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    Covering the latest in basic molecular and cell biology research, Cell Research is proud to present some of the top articles from 2007 and 2008. Spanning the journal's scope, these articles highlight the latest within cell growth and differentiation, signal transduction, apoptosis, stem cells, development, immunology, neurosciences, plant cell biology, chromatin modulation, epigenetics and transcription.

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    This focus presents a collection of review and research articles that outline our current understanding of the genome maintenance systems involved in DNA damage detection, signaling, response and repair.

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    Cancer biology and cell signaling have been traditionally strong areas for Cell Research. This focus presents a collection of selected articles from various issues, and includes some of the most recent exciting discoveries published in the journal

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    A collection of commentary articles that highlight the very best of recent cancer research in China

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    Selected review and original articles on RNA interference (RNAi), micro-RNAs, and other topics in the fast growing field of RNA biology

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    Stem cells possess the remarkable ability to self-renew and to differentiate into numerous specific cell lineages. Due to their critical importance in normal physiology and their potential to be used to develop regenerative therapies for a wide variety of diseases, stem cells have attracted extensive research interest in recent years. This focus features premium articles on stem cells recently published in Cell Research, a new and evolving strength of the journal, and it is a must-read for anyone with an interest in this exciting field