
Robotics for autonomous inspection and maintenance systems

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Inspection and maintenance tasks currently rely heavily on human involvement due to them requiring careful scrutiny and intricate maneuvers. The emergence of autonomous robots has opened the door for more efficient and effective execution of these tasks. Ideally, autonomous robots should possess the ability to adapt to their surroundings, detect defects, and plan and implement a set of actions to fix the issues. While current robotic autonomy is still in its early stages, pioneering research on the use of autonomous and semi-autonomous robots in inspection and maintenance has uncovered numerous unexplored avenues. For example, investigating robotic mapping for maintenance purposes could shift the focus to the local accuracy of a known environment, rather than the global accuracy sought in mainstream research for robot navigation purposes. This themed Collection will focus on original research contributions aimed at advancing the technology readiness of robotic autonomy in inspection and maintenance. Specifically, we welcome submissions that explore topics such as high-precision robotic mapping, defect detection and classification, complex task planning, efficient human-robot collaboration and complex decision making.

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Engineer checking robotics automatic arms


  • Jörn Mehnen

    Department of Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management (DMEM), The University of Strathclyde, Scotland

  • Mien Van

    School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen’s University Belfast, Republic of Ireland

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