Justin Leigh illuminates the path toward mastering the dual challenges of staff recruitment and retention within the dental profession, delving into the transformative journey from team member to empowering leader.

Across the board, from the practice to the laboratory, dentistry in the UK is undergoing a significant transformation, shifting from traditional management practices to a more dynamic and people-centric approach to leadership. This change is crucial in addressing one of the sector's most pressing challenges - the recruitment and retention of skilled and empathetic personnel.

The importance of staff retention

Staff retention is a critical issue across the healthcare sector, with significant implications for patient care, operational efficiency, and financial stability. High turnover rates can lead to disruptions in patient care, loss of accumulated knowledge, and increased recruitment and training costs.

According to written evidence submitted by the British Dental Association (BDA) to a Parliamentary Committee in 2022, dental practices are facing significant obstacles in recruitment and retention, with nine out of ten NHS practices that attempted to hire a dentist encountering difficulties. Additionally, over eight in ten practices experienced challenges when trying to recruit a dental nurse.1

Furthermore, it's crucial to highlight that this issue extends beyond the NHS. Evidence suggests that private dental practices are facing increased challenges in recruiting dentists, more so than in the past.1 Adding to the picture, the Health Education England (HEE) report on ‘Advancing Dental Care' (2021) highlights the importance of innovative training and development opportunities in retaining dental professionals. It suggests that creating a supportive and developmental work environment is key to preventing professional stagnation and dissatisfaction, two common reasons for leaving the profession.2

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Embracing empowering leadership

It is clear that the transition towards empowering leadership in dental practices and laboratories is essential not just for operational efficiency but also for staff retention. Indeed, empowering leadership plays a crucial role in the dynamic landscape of dental practice by fostering environments that encourage autonomy, independence, and professional growth.

The College of Dentistry's recommendations for structuring modern careers in general dental practice align with the principles of empowering leadership, offering a blueprint for how these leadership strategies can be implemented effectively within the dental profession.

The outlined objectives interconnect with empowering leadership in the following ways:3

  • Acknowledging professional development: empowering leaders actively recognise and support the continuous learning and development of their team members, motivating their teams and fostering a culture of lifelong learning

  • Boosting job satisfaction and workforce retention: the emphasis on promoting job satisfaction and retention directly mirrors the efforts of empowering leaders to create fulfilling work environments that encourage team members to stay and grow within the practice or laboratory

  • Supporting NHS workforce development: empowering leaders focus on developing their team's capabilities to align with the objectives of complementing NHS workforce plans, ensuring a robust, skilled, and adaptable dental workforce

  • Engaging the team holistically: the principle of engaging the entire team rather than isolating individuals is at the heart of empowering leadership. By fostering a sense of unity and collective responsibility, leaders can harness the full potential of their teams, encouraging collaboration and shared success.

The role of effective coaching

Effective coaching is a cornerstone of empowering leadership. Coaching helps bridge the gap between individual capabilities and the organisation's goals, providing a clear path for professional development. In the context of dentistry, where the precision and skill are often paramount, coaching can significantly enhance motivation and job satisfaction, leading to better retention rates.

Furthermore, embracing a coaching culture encourages continuous learning and adaptation, traits that are increasingly important in the fast-evolving dental profession. By investing in the development of their staff, dental practice and laboratory owners can build a more resilient and adaptable workforce, ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Shaping the future

The future success of UK dentistry depends on its ability to adapt to the changing landscape of modern healthcare. Strategic leadership that embraces empowering leadership principles, effective coaching, and a commitment to professional development can transform the workplace. By creating an environment that values each team member's growth and contribution, dental practices and laboratories can not only retain their skilled workforce but also attract top talent.

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