Neutrophils play key roles in the host defense network against pathogens by virtue of their abilities to phagocytose microorganisms and to produce oxygen free radicals and proteolytic enzymes. Extravasation of neutrophils from the blood stream proceeds through three coordinated steps: rolling and tethering, firm adhesion, and transmigration1. The first step depends on the selectin molecules expressed on both neutrophils and endothelial cells (EC)2,3. The second step is mediated through interactions of the β2 integrins4,αLβ2 and αMβ2 , present on the neutrophils and their counter receptors, ICAM-1 and ICAM-2, on the EC. Neutrophil-EC interaction can also be mediated by fibrinogen (Fg)5. ICAMs bind directly to αLβ26and aMb27, whereas Fg bridges neutrophils and EC by binding to αMβ2 and ICAM-15. Neutrophils from patients with Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (LAD) fail to adhere and transmigrate through EC, resulting in life-threatening bacterial and fungal infections8. The role of αMβ2 in neutrophil adhesion and transmigration has been well demonstrated in animal models using function blocking mAbs9, 10, 11, αMβ2 inhibitors12, and αMβ2-deficient mice13,14.

Neutrophils and their associated diseases

Despite the essential role of neutrophils in host defense, inappropriate neutrophil activation has detrimental consequences15. The superoxide radicals and proteolytic enzymes produced by activated neutrophils cause ischemia/reperfusion injury and tissue damage16,17. In addition, activated neutrophils produce a multitude of cytokines18,19 which initiate and sustain the chronic inflammatory process, leading to the development of various autoimmune diseases16,20. Consistent with these deleterious effects, blockade of αMβ2 -mediated ligand recognition by neutrophils using mAbs or inhibitors decreases ischemia/reperfusion injury21,22, reduces myocardial infarction size, myocardial necrosis23, and liver cell injuries24, and diminishes neointimal thickening and restenosis after angioplasty25. The αMβ2 blocking mAbs are also effective in the treatment of gram-negative sepsis and hemorrhagic shock26. Although therapies using these function-blocking antibodies are very promising, non-selective blockade of all leukocyte functions, such as neutrophil activation, transmigration, and phagocytosis, also leads to severe complications, such as bacteriall and fungal infections27.

The αMβ2 integrin recognizes multiple ligands

αMβ2, a heterodimeric surface receptor, belongs to the β2 integrin subfamily. These “leukocyte” integrins are composed of a common β2 subunit noncovalently linked to one of four distinct yet highly homologous a subunits, αL, αM,αX, and αD28,29. αMβ2 is expressed by neutrophils, monocytes and NK cells, and recognizes a multitude of very different protein and nonprotein ligands. These multiple interactions provide a molecular basis for the versatile roles of neutrophils and monocytes in host defense. Protein ligands for αMβ2 include extracellular matrix proteins such as fibronectin, laminin, collagen and vitronectin30; counter-receptors of the immunoglobulin superfamily such as ICAM-131 and ICAM-232; blood coagulation proteins such as fibrinogen33, factor X34, and kininogen35; and the complement pathway product, C3bi36; as well as haptoglobin37,denatured albumin38, KLH39, myoloperoxidase40 and elastase41; non-protein ligands for αMβ2 include LPS42, zymosan, β-glycans43, heparin44,45 and oligodeoxynucleotide46. In addition, a variety of microorganisms produce αMβ2 ligands (e.g. NIF47, WI-148 and gp6349) as a means of subverting or bypassing host defense mechanisms50. Unlike certain integrins in the β1and 3 sub-families, where a single receptor interacts with many different proteins through the common RGD sequence51, the αMβ2 ligands share few, if any, similarities or conserved sequences. The molecular structure of the αMβ2 receptor that enables it to interact with many unrelated ligands is not yet clear, nor are the physiological functions of these interactions.

Structural basis of αMβ2-ligand interactions

At least five structural domains exist in αMβ2: the I-domain, the cation-binding repeats, and the lectin binding domain in the a subunit, and the putative I-domain and the protease resistant cysteine-rich region in the b subunit. The I-domain is a region of 200 amino acids and is found only in certain integrin a subunits. The crystal structure of the αMI-domain was solved52 and was shown to contain seven helices and six b sheets connected by short surface loops. Five residues located within several of these loops form a novel cation binding site, termed the MIDAS motif52. Recently, structures of other I-domains were determined. a-helices/b-sheets folds similar to those of the αMI-domain have been observed53, 54, 55. The role of the I-domains in the ligand binding has been well established. Diamond, et al56, find that binding of C3bi and ICAM-1 to αMβ2 is blocked by mAbs to the aMI-domain, suggesting a spatial proximity between these ligand-binding sites. We57 and others58, 59 showed that the recombinant aMI-domain interacts with NIF, ICAM-1, C3bi, and Fg. The importance of the I-domain in ligand binding has also been demonstrated in other integrins (αLβ2 ,αXβ2 , α2β1and α1β1)60, 61, 62, 63. Given the similarity of the I-domain structures, it is not well understood how I-domains can recognize a multitude of very different proteins. Previous studies have shown that five amino acids (Asp140 , Ser142 , Ser144 , Asp242 , and Thr209 ), conserved within essentially all I-domains, are critical to ligand-binding activity of all I-domain-containing integrins52,64, 65, 66, 67, 68, regardless of the nature of their ligands. Thus, the specificity of each integrin, which is vital to its individual in vivo roles, can not be derived from these conserved residues. To determine the molecular basis for integrin αMβ2 to interact with multiple ligands, we have used the Homologue- Scanning Mutagenesis approach69 and systematically probed the entire outer hydrated surface of the I-domain of aM. We found that overlapping but non-identical regions within the I-domain are involved in recognition of different ligands by the αMβ2 receptor70. We have further mapped the ligand binding pocket for NIF to a narrow region composed of Pro147 -Arg152 , Pro201 -Lys217 , and Asp248 - Arg261 of αM71.

In addition to the I-domain, the cation binding repeats in integrin a subunits also have been implicated in ligand binding. D'Souza, et al, first implicated the second cation-binding repeat of aIIb in αIIb β3 binding of the Fg- γ chain72. The cation-binding repeats of αMβ2 are also important in ligand binding. Altieri, et al, showed that a mAb (OKM1) recognizing an epitope in the cation-binding repeat56, completely blocked Fg binding to αMβ273. Other antibodies mapped to the cation-binding repeats have potent inhibitory effects on ICAM-1 binding to αMβ256. In contrast, antibodies recognizing the region between the cation-binding repeats and the transmembrane region are poor inhibitors of αMβ2 functions, and are presumed not to be directly involved in ligand interaction56. The involvement of the cation-binding repeats in ligand recognition was also illustrated in αLβ2 and α2β1using recombinnt fragments61,74. Springer has recently proposed, based on computational analysis, that the region surrounding the cation-binding repeats folds into a β-propeller-like structure75. Though very appealing, this model is yet to be confirmed directly with experimental data. To this end, several recent studies have provided encouraging data consistent with this model76,77. The ultimate test of this model will rely on structural studies using either X-ray crystallography or two-dimensional NMR.

In addition to the a subunit, binding of some ligands requires cooperation from the bsubunit as well. Similar to aIIb β3, the homologous D134 XSXS sequence within β2 is also important for αMβ2 binding to C3bi, Fg, and ICAM-1. Mutations of these oxygenated residues into Ala abolished αMβ2 binding to these three ligands70,78,79. Thus, αMβ2-ligand interaction involves discrete regions within the I-domain and the β-propeller of the a subunit, as well as the β2 subunit. Further studies are required to ascertain the exact roles of these different regions of αMβ2 in ligand binding.


αMβ2 is involved intimately in every aspects of neutrophil functions, by virtue of its ability to recognize multiple different protein and non-protein ligands. The molecular basis that confers αMβ2 with such extraordinary capability is, in part, an overlapping but non-identical ligand binding pocket, and involves the cooperation between the I-domain and the β-propeller region, as well as the β-subunit. Understanding of the molecular basis of αMβ2-ligand interactions will enable us to precisely control neutrophil functions, that is, to avoid the deleterious effects of neutrophil activation while keeping intact its host defense function.