
Child and Adolescent Health

The global burden of child and youth deaths remains high, despite dramatic reductions in under-5s deaths, and there are stark inequalities across the globe in the availability of health services to children. To address this issue, a shift in societal attitudes, funding priorities, legal and regulatory frameworks, as well as technological advances, are required to support researchers. The editors at Nature Communications and Communications Medicine invite submissions of primary research papers that focus on physical and neuronal development as well as cancer and infectious diseases in childhood and adolescence. As explained in our editorial, we particularly want to encourage submissions in the areas of public health as well as studies aimed at driving equity in childhood and adolescence wellbeing and education. We will highlight relevant papers in this collection, together with other article types, such as Reviews, Perspectives, and Comments that add significant insight into the challenge of improving child and adolescent health and well-being.

Silhouette of teenagers and a younger child raising their arms in front of an orange setting sun