Correction to: Translational Psychiatry published online 30 March 2021

The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes inserted by the journal after proofing. There was an error in the last column of Table 1. Table 1 reported the Greek letter beta instead of eta.

Table 1 ▓.

In addition, there were errors in the figure legends of figures 3 and 4. Figure 3 should read: Mean Nc features by group and stimulus. Mean amplitude (A) and peak latency (B) of the Nc by stimulus and ASD liability groups, averaged across the frontal regions. All error bars represent ±1 standard error. Figure 4 should read: Relationship between Nc features and later dimensional variation in social adaptive skills. Mean amplitude (A) and peak latency (B) difference between face with direct gaze and Noise at 8 months, on the x-axis. Translational Psychiatry apologizes for the errors. The original article has been corrected.