In recent years, the use of clear plastic aligners has soared. As a result of wearing the aligners for up to 22 hours of the day, it's essential to clean them properly to maintain their look and preserve excellent oral health.

Dental Pod offers a precise and effortless solution - ultrasonic cleaning for all dental appliances.

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Zima Dental has engineered the Dental Pod to use 42,000 Hz high-frequency sound waves. The sound waves create a vibration producing millions of nano-scale bubbles; this action, called 'cavitation', occurs on average 4,000 times per second, eliminating harmful bacteria and plaque build-up, even in the smallest crevices, with no abrasion.

Ultrasound is a cleaning method used and trusted in dental practices for decades; Dental Pod allows users to utilise this technology from the comfort of their own home in just five minutes.

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