Cell growth articles within Nature Methods


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    CEPT, a small-molecule cocktail, improves the viability of human pluripotent stem cells, protects cells during culture and cryopreservation, and promotes in vitro differentiation and organoid formation.

    • Rajarshi Pal
  • Article |

    Acoustic scattering in a suspended microchannel resonator can be used to measure mechanical properties of single cells in a noninvasive manner. The approach is applied to follow stiffness changes of individual cells throughout the cell cycle.

    • Joon Ho Kang
    • , Teemu P. Miettinen
    •  & Scott R. Manalis
  • Article |

    Negative feedback and incoherent feed-forward loops are the only circuit motifs that can adapt in response to stimuli. Rahi et al. describe signatures that allow discriminating between these two motifs and demonstrate the approach in yeast cell cycle timing and C. elegans olfaction.

    • Sahand Jamal Rahi
    • , Johannes Larsch
    •  & Frederick R Cross
  • Research Highlights |

    Two groups demonstrate the use of the CRISPR-Cas9 system for genetic screens in human cells.

    • Natalie de Souza
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    Silicon-based microscales allow real-time measurements of the growth rate of single cells and open up interesting perspectives for the study of mass biogenesis at the cellular level.

    • Gilles Charvin
  • Brief Communication |

    A microfluidic device containing a suspended microchannel resonator capable of measuring the mass of microscopic objects with femtogram resolution allows determination of bacteria, yeast and mammalian cell growth rates in less than one cell cycle by repeated measurement of the buoyant mass of single growing cells.

    • Michel Godin
    • , Francisco Feijó Delgado
    •  & Scott R Manalis