Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology (2007) 4: 266–276 [doi:10.1038/ncpgasthep0794]


In the May 2007 issue, in the Review by Hanje and Patel, there were errors in the second sentence of the section on 'Obstructive jaundice' on page 268. The correct sentence should read 'These risk factors include an initial hematocrit of less than 30%, a serum total bilirubin concentration above 11 mg/dl, the presence of malignancy, a serum creatinine concentration higher than 1.4 mg/dl, serum albumin concentration lower than 3.0 g/dl, age older than 65 years, aspartate aminotransferase concentration above 90 IU/l, and blood urea nitrogen concentration above 19 mg/dl.18–20'