Xerostom from Oraldent provides a natural yet highly effective solution. It has been proven to increase salivary flow by up to 200%,1 helping patients combat the damaging effects of dry mouth.

The product range includes various solutions designed to meet different patients' needs, including saliva stimulants, saliva substitutes and oral hygiene products in the form of mouth spray, pastilles, gel, toothpaste and mouthwash.

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Xerostom contains only natural ingredients, providing a vegan- and diabetes-friendly formula with no harmful chemicals. Free from acids, detergents, SLS, sugar and alcohol, its patented formula of olive oil, betaine and xylitol provides anti-inflammatory benefits. It also contains fluoride and calcium for remineralisation and caries protection and a selection of vitamins and minerals to promote tissue health and reduce sensitivity.

To increase salivary flow by up to 200% in patients with dry mouth while protecting their teeth from decay and erosion, discover Xerostom from Oraldent.

For more details, visit Oraldent.co.uk, call 01480 862080 or email .