4 sample set. The optimal sample ratio interval can be selected by combining the highest and second highest in total rank, therefore, CNN model has the highest rank in the combination of 1:1 and 1:2 sample sets, and the SVM model and the LR model have the highest rank in the combination of 1:2 and 1:4 sample sets.

The above experimental results show that the results based on the unbalanced sample set are better than the results of the LSM based on the balanced sample set. The experimental results show that using unbalanced sample set for LSM modeling to obtain more accurate prediction results, the LSM results of the CNN model in the sample ratio of 1:1–1:2 and the SVM model and the LR model in the sample ratio of 1:2–1:4 is better than those of the balanced sample.


LSM using quantitative modeling is closely related to ML. This work analyzed the sample imbalance problem in ML to address unbalanced landslide samples in LSM in depth.

Previous research has demonstrated that models can learn from unbalanced landslide datasets. Zhang et al. found that a model trained with an unbalanced dataset obtained a predictive performance that was comparable to a classifier model trained with a sample-balanced dataset25. Researchers have traditionally employed a balanced sample set to train the model in LSM. Although this method could achieve high values in evaluation indicators, such as model precision, recall rate, and AUC value, fundamentally, there are many factors contributing to a good performance, such as using a more advanced model, adjusting and selecting the optimal parameters, or adding more LSM factors. In reality, because the unbalanced sample set in nature is widespread, more suitable for using unbalanced sample set for LSM modeling to obtain more accurate prediction results. The purpose of this study is to show that LSM based on balanced sample sets is one-sided and cannot improve the accuracy of the minority class (i.e., landslide data) by sacrificing the prediction accuracy of the majority class (i.e., non-landslide data). This is useful for LSM models to prevent overfitting and the general overestimation of hazards.

There are two main points worth considering in future research. Firstly, the combination of imbalance and sample size should be considered to explore its effect on LSM; secondly, the relationship between sample proportion and LSM model fit should be studied to determine the sample proportion that can obtain the optimal fit.