Correction to: Cell Death & Differentiation

Following publication of this article, the authors noticed that there was an error in the legend for Fig. 3. The relevant and corrected section is provided below:

Fig. 3
figure 1


(D, G) Optn+/+ and Optn−/− bone-marrow-derived precursors were cultured under osteoclastogenic conditions, and autophagic activity (d) and noncanonical NF-κB signaling (g) was assessed by western blot on days 0–3 post RANKL treatment from the sample protein lysates. In d, cells were probed for OPTN, LC3, p62, ATG5, ATG7, and β-actin. In g, the western blots were reprobed for p100/p52 with the same OPTN and β-actin bands shown for reference. e, f Optn+/+ and Optn−/− bone-marrow-derived precursors were cultured with RANKL for 0–60 min or 0–3 days, to assess the activation of canonical NF-κB signaling by western blot. Cells were probed for OPTN (e, f), phos-p65 (e, f), Total p65 (f), Total IκB (e), and β-actin (e, f).

In addition, in the 100 μm TRAP panel of Fig. 2b, an adjacent serial histologic section from the same sample was inadvertently used during image compilation.  The correct image is provided below, the correct 100 μm TRAP image is from the same histologic section as that used for the 1 mm TRAP image.

Fig. 2
figure 2


The authors apologise for these errors.