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Should women have lower thresholds for hypertension diagnosis and treatment?

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Fig. 1: Perturbations of resistance arterioles from premenopausal normotensive and hypertensive women with uterine fibroids.


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Conceptualization, LMB, GvM; Methodology, LMB, GvM; Validation, LMB, GvM, IDP; Formal analysis LMB, GvM, IDP; Data curation, LMB, GvM; Writing, Original draft preparation LMB, IDP and GvM; Visualization, LMB, IDP; Review & Editing; LMB, GvM, IDP; Guarantor of the work, LMB.

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Correspondence to Lizzy M. Brewster.

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Brewster, L.M., Perrotta, I.D. & van Montfrans, G.A. Should women have lower thresholds for hypertension diagnosis and treatment?. J Hum Hypertens 37, 753–754 (2023).

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