
In the past 3 years, the genomic sequences of at least eight pathogens have been completed ( Although an entire field of functional genomics has developed around the use of these data for drug discovery, there has been much less discussion of their use in vaccine development. We believe that an approach based on DNA vaccine technology may have the flexibility to exploit the opportunities created by this explosion of information. Malaria vaccine development is an interesting model for this approach, both because of the pressing need for a malaria vaccine and because the complexity of the host–parasite interaction necessitates both an antibody and a cell-mediated immune response against many different stage-specific antigens.

At present, there is no algorithm that can be used to identify the targets of protective antibody or T-cell responses from genomic sequence data. For antibody responses, one approach has been to focus on predicted surface or secreted molecules that presumably are accessible to antibody. However, there has been no systematic, genome-wide validation of the accuracy of such predictions based solely on genomic sequence data. Reverse genetics approaches may help reduce the number of potential targets by identifying essential genes or virulence factors, but may be difficult to do in a high-throughput format. For T-cell responses, the subcellular location and function of the target protein is less important than the presence of appropriate MHC binding epitopes in the sequence.

The limitations of traditional vaccines in exploiting genomic information are well illustrated by malaria. Approximately 20 candidate vaccine antigens have been identified for Plasmodium falciparum, the causative pathogen of the fatal form of malaria. Of these, only two—the circumsporozoite protein and Spf66, a synthetic, multi-antigen peptide—have been subjected to substantial clinical testing1, even though some candidates, such as merozoite surface protein 1, were shown to protect monkeys almost 15 years ago2. If we have been unable to adequately assess these few proteins during the past 15 years, how can we even begin to consider assessment of the thousands of new proteins that will be discovered when the P. falciparum genome is fully sequenced and annotated? The current gene-by-gene or protein-by-protein approach cannot begin to address the question adequately. We believe that a systematic 'big science' approach, one comparable to the $28 million, integrated, multi-institutional effort that is now sequencing the P. falciparum genome3,4, will be required. With the recent publication of the sequence of P. falciparum chromosome 2 (ref. 5 and page 1360of this issue), the first of the 14 chromosomes of the malaria parasite to be sequenced, and the demonstration that a malaria DNA vaccine was well tolerated and immunogenic in human volunteers6, the time is ripe for DNA 'vaccinomics.'

Two different models of protective immunity in humans indicate that a malaria vaccine is feasible. Immunization with radiation-attenuated sporozoites leads to complete, sterile immunity mediated mostly by CD8+ T-cell responses specific for antigens expressed early in the liver stage of the life cycle7. This complete blockade of the parasite at the liver stage (the first stage in the parasite life cycle) prevents the development of blood-stage parasites and disease. A vaccine inducing this type of response may be ideal for non-immune travelers to areas where malaria is endemic. Lifelong exposure in areas of intense malaria transmission leads to partial clinical immunity that does not prevent infection but that does control the level of parasitemia and essentially prevents mortality8. This immunity is mostly mediated by antibody responses against blood-stage parasites. A vaccine that accelerated the development of this form of immunity in endemic areas might substantially reduce childhood malaria mortality, even if it did not completely prevent infection.

How could genomic information be exploited to develop a pre-erythrocytic stage vaccine based on the irradiated sporozoite model? After radiation-attenuated sporozoites invade hepatocytes, they develop only partially, never reaching the mature schizont stage at which many new proteins, including most of the putatively important erythrocytic-stage proteins, are expressed. We estimate that less than 20 percent of P. falciparum proteins are expressed by irradiated sporozoites within hepatocytes. We therefore propose identifying all parasite proteins expressed by liver-stage irradiated sporozoites. The pace of this approach will be limited by the rate at which assembled, edited genomic sequence data is being generated. The P. falciparum genome is being sequenced on a chromosome-by-chromosome basis. We intend to focus our initial efforts on the genes from the complete chromosome 2 sequence and from the chromosome 3 sequence, which is nearly complete—an estimated 450 genes in total.

One approach would be to attempt to identify all expressed genes from these chromosomes, using cDNA from hepatocytes infected with irradiated sporozoites. However, because in vitro infection of hepatocytes with P. falciparum sporozoites is extremely inefficient, obtaining adequate amounts of mRNA for screening using DNA chips or microarrays will be difficult or impossible. Study of transcripts from liver-stage parasites will therefore require an amplification-based approach. We are trying to develop this approach, but believe that, for reasons outlined below, it will prove more useful to screen directly for protein expression.

We propose to undertake PCR amplification of all open reading frames (ORFs) and cloning of the PCR products into DNA vaccine plasmids, thus creating a 'vaccinome' derived from the genome (see Fig.). We will then immunize groups of outbred mice with individual plasmids and screen the antisera against hepatocytes infected with radiation-attenuated P. falciparum sporozoites. Having identified the DNA sequences that induce antibodies against irradiated sporozoite proteins, one could use algorithms available now to predict which amino acid sequences degenerately bind to members of class I HLA superfamilies9. These peptides would then be synthesized and their binding to class I HLA proteins assessed. Those peptides that bound to three or more members of a superfamily would then be selected for development. A relatively small number of the peptides would be randomly selected for screening to determine if volunteers immunized with irradiated sporozoites had CD8+ T-cell responses against these epitopes, thereby validating the concept.

Our previous work with 17 such peptides from four pre-erythrocytic-stage genes has indicated a 100 percent validation rate10. Assuming a similar frequency of degenerate cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes in an estimated 80 genes (each about 2 kilobases) from chromosomes 2 and 3 expressed in the early liver stage, a mixture of 10 plasmids, each encoding 30 epitopes (8–10 residues long) would be required (see Fig.). Such a mixture of plasmids could be assessed directly for induction of protective immunity in humans. Alternatively, one could immunize volunteers with a mixture of all plasmids encoding proteins expressed in the early liver stage. These would both be considerable efforts, but we believe they are the most direct route for translating the genomic sequence data into development of a vaccine that induces CD8+ T-cell responses against the same antigens as the irradiated sporozoite vaccine.

A somewhat different approach will be needed to exploit genomic sequence information for development of an antibody-based erythrocytic stage vaccine. We will use the antisera generated by immunization with the ORFs to screen asexual erythrocytic stage P. falciparum preparations for surface and apical organelle expression, and secretion. Proteins found to be expressed in these antibody accessible locations could then be characterized in detail and those that appear appropriate could be developed as candidate vaccines. Alternatively, the DNA plasmids that induce such antibodies could be produced using Good Manufacturing Practice, and a mixture of all of them could be assessed for safety and immunogenicity in Phase I trials, and for protective efficacy in small field trials or experimental challenge studies in volunteers in areas where malaria is endemic. Because the goal of these studies is to prime the immune system (which will then be 'boosted' by subsequent natural infection), immunization would not need to induce extremely high levels of antibodies, and only studies in endemic areas would be useful in determining efficacy.

The approach we have outlined here differs considerably from our current DNA vaccine efforts, which are based on a gene-by- gene characterization process11, and from the expression library immunization (ELI) approach pioneered by Johnston and colleagues12 of cloning the entire genome into plasmids, assessing protective efficacy of large pools in mice, and then systematically identifying the protective genes through sibling selection. ELI is not appropriate for P. falciparum, both because the parasite does not infect mice and because the gene density in P. falciparum, based on the chromosome 2 sequence, is relatively low. An alternative approach, which we believe should be pursued, would be a 'targeted' ELI using ORFs from a rodent malaria species such as P. yoelii. The P. falciparum orthologues of protective P. yoelii genes could then be identified by sequence comparison.

We have used P. falciparum as a model to develop a systematic strategy for translating genomic sequence data into new vaccines. The steps are complementary to other approaches, including establishment of stage-specific expression of mRNA and attempts to predict subcellular localization from genomic sequence. However, our approach differs substantially in that we propose immediate construction of immunogens, use of antisera for establishing stage-specific protein expression and localization, and a rapid path toward clinical testing. In contrast to traditional vaccine development approaches, our strategy provides a means to rapidly use vast quantities of genomic sequence data for vaccine development regardless of the pathogen, and thus will greatly accelerate the screening of essential vaccines.

For P. falciparum, this approach would, at a minimum, provide data on the stage-specific expression and localization of most proteins in the genome and the association between mRNA and protein expression. Even more importantly, it will provide a systematic database against which the accuracy of current structure and localization predicting algorithms can be tested and refined. Finally, this approach will provide a repository of DNA vaccine plasmids encoding every protein in the genome that would be available to scientists throughout the world. Such data and reagents would be useful for drug and vaccine development, and for study of the parasite's biology.

Advances in microbial genomic sequencing and the publishing of 16 microbial genomes in the last 3 years have been made possible in part by incremental advances in sequencing technology, and bioinformatics. Nonetheless, for chromosome 2, painstaking preparation of DNA and sequencing libraries, tens of thousands of sequencing reactions, a year of assembly, closure, and annotation, and more than US$1.5 million were required to produce and validate the sequence of 3 percent of the P. falciparum genome. This same process is now being used for the rest of the P. falciparum genome, and for those of many other complex pathogens. Any approach to using these sequence data for vaccine development that does not envision the same degree of investment and effort would be shortsighted, inefficient, and potentially wasteful. In the case of malaria, which kills 3,000–10,000 children every day, it could be lethal.

Scheme for development of a malaria pre-erythrocytic vaccinome. DNA vaccine plasmids are constructed from each of the thousands of identified open reading frames in the genome and used to immunize groups of mice. Antisera from each immunized group is then used to identify the proteins expressed in irradiated sporozoite-infected hepatocytes. From the protein sequence of hundreds of expressed proteins, the full complement of degenerate HLA superfamily binding motifs are selected and validated experimentally. The DNA sequences of the selected T-cell epitopes are linked together on numerous plasmids. The result is the production of a vaccine comprised of tens to hundreds of DNA vaccine plasmids each containing dozens of individual T cell epitopes.