The British Dental Association has questioned Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s priorities following the launch of his new ‘prevention focused’ vision for the NHS. The policy paper Prevention is better than cure was the precursor to a green paper due to be published this year.1

But the British Dental Association say that document makes one passing reference to improving oral health of children. BDA Chair Mick Armstrong says the vision does not touch on delivery of a prevention-focused NHS dental contract, which has been a Conservative Manifesto commitment since 2010.

‘The Health Secretary says he wants to champion prevention. Sadly he’s had more to say about broccoli than wholly preventable oral diseases that are costing our NHS millions. When tooth decay remains the number one reason for child hospital admissions, treating dentistry as an afterthought looks more than careless.’

‘England’s huge oral health inequalities are fuelled by poverty and the lack of a coherent strategy. The starting point for any solution won’t be ‘Big Data’ or Apps, it requires political will from Westminster and an end to year on year cuts.’