Correction to: Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, published online 02 March 2022

After online publication of the article1, the authors noticed the inadvertent mistakes occurred in Fig. 2g & Fig. 4a that needs to be corrected. The correct data are provided as follows. The key findings of the article are not affected by these corrections. The original article has been corrected.

Fig. 2
figure 2

g UMAP visualization plot of 59,558 spinal cord cells sequenced from all samples, color-coding defined 12 major cell types based on signature gene expression. The panels on the right show the proportion of each cell type at each time point before and post SCI

Fig. 4
figure 4

a UMAP visualization plot showing 5 astrocyte clusters (subtypes)

The authors mistakenly switched “4h” and “1d” UMAP plots. The correct version of Fig. 2g is shown above.

The authos mistakenly spelled “Leukocyte” as “Leukecyte”. The correct version of Fig. 4a is shown above.