Immunology articles within Nature Chemistry


  • Review Article |

    Viruses use the cellular machinery of their host organism to reproduce. This Review discusses how [FeS] cluster-containing proteins activate, support and modulate the innate immune response to restrict viral infections as well as highlighting how some of these proteins simultaneously support the replication of viruses.

    • Kourosh Honarmand Ebrahimi
    • , Simone Ciofi-Baffoni
    •  & Fraser A. Armstrong
  • Article |

    Pharmacophore-directed retrosynthesis targets a potential pharmacophore from early on in a natural product synthesis and incremental increases in the complexity of this minimal structure enable a SAR profile to develop over the course of the campaign. The method is applied to gracilin A, finding simplified derivatives displaying potent immunosuppressive effects or selective neuroprotective effects in cell-based assays.

    • Mikail E. Abbasov
    • , Rebeca Alvariño
    •  & Daniel Romo
  • Article |

    Adjuvants are used to increase the immune response to molecular vaccines. A minimal synthetic variant of the saponin natural product QS-21 has been developed as a potent, non-toxic adjuvant, enabling dissection of structural requirements in the triterpene domain and in vivo biodistribution studies to probe mechanisms of action.

    • Alberto Fernández-Tejada
    • , Eric K. Chea
    •  & David Y. Gin
  • Research Highlights |

    Replacing readily hydrolysable ester linkages with amides in a natural adjuvant has resulted in not only more stable, but significantly more active and less toxic analogues.

    • Georgia Tsoukala