Mineralogy articles within Nature Geoscience


  • Letter |

    Magma transports metals to the Earth’s surface to form ore deposits, but only sulphide-undersaturated magmas were thought to be capable of generating large amounts of ore. Laboratory experiments indicate that large volumes of gold ore can also be generated by sulphide-saturated magma, if the redox conditions of the magma are suitable.

    • Roman E. Botcharnikov
    • , Robert L. Linnen
    •  & Jasper Berndt
  • News & Views |

    Direct evidence for the role of volatiles in magmatic ore formation has been elusive. Magma degassing at Merapi volcano in Indonesia is found to be directly linked to the selective leaching of metals from sulphide melts that ultimately form ore deposits.

    • Bruno Scaillet
  • Article |

    The metal content of ore deposits formed during subduction-zone volcanism was thought to be established when the ore fluid separates from the parent magma. Analyses of metal concentrations in erupted melts and the volcanic gases emitted after an eruption in Indonesia reveal that metals can be added to the ore fluid later, during mixing with separated melts.

    • Olivier Nadeau
    • , Anthony E. Williams-Jones
    •  & John Stix