Research Briefing in 2024

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  • Using task-based functional MRI, we examined inpatients with heroin use disorder. We found that 15 weeks of medication-assisted treatment (including supplemental group therapy) improved impaired anterior and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex function during an inhibitory control task. Inhibitory control, a core deficit in drug addiction, may be amenable to targeted prefrontal cortex interventions.

    Research Briefing
  • Combining accelerometry, electronic diaries and neuroimaging, we found that physical activity is reproducibly linked to better wellbeing in people lacking social contact in everyday life, especially in people at neural and psychological risk of affective disorders.

    Research Briefing
  • Inconsistent results have been obtained regarding the role of obesity and its related metabolic syndrome in neurological and psychiatric diseases. This systematic research using the UK Biobank demonstrates effects of body weight on the risk of several neurological and psychiatric disorders, and suggests that the higher risks may be partially explained by brain structure, food intake and inflammation.

    Research Briefing