Informal chemistry review articles are a great way to spread the passion you have for your research.

Hours and hours spent in the lab with no results. Finally there's a spike in the spectrum, a precipitate forms, or a colour changes; you've got a result to be proud of, and all of that hard work pays off when you share what you've found with your peers. Whether at a conference, in a peer-reviewed journal, or at a seminar, it's important to communicate the science you're passionate about.

These formal settings are usually what come to mind for sharing your research, but a new blog initiative by Andrew Bissette may also be worth your time. Bissette, who hosts #chemclub on Twitter and posts round-ups on his blog (, has begun posting an informal review article each month. The first two posts were his own, on protcells ( and the Pummerer reaction (, but since then he has invited others to fill the space with subjects they're familiar with. JesstheChemist, who blogs at The Organic Solution ( wrote a great review about fluorinated drugs (

#Chemclub Reviews is a new project, but it's a good idea and it will be interesting to watch it develop. Informal short reviews like these are a great way of telling the online chemistry community about the area you work in — a community that is very willing to listen and give relevant input. Reading the reviews is a quick way to learn more about a field that you might not be so familiar with and offers a complementary option to traditional journal review articles. If you would like to contribute an informal review, contact Bissette by e-mail ( or on Twitter (