To what extent T cell dysfunction in tumours resembles T cell exhaustion in chronic viral infections, and the mechanisms by which immune checkpoint blockade improves tumour immune surveillance even when T cells are dysfunctional, is poorly understood. In a study published in Nature Immunology, Miller, Sen et al. identify a subpopulation of dysfunctional or exhausted CD8+ tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) that are polyfunctional and respond to anti-programmed cell death 1 (PD1) therapy. In response to anti-PD1, this subpopulation gives rise to the majority of cytotoxic terminally exhausted TILs.

Credit: Lara Crow/Springer Nature Limited

The authors first compared exhausted CD8+ T cells from mice during chronic infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) with CD8+ T cells isolated from ovalbumin-expressing B16F10 (B16-OVA) mouse melanoma tumours by single-cell expression analysis. Among exhausted CD8+ T cells in LCMV infections, clusters of four subpopulations were found, all of which expressed a T cell exhaustion signature (including Pd1 and Tox). These subpopulations included stem-like or progenitor CD8+ T cells (referred to as progenitor exhausted CD8+ T cells or TPE cells from hereon) and terminally exhausted CD8+ T cells (TTE cells). When analysing TILs, signatures derived from LCMV TPE cells (expressing Tcf7 (which encodes transcription factor 7 (TCF7; also known as TCF1)) and the gene encoding DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID3) and TTE cells (expressing Tim3 (which encodes T cell membrane protein 3 (TIM3)) were significantly enriched. For isolation of live T cells and flow cytometry analyses, the authors used the cell surface marker SLAMF6 for TPE cells as it was highly co-expressed with TCF1 in this cell population but not in TTE cells. Gene expression profiles of the corresponding two subpopulations overlapped significantly between TILs and LCMV T cells. However, the two subpopulations were distinct in their transcriptional and phenotypical state and maintained by distinct epigenetic states: TPE cells and TTE cells were distinguishable based on their profiles of chromatin-accessible regions (ChARs), with 13,340 ChARs unique to TPE cells and 8,085 ChARs unique to TTE cells in both tumour and LCMV T cells. These ChARs were associated with genes regulating cytokine production, survival and memory in TPE cells, and cell division, apoptosis and cytotoxicity in TTE cells. The authors then turned their attention to TPE and TTE biology in tumour-bearing mice. In growing tumours, the abundance of TTE relative to TPE cells increased. While the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire was less diverse in TTE cells than in TPE cells, it overlapped by 50%. In addition, when SLAMF6+TIM3 TPE cells were transferred into tumour-bearing congenic mice carrying the differential Ptprca pan-leukocyte marker, SLAMF6+ as well as TIM3+ T cells were recovered 16 days later. TIM3+ T cells were more cytotoxic, meaning they produced more interferon-γ and granzyme B in vitro than SLAMF6+TIM3 TPE cells. This suggests that TPE cells differentiate into TTE cells in response to TCR stimulation. Indeed, when SLAMF6+TIM3 TPE cells were transferred into naive mice, in which no antigen would be present and no TCR stimulation occurred, only SLAMF6+TIM3 T cells could be recovered from the spleens 30–40 days later. Also, whereas transferred TPE cells persisted without antigen presence, TTE cells did not.

When naive mice were implanted with B16-OVA tumours 30–40 days after having received TPE cells, TPE cells trafficked into the tumour tissue and proliferated there, as indicated by the increased number of TPE cells recovered from tumour tissue compared with secondary lymphoid organs. Moreover, tumours in mice that received TPE cells as opposed to TTE cells grew slower — likely a sign of the improved ability of TPE cells to proliferate and survive and continuously replenish cytotoxic TTE cells. In response to anti-PD1 treatment in tumour-bearing congenically marked mice, transferred TPE cells expanded significantly, whereas TTE cells did not. TPE cells also converted into the terminally exhausted phenotype at a higher rate than in control tumours.

In patients with melanoma, CD8+ T cell populations expressing TCF1 and PD1, indicative of the TPE cell type, were present in almost all biopsy samples before immune checkpoint blockade therapy. Also, a higher ratio of TCF1+ cells among the total population of PD1+CD8+ T cells positively correlated with prolonged progression-free survival and overall survival on therapy.

In growing tumours, the abundance of TTE relative to TPE cells increased

T cell exhaustion and the heterogeneity of exhausted T cell populations in tumours are a mirror of the T cell exhaustion and heterogeneity appearing in chronic viral infections. These findings can translate into improved strategies for PD1 blockade, in which the expansion of TPE cells in patients can become a central aim in therapeutic strategies to improve outcomes.