Cerebrospinal fluid proteins articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Brain-iron elevation is implicated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but the impact of the metal on disease outcomes has not been analysed in a longitudinal study. Here, the authors examine the association between the levels of ferritin, an iron storage protein, in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of AD patients and show that CSF ferritin levels predict AD outcomes.

    • Scott Ayton
    • , Noel G. Faux
    •  & Ansgar J. Furst
  • Article |

    The spatial orientation of cell divisions is fundamental for tissue architecture and homeostasis but the extracellular cues regulating this process are largely unknown. Here, the authors show that Semaphorin3B released from the floor plate and the nascent choroid plexus controls progenitor division orientation in the developing mouse spinal cord.

    • Elise Arbeille
    • , Florie Reynaud
    •  & Valérie Castellani