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  • The time has come to reassess the benefits of the present practice of patenting human genetic material.

  • Will the ongoing financial crisis prevent Barack Obama from increasing funding for the biomedical sciences?

  • Turmoil in the world financial markets has forced big government spending to relieve the crisis—but at what cost?

  • The Large Hadron Collider exemplifies big, bold science that can bring great breakthroughs and, perhaps equally importantly, inspire the public's sense of purpose and possibility.

  • The sometimes arduous effort that went toward securing and distributing state government funds for broader stem cell work should be lauded, not lamented.

  • Leukocytes express an array of chemoattractant and adhesion receptors that govern their migration, behavior and survival.

  • Despite pessimism in the media surrounding the recent failure of the Merck HIV vaccine, researchers should applaud their achievements and step up to the challenges ahead.

  • A vibrant and eclectic international immunology meeting recently took place in the Arabian Desert of the United Arab Emirates, in the heart of the Islamic world.

  • This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine awarded jointly to Paul Ehrlich and Ilya Metchnikov.

  • This Focus on natural killer cells aims to highlight what is currently known and what remains to be understood about these important innate immune cells.

  • Responding to escalating violence by extremist animal-rights groups, academics are working proactively to prevent the harassment and harm of scientists.

  • Hearing about past and present issues in the world community of immunology can enrich all of us.

  • New accession codes and links pack even more information into Nature Immunology research articles

  • The United States has suffered years of anti-science policy under the Bush regime. In this year of US presidential elections, scientists have an even greater obligation to make science policy part of the election campaign.

  • Authors should provide a cover letter that explains 'in their words' why the new work should be published in a top-tier journal.

  • Picking up where pharmaceutical companies have left off, new academic science coalitions are using innovative techniques to hunt for new antibiotics.

  • Diverse measures are needed to combat the detrimental effects of poverty on children in developing and developed nations.
