
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, caused by human infection with SARS-CoV-2, has been a major cause of mortality worldwide1. A robust public health and biomedical response to a pandemic is contingent on timely and accurate information, including rapid diagnosis and assessment of patients at risk for severe disease2. A clinical model, incorporating recognized risk factors and clinical features, that could effectively identify individuals at risk for severe disease and adverse clinical outcomes could greatly assist with rational triage and resource allocation3.

Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score has been widely used to assist with triage of patients with COVID-19. However, the accuracy of SOFA for predicting mortality in COVID-19 is poor (AUC of 0.59 (95% CI, 0.55–0.63), possibly because SOFA was developed in patients with various and alternative forms of sepsis4. While multiple papers have focused on the development of prognostic models to predict mortality risk using demographic and clinical data, these papers have had limited validation in external patient cohorts5,6,7,8,9. For example, one prediction model that used three blood biomarkers initially reported a 90% accuracy to predict mortality. However, when this model was tested in an external cohort, accuracy declined to only 40–50%10,11. Previous COVID-19 prediction models have been limited in reporting how features were selected, timing of variable collection and outcomes and calibration performance of the model5,6.

To date, COVID-19 prediction models have largely focused on mortality5,12,13, rather than risk for specific organ dysfunction, such as hypotension requiring vasopressors (shock), renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT), or hypoxemic respiratory failure requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. An accurate means to predict risk for specific organ injury in severe COVID-19 would greatly assist clinical decision-making. Studies have attempted to assess such risks by grouping several outcomes of interest together and building a predictive model13,14,15,16. Despite the success of this kind of model, grouping the outcomes together is less useful for resource allocation and triage, as patients will require different equipment and staffing expertise depending on their disease course and complications3,17. To address this concern, we created separate models to predict risk of in-hospital mortality, ICU transfer, shock, and renal replacement therapy (RRT) based on demographic and clinical information collected on the first day of hospital admission. We then used an open source COVID-19 dataset to validate our mortality prediction model. Additional outcomes, such as ICU transfer, shock and need for RRT, were not available in the external validation set. Since the mortality risk among a population of COVID-19 may vary by age and a number of studies have shown that older age is a risk factor for COVID-19 mortality1,13,18,19, we conducted sub-group analyses to test whether our prediction models performed well in patients older than 50 years of age.


Study design and patient population

The University of Washington (UW) dataset includes demographic and clinical data from COVID-19 positive adult (≥ 18 years of age) patients who were admitted to two hospitals at the UW (Montlake and Harborview campuses) between March, 2020 and March, 2021. A confirmed case of COVID-19 was defined by a positive result on a reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay. The COVID-19 dataset at Tongji Hospital is publicly available6. In brief, patients from the Tongji COVID-19 dataset were enrolled from January 10th to February 18th, 2020. Patients from the Tongji dataset made the external validation cohort for the mortality model. In the UW and Tongji datasets, mortality prediction models were developed using clinical data collected during the first 24 h after hospital arrival.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

The University of Washington institutional review board (IRB) approved the study protocol (STUDY10159). All clinical investigations were conducted based on the principles expressed in the declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was waived by the University of Washington IRB due to the retrospective nature of our study of routine clinical data.


The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality. We developed and internally validated a prediction model for in-hospital mortality and externally validated the model in the Tongji dataset. Secondary outcomes were ICU transfer, shock and receipt of RRT. These secondary outcomes were missing in the Tongji dataset and so we developed and cross-validated prediction models for secondary outcomes using the UW dataset. Shock was defined as new receipt of vasopressor medications after the first day of hospitalization.

Feature selection

Since the mortality prediction model was developed in the UW dataset and externally validated in the Tongji dataset, we first selected variables that were overlapping between both datasets. Twenty features overlapped between both datasets, and these 20 features were used for the mortality prediction model. All clinical and laboratory data were abstracted from the medical record within the first day of hospital admission, and patients were included in the analysis for each outcome only if the patients did not have the outcome on the first day of hospitalization. An individual prediction model was developed for each of the outcomes.

The following steps were taken for feature selection. First, features were dropped if > 10% of the values were missing. Second, near-zero variance features were removed, as these features almost exclusively had one unique value. Third, pair-wise correlations between all the features were calculated. If two features had a correlation larger than 0.8, the feature with a larger mean absolute correlation was dropped. Fourth, missing values were replaced by the mode if the variable was categorical or by the median otherwise. Finally, all the continuous variables were standardized.

Data partitioning, UW dataset

We randomly split the UW dataset into development and internal validation sets by stratified sampling. The training set included 475 patients, and the internal validation set included 237 patients. First, we trained models on the training set, and then selected the best model by its performance on the internal validation set. Top models for in-hospital mortality were then tested in the external validation set. We performed cross validation in the internal validation set for the three prediction models for ICU transfer, shock and RRT. We used the UW dataset as follows (1) patients were randomly split into 10 folds in a stratified fashion using the outcome variable; (2) the model was trained using nine of the ten folds and tested on the remaining fold. The procedure was repeated ten times until each fold had been used as a test fold exactly once.

Machine learning models

Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) logistic regression is a logistic regression approach with L1 penalties20. The L1 penalty terms encourage sparsity, thus preventing overfitting and yielding a small model. A weighted LASSO logistic regression was used to handle the imbalanced data. The hyperparameter lambda was selected by stratified tenfold cross validation.

Elastic net logistic regression (LR) is an approach that combines LASSO LR and ridge logistic regression, incorporating both L1 and L2 penalties21. It can generate sparse models which outperform LASSO logistic regression when highly correlated predictors are present. The hyperparameters alpha and lambda were selected by stratified tenfold cross validation.

eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost). XGBoost is a gradient boosted machine (GBM) based on decision trees that separate patients with and without the outcome of interest using simple yes–no splits, which can be visualized in the form of decision trees22. GBM builds sequential trees, such that each tree attempts to improve model fit by more highly weighting the difficult-to-predict patients. The following hyperparameter settings were applied: nrounds = 150, eta = 0.2, colsample_bytree = 0.9, gamma = 1, subsample = 0.9 and max_depth = 4. We also used grid search to select the optimal hyperparameters for XGBoost on the training set. The hyperparameter candidates were generated exhaustively from number of boosting rounds (nrounds) = {150,250,350}, eta = {0.1,0.2,0.3}, colsample_bytree = {0.5,0.7,0.9}, gamma = {0.5,1}, and max_depth = {4,8,12}. We used stratified fivefold cross validation to select the optimal hyperparameter that maximized the average AUC for the mortality prediction model. Then we retrained the model using the optimal hyperparameters on the training set and then tested and validated this model on the internal validation and external validation sets, respectively.

Class imbalance handling

A weighted version of each of the three above methods was used to handle imbalanced data. For example, if there were 90 positives and 10 negatives, then a weight of 10 over 90 was assigned to a positive sample and a weight of one was assigned to a negative sample.

Probability calibration

Isotonic regression was used to calibrate the probabilities outputted by the machine learning models23. The calibration model was fitted on the training samples only. Calibration plot was created to assess the agreement between predictions and observed outcomes in different percentiles of the predicted values, and the 45-degree reference line indicates a perfectly calibrated model. If the fitted curve is below the reference line, it indicates that the model overestimates the probability of the outcome. As a comparison, a fitted curve above the reference line reflects underestimation.

Model comparison

We tested the three machine learning methods (LASSO LR, elastic net LR, and XGBoost) independently to predict each outcome. Model performance was compared using the area under the receiver operatory characteristic curve (AUC) and 95% CI24,25. Top performing models for in-hospital mortality in the internal validation cohort were then carried forward to the external validation cohort. We also completed a pre-specified sub-group analysis of model performance in patients older than 50 years of age and in patients younger than 50 years of age. Two-sided p values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. All models were developed using R.

Ethics approval

The University of Washington Institutional Review Board approved this study.


Patient characteristics

A total of 1057 patients were included in the analysis, 712 from UW and 345 from Tongji Hospital. Baseline characteristics for patients in both cohorts who died vs survived are shown in Tables 1 and 2. In the UW cohorts, 10% of patients were treated with hydroxychloroquine, 24% with remdesivir and 4% with tocilizumab during hospitalization. In the UW cohorts, patients who died were older (median [IQR] age 66 [54–75] vs. 55 [41–66] years), more likely to be male (70% vs. 61%), had lower platelet count (median [IQR] 155 [114–234] vs. 200 [155–265]), and higher white blood cell counts (median [IQR] 9.85 [7.01–14.44] vs. 7.87 [5.64–11.37]. In the Tongji cohort there was a similar difference in baseline characteristics between patients who died and survived during hospitalization.

Table 1 Features in the UW dataset stratified by survivors and non-survivors.
Table 2 Features in the Tongji dataset stratified by survivors and non-survivors.

Machine learning model for in-hospital mortality

Among 712 patients in the UW dataset, 122 (17%) died. The mean length of hospital stay was 15.7 (standard deviation 21.5) days for all patients and 14.8 (standard deviation 13.7) days for those that died. Among 328 patients from the Tongji Hospital dataset, 159 (46%) died26. We applied three machine learning methods (LASSO LR, elastic net LR and XGBoost) to the training set and evaluated the model performance in the interval validation set. Elastic net LR model had the highest AUC in the internal validation set (0.72, 95% CI: 0.64 to 0.81) for in-hospital mortality. Next, we tested the elastic net LR model in the external validation cohort, and obtained an AUC of 0.85 (95% CI: 0.81 to 0.89) for in-hospital mortality (Fig. 1A and B and Table 3). To examine the effect of hyperparamater optimization on XGBoost algorithm, we trained both XGBoost with hyperparameter optimization and compared to our original XGBoost algorithm (fixed hyperparameters) for five times. The mean internal validation AUC by fixing hyperparameters and with hyperparameter optimization were 0.638 and 0.668, respectively, and the difference was not statistically significant, p = 0.08. We also compared the mean AUC in the external validation and there was no significant improvement (p = 0.80). Based on these results, we carried forward the elastic net LR model to predict in-hospital mortality (Table 4).

Figure 1
figure 1

Receiver operator characteristics curves for mortality prediction. (A) The c-statistic for in-hospital mortality using Elastic net LR model had an AUC of 0.72, 95% CI: 0.64 to 0.81 in the internal validation cohort. (B) In the external validation cohort the model had an AUC of 0.85 (95% CI: 0.8 to 0.89) for in-hospital mortality.

Table 3 Model performance in the training, internal and external validation sets for in-hospital mortality.
Table 4 Model performance in the training, internal and external validation sets for in-hospital mortality for patients over 50.

The top 3 variables in the in-hospital mortality prediction model included, age, minimum platelet count, and maximum white blood cell count (Fig. 2A). Partial dependence plots for the most important continuous variables in elastic net LR are shown in Fig. 3A. Older age was associated with a linear increase in mortality. In contrast, platelet count showed a relatively flat risk profile up to 500 × 109/L after which risk of death increased linearly with lower platelet counts. The predicted risk of in-hospital mortality compared with the observed risk was well calibrated in the test set (Fig. 4). In Table 5, we provide the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) across the three different cohorts for in-hospital mortality. We found that the model thresholds can be personalized to either maximize PPV or NPV. We found in the external validation cohort that the in-hospital mortality models had a maximum PPV and NPV of 0.84 or higher. Model coefficients are provided in Table S1 for future validation in diverse patient cohorts.

Figure 2
figure 2

Variable importance plots for mortality in all patients and in patients over 50 years of age. (A) Top predictor variables for mortality in all patients. Mean SHAP values are provided on the x-axis, which shows that age, minimum platelet count, maximum white blood cell count, minimum blood urea nitrogen, maximum serum sodium, minimum haematocrit, maximum hematocrit, minimum serum creatinine, sex and minimum glucose are the top-10 variables. (B) Top predictor variables for mortality in patients over 50 years of age. Mean SHAP values are provided on the x-axis for the mortality prediction model in patients over 50 years of age, which includes the five selected variables: maximum platelet count, minimum blood urea nitrogen, maximum hematocrit, minimum white blood cell count, and maximum glucose.

Figure 3
figure 3

Partial dependence plots for mortality prediction model illustrating the relationship between mortality and the six top predictor variables A. Risk of mortality increases with increasing age, platelets < 500 109/L, and increasing white blood cell count. Risk of mortality increases with increasing blood urea nitrogen with an inflection point at 50 mg/dL. The risk of mortality increases with decreasing haematocrit levels and increasing sodium levels. B. Risk of mortality increases with increasing age, platelets < 500 109/L, and increasing white blood cell count. Risk of mortality increases with increasing blood urea nitrogen until 75 mg/dL and then levels off. The risk of mortality increases with decreasing haematocrit levels.

Figure 4
figure 4

Calibration plots for prediction models. (A) 28-days mortality in the internal validation. (B) 28-days mortality in the external validation. (C) 28-day ICU transfer in the internal validation. (D) 28-day receipt of RRT in the internal validation. (E) 28-day shock in the internal validation.

Table 5 Negative and positive predictive values for the Elastic net LR model and outcome of in-hospital mortality.

To better understand the association between clinical features and in-hospital mortality, we concentrated on patients > 50 years of age and re-trained the models excluding age. Elastic net LR model had the highest AUC in the internal validation set (0.73, 95% CI: 0.61 to 0.84) for in-hospital mortality (Table 4). Next, we tested the elastic net LR model in the external validation cohort and obtained an AUC of 0.82 (95% CI:0.76,0.87) for in-hospital mortality (Figures S1A and S1B and Table 4). In Table 6, we provide the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) across the three different cohorts for in-hospital mortality in patients > 50 years of age. Partial dependence plots for the most important continuous variables in elastic net LR are shown in Fig. 3B. Platelet count, blood nitrogen urea, haematocrit and white blood cell count were the top 4 variables that predicted in-hospital mortality in the patients > 50 years of age (Fig. 2B).

Table 6 Negative and positive predictive values for the Elastic net LR model and outcome of in-hospital mortality for patients over 50.

Machine learning models for secondary outcomes

We next developed and cross-validated prediction models for ICU transfer, shock and receipt of RRT. For the outcome of ICU transfer, 419 patients from the UW dataset were included with 45 (11%) patients were transferred to the ICU within 28 days of admission. A total of 293 patients were excluded from this analysis who were transferred to the ICU within the first day of hospitalization. The mean length of time to be transferred to ICU was 7.6 (standard deviation 9.1) days. Lasso LR achieved the highest AUC (0.60, 95% CI: 0.52,0.68) for prediction of ICU transfer compared with the other two methods (elastic net LR, XGBoost) (Fig. 5A and Table 7). The two predictors that most strongly correlated with subsequent ICU transfer were age and minimum SpO2.

Figure 5
figure 5

Receiver operator characteristics curves for ICU transfer, shock, RRT. (A) Receiver operator characteristics for ICU transfer in the cross-validation cohort. (B) Receiver operator characteristics for shock in the cross-validation cohort. (C) Receiver operator characteristics for RRT in the cross-validation cohort.

Table 7 Model performance by tenfold cross validation for ICU transfer, shock, and RRT.

For the outcome of shock, 606 patients from the UW dataset were included and 67 (11%) patients developed shock within 28 days of admission. A total of 106 patients were excluded from this analysis who had shock within the first day of hospitalization. The mean length of time to develop shock was 7.0 +/− 6.5 days (mean +/− SD). Elastic net LR achieved the highest AUC of the three methods (0.76, 95% CI: 0.69 to 0.82) (Fig. 5B and Table 7). The three predictors that were most highly correlated with subsequent development of shock were ICU admission, minimum mean arterial blood pressure and minimum Glasgow coma scale score.

For the outcome of receipt of RRT, 671 patients from the UW dataset were included and 24 (2.6%) patients received RRT within 28 days of admission. A total of 41 patients were excluded from this analysis who received RRT within the first day of hospitalization. The mean length of time to receive RRT was 5.8 + /− 7.2 days (mean +/− SD). As shown in Fig. 5C and Table 7, Lasso LR achieved a slightly higher mean AUC compared with the other two methods (0.88, 95% CI: 0.79 to 0.98). The predictor that most strongly influenced need for RRT was minimum serum creatinine. Variable importance plots for all the secondary outcomes can be found in Fig. S2. Model calibration plots for each of the secondary outcomes are provided in Fig. 4. Coefficients for variables are provided in Tables S2S4.


In this derivation, internal validation and external validation study of adult hospitalized patients with COVID-19, we developed and validated an in-hospital mortality prediction tool using variables that are routinely collected within 24 h of hospital admission. We found the mortality prediction model had high accuracy to predict mortality with a 2-week lead-time. We also found that elastic net logistic regression had the highest prediction and best calibration of the machine learning models tested. In addition, we derived models for ICU transfer, shock and RRT. Our mortality prediction model provides a simple bedside tool and highlights clinical variables that can inform triage decisions in hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

The mortality prediction tool was derived using 20 variables and exported to an external dataset. The model had higher discrimination in the external dataset, demonstrating the generalizability of the model. Variables that informed model development included age, white blood count, and platelet count. These variables have been individually shown to be previously prognostic in COVID-19 hospitalization as well as in sepsis1,27,28. A machine learning study in Germany for mortality prediction in COVID-19, also found that age and markers of thrombotic activity were predictive of ICU survival29. An advantage of our model to other studies is that we included not only patients admitted to the ICU but all patients presenting to the hospital. This broad inclusion criteria improves generalizability of our findings. We found that elastic net regression was the most accurate algorithm for predicting in-hospital mortality in our datasets. The value of elastic net regression machine learning algorithms is that it is interpretable. We provide the variables and the coefficients for each model in the supplemental materials to ease future testing in diverse patient cohorts.

The present machine learning models show that a reliable prediction can be made for hospital mortality and organ failure in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. The AUC for our model had a performance in the external validation set comparable to or improved than alternative COVID-19 prediction models12,30,31,32. One benefit of our model is that it was developed and internally validated in a US population and externally validated in a population from China. This is in contrast to other prediction models developed in COVID-19 that are specific to patients admitted to one healthcare system or hospitalized in one country12,13,29,30,33,34. The ability to validate our model in a healthcare system outside the US shows the generalizability of the model and the reproducibility of our findings. Our findings also demonstrate the inherent similarities in the patient response to infection and the clinical variables that are associated with poor outcomes.

This study has several strengths, including a discovery and validation cohort. In addition, we developed models for not only mortality but also organ specific failure. Another strength is that the model predicted outcomes up to 2 weeks prior to the outcome occurring. This lead time is essential to help inform clinical care and provide a window when therapeutics can be tested to change eventual outcomes. Finally, all prediction models were developed using routinely collected data that is available in most electronic medical records. This allows the easy replication of our models to diverse patient cohorts. Since age is one of the strongest predictors of mortality in COVID-19, we specifically developed in-hospital mortality prediction models in the population of patients > 50 years of age. We found that clinical biomarkers, such as platelet count, blood urea nitrogen, white blood cell count and blood urea nitrogen, in combination continued to accurately predict in-hospital mortality.

There are also several limitations to this work. First, although developed and validated in an external dataset, it is possible that our findings may not generalize to other settings. For example, the validation set included patients enrolled early during the pandemic when certain immunomodulatory therapies (e.g., dexamethasone and tocilizumab) were not widely used. However, patients in the discovery set were enrolled during a broad timespan after clinical trials supported the use the corticosteroids in ICU patients with COVID-19. Second, we restricted to clinical and laboratory variables collected within 24 h of ICU admission. We restricted to these variables to develop prediction models that could be run on electronic health record data. Moreover, the variables used in the model are often not missing in the medical record and regularly collected. Third, secondary outcomes, such as ICU transfer, shock and need for RRT, were not available in the external validation set.


We developed prediction models with high discrimination for mortality, shock and RRT. The in-hospital mortality model performed well in the internal validation set and showed improved accuracy in the external validation set. Key variables that informed the in-hospital mortality prediction model included age, white blood cell count and platelet count. The mortality prediction model on average was able to identify future risk of mortality 2 weeks prior to the clinical outcome. All variables to develop the prediction models used clinical variables collected within the first day of hospital admission. These machine learning derived prediction models could be used to improve triage decisions, resource allocation, and support clinical trial enrichment in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.